EQ Never


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Classes and achievements give you abilities, items modify how they interact with each other.
What do you mean by modify? What, like Iron Mace gives a 10 point heal, where Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh gives a 1000 point heal and buffs defense for 10 seconds? Cause if we watch the video of the Warrior - when shes fighting the other person, its a hack and slash from the sword and a charge from the shield. When they put the Epic Fire Shield and Sword on the warrior (and he does specify that shes a warrior, passively), the sword attack turns into basically an in line Direct Damage spell of fire. Its still a Sword and Shield, but?... Now Im just feeling fucking dumb that Im not getting what you guys are so easily understanding for whatever reason.


Sparkletot Monger
And that's exactly the way it shouldn't be. A class, paladin and SK especially, shouldn't be able to follow any deity. There's a difference between customization and incoherent blandness becauseeverythingis a template.
You can't read can you? You won't unlock those classes unless you are following a deity as evidenced by your actions. Jesus, it's not fucking rocket surgery.


Trakanon Raider
And that's exactly the way it shouldn't be. A class, paladin and SK especially, shouldn't be able to follow any deity. There's a difference between customization and incoherent blandness becauseeverythingis a template.

We're never getting another EQ. This industry is too far down the toilet bowl to be recovered.
Ya EQ, that game where your deity also barely mattered and both those classes were pretty trash for like the first 6 years of the game outside of a few specific situations, especially paladins. I really wish we could go back to those good ole days where you picked a class based on a completely unhelpful description and then had a 50/50 shot that the one you picked was total dogshit for the endgame, damn these modern devs letting us make choices and experiment in a non binding way.


The way I understand it is you have a class with 4 primary and 4 secondary skills. Those 8 skills define your class. But you can multiclass and swap around the 4 secondary skills with other classes that you have achieved.

Your equipment can be used to tweak your skills by modifying abilities by doing things like adding a DOT to an attack or making a skill do more damage if certain criteria is met.


Sparkletot Monger
The way I understand it is you have a class with 4 primary and 4 secondary skills. Those 8 skills define your class. But you can multiclass and swap around the 4 secondary skills with other classes that you have achieved.

Your equipment can be used to tweak your skills by modifying abilities by doing things like adding a DOT to an attack or making a skill do more damage if certain criteria is met.
Almost.. But your 4 primary are defined by your archetype combo. 2+2. You can slot 4 more but they have to be in the flavor as your core classes. And 2 are movement somewhere.


Trakanon Raider
The way I understand it is you have a class with 4 primary and 4 secondary skills. Those 8 skills define your class. But you can multiclass and swap around the 4 secondary skills with other classes that you have achieved.

Your equipment can be used to tweak your skills by modifying abilities by doing things like adding a DOT to an attack or making a skill do more damage if certain criteria is met.
The big question that is still unanswered is how will epic/legendary whatever modify the abilities. In MOBAs the gear can change it a bit but I have a feeling we are gonna see something more like D3 where the rare weapons unique effects can totally change how you play.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
D3 is a good comparison, except I see equipmentin EQN more as having skill-modifying effects like the runes in D3, and not +gooder.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
EQ the game where gods and faction really made a difference and mattered. Like that time I killed my god Tunare but everything worked out in the end because I turned in a lot of fucking muffins!


My big concern with the reputation system is that even though there are no hard lines of faction in EQN there are going to be decisions that players make that will segment them away from their friends based on their play styles. If my best friend wants to be an SK and I want to be a Paladin just how much content can we do with each other when every decision and choice you make reflects how NPCs treat you. I love the concept of how this is all supposed to work but I can see it driving rifts in guilds who are split between good and evil characters.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Okay - watched the class video. The video about the Epic Shield and Sword on the warrior is very misleading in how the game is to be played.


Trakanon Raider
My big concern with the reputation system is that even though there are no hard lines of faction in EQN there are going to be decisions that players make that will segment them away from their friends based on their play styles. If my best friend wants to be an SK and I want to be a Paladin just how much content can we do with each other when every decision and choice you make reflects how NPCs treat you. I love the concept of how this is all supposed to work but I can see it driving rifts in guilds who are split between good and evil characters.
I hope the good vs evil thing is handled well, most games just make the bad guy a crazy charles manson person who murders people cause its fun to do bad things, rather than a Machiavellian evil which imo is much more believable and better.

