Duel of the Magi - MY Deckbuilding/Dueling Kickstater Project

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
RISE FROM THE GRAVE!We have relaunched at a more friendly price point.Let me know if you have any questions! The pictures are no longer accurate so please see the project page for the corrections.

Original post:

A good friend of mine and I developed a hybrid deck building game with TCG dueling elementsthat we are trying to fund via Kickstarter. The project went live this morning and I thought it would be good to see what RR thought of it.

We have play tested it for a combined 500+ hours and the testers have compared the drafting to Seasons/MtG, the deck building to Dominion, and the dueling to almost any TCG they have played. They combine for a very unique experience and give the game a ton of replayability.


Looks like a decent game. The price is a bit of a shocker. 50 bucks for a 55 dollar game means there is very little value for backing an unknown publisher. I slapped it on my watch list and I hope you guys do well.

If you haven't yet, submit a link to Table Top Gaming News. They publish pretty much every link submitted.

One thing Myth did was run a contest that if you thumb a picture on BGG they enter your name in for a drawing. This gets you on the hot list pretty fast. Myth is a shitty ass game and it hasn't left the hotlist since.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Looks like a decent game. The price is a bit of a shocker. 50 bucks for a 55 dollar game means there is very little value for backing an unknown publisher. I slapped it on my watch list and I hope you guys do well.

If you haven't yet, submit a link to Table Top Gaming News. They publish pretty much every link submitted.

One thing Myth did was run a contest that if you thumb a picture on BGG they enter your name in for a drawing. This gets you on the hot list pretty fast. Myth is a shitty ass game and it hasn't left the hotlist since.
Thanks for the comments! We knew that the price was going to be a sort of sticking point; as the MSRP was initially set at $70 which would have been a better discount. However, after talking with a few larger distributors the consensus was that if they put it on the shelf next to $50 Dominion at $70 then they just wouldn't be able to sell it. The only other option was to scale back on either the graphic design or the artwork and we decided that if we were going to succeed then we would rather do it with a high quality game than one with a lower price point. It might push people away; however, we think that the quality of the game plus the free/reduced shipping will make up for that.

Your idea about the hotlist pic was amazing. I'm going to get that started right now. Thank you again!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Let me know if you work on a Co-op variant - wife and I almost only get heavy use out of Co-Op.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Let me know if you work on a Co-op variant - wife and I almost only get heavy use out of Co-Op.
When we fund the very first thing that we will do after shipping is to start refining the cards for the Co-Op expansion. It pits players up against a raid deck with a Dragon boss. We are going to try and keep every expansion to 60-100 new cards and around $15 bucks. We already have ideas for more Co-Op expansions that really test how you build your decks.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Bumping because I am part of this project as well.

Vaclav, if you read the description of the expansion ideas I think you'll like them. Most of the exciting expansion ideas are based on co-op play.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Update: Half funded at just over 2 days in!

Let me know if this is an unacceptable bump.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Yea, you select cards for each game much like Dominion; but with the added twist of being able to use your selection to exclude a card from being chosen.