EQ Never


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Merlin is being retarded again.

As far as calling it Eq, what's the big deal. It's only the Lore that's carrying over. Can you only call a game Eq if it's a neckbeard paradise?
While I agree with you about this being EQ. Pulling out the neckbeard term all the time makes me laugh, most of the people on this board, including you, are neckbeards when judged by the public at large.


2 Minutes Hate
While I agree with you about this being EQ. Pulling out the neckbeard term all the time makes me laugh, most of the people on this board, including you, are neckbeards when judged by the public at large.
There's a big difference between neckbeard and being a geek or nerd. Everyone here is in the latter, there is a small group of the former.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Don't kid yourself. You're a neckbeard and the fact that you try to distinguish between nerd and neckbeard makes you even a bigger... Neckbeard!


Trump's Staff
Almost no chance EQN succeeds. Instead of paving its own unique path, Sony has doubled down on being everything to everyone. No levels, no limits, no defined classes, no restrictions, any class can be any other class....it will have a wildly successful start, then bomb hard when everyone is bored to tears after 6 months.

Sony is designing a game where everyone is a winner, and life just isn't like that. There are winners, and there are losers. The winners play because they strive to be the best, and they will work hard to make sure that happens. The losers play because they want to be winners. The very premise of the game is total fail. I wish it wasn't because its the only game in town now to look forward to, so I pray I'm wrong.
Your opinion of EQN is due to your lack of imagination and misunderstanding of the mechanics they have presented thus far. Your assessment of both the game itself, and greater player desires, are categorically incorrect.

There are definitely some criticisms to be made, but the ones you present here are nonsensical.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm looking forward to EQN and I would say the reception has been mostly positive except for a vocal minority that thought SOE was going to waste an IP making a niche game for people wanting the same game they played 15 years ago. That's what this really comes down to. All the complaints about endless WoW clones and not progressing the genre were all bullshit. What they really wanted was an EQ clone from the start and don't care about trying anything new.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd take a true EQ clone/sequel but I'm very interested in what EQN will have to offer. I like the idea of finding rare classes/weapons/abilities. Assuming that's how it's implemented. I'm curious to see how they handle quality of life features.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Im hoping they go all out with the crafting and non-combat activities.
If they fuck crafting up they deserve to tank. I'm not a huge crafter or anything but the harvesting system with voxel tech just screams make a good crafting system. Really, this game could deliver in a lot of areas based on what they are doing with voxel and EQL.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'd take a true EQ clone/sequel but I'm very interested in what EQN will have to offer. I like the idea of finding rare classes/weapons/abilities. Assuming that's how it's implemented. I'm curious to see how they handle quality of life features.
I honestly think there is a market and profit to be made by making that game. I'm a huge fan of having choices of different games to play. The problem is the person who tried to make it was a dipshit and might end up tainting that niche for future people thinking it failed because there wasn't enough interest.
I have no proof nor do I remember where I heard it but I swore I remember Ponytail or one of them mentioning crafting was going to be pretty big and gear was going to be upgradable. Hopefully someone here remembers the interview I heard that in.


If they fuck crafting up they deserve to tank. I'm not a huge crafter or anything but the harvesting system with voxel tech just screams make a good crafting system. Really, this game could deliver in a lot of areas based on what they are doing with voxel and EQL.
If you want to see how harvesting and crafting will be handled, go play Landmark. I can't give my opinion,yet, but I'm going to jump in next week, and see what's what. I'm kind of a harvesting and crafting junkie, so we'll see. From the outside looking in, reading Landmark forums, the crafting looks pretty cool, but...


The lore is not carrying over, only some names are re-used to trigger nostalgia. The actual events and history (i.e. everything that makes up the lore) are rewritten. That pet peeve of mine aside this is the most promising game on the horizon. I share one concern with Merlin though, if they make it too easy and fast to get everything people will have finished their character and their alt within 2 months. Similar to GW2 and how Anet was incredibly naive about how fast people would get full exotics or even legendaries and "be done".
Sorry about dbl post, I missed this one.

The Lore reboot is a bit annoying, but the EQ lore was something like 75% fan written, and totally disjointed. If they can create a new complex lore, that meshes well all around, I can happily deal with Maj'Dul now being an undead thing, and Lanys T'vil being a normal Dark Elf.

I don't think we'll see anyone finishing up their character and alt in 2 months, unless they simply choose to focus on a single class path. It was ponytail that mentioned some classes will take months to even find, and some players will never find or unlock them; it's all about the "life of consequence", and the sum of your actions. Hell most people probably won't even have alts, unless it's for the extra bank space.


Half of Landmark is crafting and they have a very detailed and imo fun approach to crafting. If they are smart and tie crafting in to player housing it would give players a reason to actually HAVE player housing other than showing off.

Ie. Basic forges and materials are available in town but in order to make the better forge you need to place it in your home.

Archdruid Archeron

the Site Surgeon
<Granularity Engineer>
If you want to see how harvesting and crafting will be handled, go play Landmark. I can't give my opinion,yet, but I'm going to jump in next week, and see what's what. I'm kind of a harvesting and crafting junkie, so we'll see. From the outside looking in, reading Landmark forums, the crafting looks pretty cool, but...
The final crafting system is not yet built into Landmark. It is on the roadmap to be revisited and extended post-SOE Live (source)


Preface: I'm a nostalgic, EQ1 dreamer who once had hope for Pantheon.

Anyone outraged by the EQ name being lumped with this game is way too emotionally invested in what you think an EQ should be. It's a high fantasy MMO with swords, sorcery and dragons so they're going to use an established IP with swords, sorcery and dragons. Whether we always agree or not, game companies make drastic changes to franchises all the time. I damn sure didn't write off Ocarina of Time for going 3D or call Metroid Prime a disgrace to the franchise for going first person (talk about a huge fucking change). Some work out, others don't, but any franchise that has been around for more than a decade and still warrants sequels is going to see massive changes. Maybe it'll bomb, or maybe it'll innovate; oh what fun to wait and see! There's a luxury of having an established IP and only the dumbest of dumb companies would make a high fantasy project they're dumping millions into by creating a new fantasy world.

Worst case scenario, some people need to just completely write EQN off (maybe they have). Anyone being genuinely baffled by using the EQ franchise, however, is being delusional.