I don't mind the idea of the good and evil choices being a sort of soft faction system tho, I don't think its a bad think to say that maybe you the paladin can't easily play with your friend the evil guy who is enslaving and sacrificing those villagers he found kidnapped by orcs to his dark god. Bending over backwards to let everyone do exactly what they want and achieve the outcomes they want just cheapens the experience too much. And a soft faction system like that is far better than the hard factions we got in WoW or SWTOR or ESO since maybe you don't want to do much with your SK buddy but you could if you wanted atleast.

They could also offer different options that are good, evil or neutral. So like you find the villagers and the SK worshipping Sol Ro wants to burn them alive in the cages and you the paladin wants to give them some food and set them free, and the barbarian wants to enslave them, and then theres a final neutral option where you just let them go in return for some reward and no one gets any faction hit good or bad from the ordeal. That way its possible to play as a good guy with evil people but not ideal since you didn't get the +faction you would have if you could have picked the ideal option for your alignment. SWTOR kinda did something like that I think, but I didn't play much so maybe someone who played could comment on how they handled the dark/light decisions in groups and how it worked out.


Trakanon Raider
On the topic of the classes and the keywords attached to their abilities, my understanding of it is that there are no hard restrictions on what sort of keyworded abilities a class can equip (so, a tempest can equip wizard abilities, even though none of the wizard abilities are Nature, Physical, or Lightning tagged). However, gear and passives largely work by modifying abilities containing specific keywords (so, "all Arcane abilities get buff x," "Fire abilities are modified to do effect y;" stuff like that).

So, the tempest that only uses his own class's abilities, or abilities from "related" classes, only needs to worry about gearing to optimize for the three keywords of Nature, Physical, and Lightning, while one who multiclasses into a wildly different class starts adding to the list of keywords they need to worry about gearing for (of course, there was also that example item they showed that made Lighting skills also count as Physical, and those types of items open the door for the more off-the-wall builds, but I imagine most people will start by keeping their builds "in-theme" for their base class, to make it easier).


Sparkletot Monger
I'm not sure. They said they were building a system with consequences.

I think the answer to playing with your SK friend as your paladin would be that you need to work on neutral quests. You probably can't help him slaughter your temples priests and not expect a massive faction hit and probably the loss of access to that class.

Anyway.. What I explained before in visual and the 20 mystery classes


Guesses Column 2:CC enchanter, paladin, necro, Druid, warlock, column 3: SK, ranger, healing Druid, fighter/magic user, buff chanter. Column 4: shadow priest, death knight, dark Druid, bard, NFC.

Guesses are used to describe role, not what they are actually named


Tranny Chaser
I really like what I am seeing with the class and ability system. It seems dynamic and more importantly makes sense within the context of the universe.


I'm not sure. They said they were building a system with consequences.

I think the answer to playing with your SK friend as your paladin would be that you need to work on neutral quests. You probably can't help him slaughter your temples priests and not expect a massive faction hit and probably the loss of access to that class.
Ya, I spoke with Darren about that for a bit. He said there should be content that both an SK/Paly could do together. But obviously like you said the main chunks of storyline that define you as good or evil would be off limits. That is unless you want your faction NPCs to dislike you. I really like how he described it as NPCs know what you have done and how you solve problems affects how they treat you. I also liked that they said you aren't going to necessarily be able to grind faction to fix decisions that you made or good/bad things that you did to earn the right to be a good Paly or an Evil SK.

That's where the comment that I made earlier comes from about actions having consequences that drive your particular story. All of the LM/EQN panels were pretty good and I am glad I attended SOE live this year. Really impressed with where SOE as a company is going and their 180 turn around.


Trakanon Raider
So let me me see if I have this correct. I didn't really read all the threads. Eq landmark is the foundation for eq next. From there they will slowly add features to eq landmark such as mobs, classes, combat ect to make it into eq next? So there will be no stand alone games such as eq next and eq landmark? And EQN will be available in 2017?!