Dungeon of the Endless (FTL/TowerDefense/SquadRPG)


Trakanon Raider
So I searched for this and didn't find it. Its on steam for 12 bucks.

My description of the game will not really explain it well - If you enjoyed FTL you should at least pursue looking into this. I haven't played it a ton (4 hours) but at least for a while I see myself sinking some time into this.

This is probably the best explanation in a minute and a half.



Lord Nagafen Raider
Sure ok. The video and description didn't really do it for me but I found someone streaming it on twitch and I can see some potential here. I'll give it a go for $20 bucks. Also what does "rogue-like" mean?


A term coined from the game Rogue back in the day describing a games reliance on randomization to provide unique content. For instance: You load a randomized level map in diablo with random loot and random monsters. That's considered a roguelike mechanic.

The term applies to FTL because encounters and shops and loot are mostly randomized.


Trakanon Raider
A term coined from the game Rogue back in the day describing a games reliance on randomization to provide unique content. For instance: You load a randomized level map in diablo with random loot and random monsters. That's considered a roguelike mechanic.

The term applies to FTL because encounters and shops and loot are mostly randomized.
The other major factor than randomization for a roguelike is perma-death as a gameplay mechanic.

This game is kinda fun, and while I don't like to think of myself as picky about graphics ( I have played a loooot of games with bottom of the barrel graphics like ToME ), the graphics for this game are just mind blowingly awful. It probably looks good at 320x200 but they just expand it with no care whatsoever for scaling, so on a 30" monitor the pixels are practically the size of quarters.


Trakanon Raider
The other major factor than randomization for a roguelike is perma-death as a gameplay mechanic.

This game is kinda fun, and while I don't like to think of myself as picky about graphics ( I have played a loooot of games with bottom of the barrel graphics like ToME ), the graphics for this game are just mind blowingly awful. It probably looks good at 320x200 but they just expand it with no care whatsoever for scaling, so on a 30" monitor the pixels are practically the size of quarters.
Why not play it in a windowed resolution - not many people are gaming on 30 inch monitors I don't think.


Trakanon Raider
Why not play it in a windowed resolution - not many people are gaming on 30 inch monitors I don't think.
As far as I can tell, there's no option to do so - graphics settings only has 3 fullscreen resolutions - if you use alt-enter you get a full screen size window that's not resizable.


Trakanon Raider
Cleared the "very easy" mode for the first time. By unlocking the other escape pods there are a few more takes on game modes that look pretty good. I still have I think 6 characters to


Only run into one semi common bug - where vendors would not buy or sell to me correctly. Save+Quit and continuing would fix it every time. Definitely going to crank up the difficulty and try out the other modes. The UI is awesome - game was definitely designed for PC controls. You can basically play the game without ever pausing the ui is so good.

After 25 hours total played, I still recommend this highly if you like FTL with a little more RPG/Tower Defense thrown in. I had a few floor 10+ catastrophes.


My brother and I picked this one up last night looking for a co-op and it got fun after a while. I say after a bit because we went straight into multi-player and with no tutorial, the controls are wonky as well. I swear we spent a good minute or two trying to figure out how to move our toons. Right clicking the next area to auto run there and you don't get to choose where they go is goofy at first, but then you get used to it.

The one thing that really tweaks my brother and I is there is no "true" full-screen mode because while you are in their version of full screen, you can still click outside of the box if you are on multiple monitors thus causing the game to minimize and switching you over to whatever. At least once, and close to 5 times, it caused me a death due to whatever was going on.

Long story short, fun co-op game but takes a little bit of getting used to. Feel free to add myself and my brother via skype to group up as from what I have seen so far of the other player base, they fuck it up more then they help.

Me: <( Vegas Whore )>
Bro: <( Tr3d )>


Bought this for a buddy and myself to get some co-op action in. I like it on the whole. They've got some multiplayer kinks to work out though. (Random desync kicks people from the game/Loading screen bug)


Ya that happened more then not yesterday and the day before but from what I could tell, all of Steam was crashing for a while there last night. Da fuq is going on?

? ?_? ?? Give Connection? ? ?_? ??


Trakanon Raider
You should attempt to get a win or two just in single player on too easy to both unlock more npcs and the additional escape pods have some good modes for multiplayer. There is the Armory Pod, you select all 4 NPCs you use, they spawn with weaponry but there are no replacement party members possible for example. This link deserves a quick skim just to see the different starting conditions.

Spaceships - Dungeon of the Endless Wiki


Yeah I gotta play SP til I unlock the infinite dungeon for mp to see how far we can get.


Unlocked the Chef the Demon bitch and the Midget Swordsman last night - SUPER FUCKIN OP