EQ Never


<Gold Donor>
I didnt get my first PC until 2000, it was a PII 800mhz with a 20 gig HD, 128 mb ram (which I upgraded to 512mb) and I got it for around $1600, not to mention the graphics card I had to buy for it for another $200 or so. Internet was cheap by then, I think we were paying like $25 per month for 56k connection. We then upgraded to cable at around 2002, I think, for $50 a month.

LOL, I remember my wife getting all pissed at me because when we used the internet, we could not use the phone, because we only had one line. But she was the one which got me EQ for Christmas, so it was her fault.

Compare this to 2004-5 when you could get a decent PC that could play games like WoW for less than a grand about $800 if I remeber correctly, and cable modem was becoming more and more common as a package plan with cable TV, or even the cheaper, but still faster than 56K, DSL for $25 per month.


what video card did you guys use to play eq? i bought a $2000 dollar dell right before eq came out and whatever card it had wouldn't run kunark very well. i upgraded to a voodoo3 at that point.


<Gold Donor>
what video card did you guys use to play eq? i bought a $2000 dollar dell right before eq came out and whatever card it had wouldn't run kunark very well. i upgraded to a voodoo3 at that point.
If I remember correctly it was a Geforce 3 ti400 or some shit.


I had a voodoo2 I think....It ran EQ well enough. My biggest problem was my internet connection........56k dialup that really only connected at 28.8k but felt more like 22k or some shit. Was fine solo and grouping but lagged to hell and back during raids.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
what video card did you guys use to play eq? i bought a $2000 dollar dell right before eq came out and whatever card it had wouldn't run kunark very well. i upgraded to a voodoo3 at that point.
I had a Diamond Monster 3D so I could use Glide. Everything looked a lot better. Then I later switched to a Monster II and then a Voodoo 3 before finally hopping on the Geforce 3 Ti500.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
When EQ beta started, I think I had a Pure 3D. The only reason I even remember is because it was the only 3DFX Voodoo 1 with 6 megs(lolz) of RAM, which I eventually sold to some dude in IRC who fucked me over(sent me half of the money and then never sent the second half after receiving the card). My PC was pretty high-end at the time. A P2-266Mhz I think(this is in late 98). It ran EQ ok in non-raid situations. My brother's cleric spent all raids looking at the ground.


what video card did you guys use to play eq? i bought a $2000 dollar dell right before eq came out and whatever card it had wouldn't run kunark very well. i upgraded to a voodoo3 at that point.
SLI dual-VooDoo2 in a terrible 90mhz (that was really ~75mhz) Pentium-clone with 32 whole megs of RAM which I doubled as soon as I could find the weird make-specific RAM I needed (the MB ran at one-and-a-half times typical voltage or something like that). The clipping plane in Kunark was about five feet from my character's face.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I ran EQ on 128megs of Ram with an 8 meg onboard graphics setup and a 500mhz Pentium 3 HP branded model. Rig cost me 700 in late october of 99 from Circuit City I believe. Clipping plane was definitely inside my character's head, and I did 90% of my pulling/tanking staring at the floor/ceiling. Raid pulling was pretty hilarious. Doable, but hilarious. Everytime we'd win a fight I'd have to log back in from the chat log booting me out of the game. Eventually, after some mad fiddling with the settings on the mboard, I was able to ramp that bitch up to 192 megs of ram!


I first played EQ with a pentium I 133mhz processor, 16 megs of ram, 1 gig hard drive, and a voodoo banshee. The hard drive was so small that after compression the only thing it could hold was EQ and windows. The PC played EQ extremely well until they added the clipping plane feature in. After that I knew it was time to upgrade so I can see where the fuck I was going.

The first week EQ mostly stayed down so my friend decided to look around in the EQ folders to see what was in it. He found the testserver.exe which of course logged us into the test server. I still remember the population of the server during that week. It was zero.


Musty Nester
Man, I don't even remember. But I had a pretty shit rig. 16 megs of ram, I also had an assortment of voodoo cards. I know my HD was smaller than 1 gig. It was ancient, and measured in megs! It ran EQ decently though. I upgraded when I started raiding, because I'd just lock up sometimes. But back then, crashes and lock ups were kind of part of the game.

The worst was the modems. I remember buying quite a few of those 56.6 (I can't remember the brand name now, but they were good and cheap) because for some reason my modems kept blowing up. Phone lines where I lived were terrible, I used to lag when it rained. heh.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My original EQ1 computer was like a P2 450 with a Voodoo 2 iirc. I upgraded to a TNT shortly after. Game ran great for me on that, 56k modem for years because no broadband would touch our area though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Man, I don't even remember. But I had a pretty shit rig. 16 megs of ram, I also had an assortment of voodoo cards. I know my HD was smaller than 1 gig. It was ancient, and measured in megs! It ran EQ decently though. I upgraded when I started raiding, because I'd just lock up sometimes. But back then, crashes and lock ups were kind of part of the game.

The worst was the modems. I remember buying quite a few of those 56.6 (I can't remember the brand name now, but they were good and cheap) because for some reason my modems kept blowing up. Phone lines where I lived were terrible, I used to lag when it rained. heh.
Dude, ingame rain almost always crashed me out unless I found a zoneline like seconds after the shit started >< I avoided the Karanas like the plague unless I absolutely had to run through them. Which meant I was asking druids and rangers and crap if it was raining in the zones or not. Yay onboard modem 56.6k modem (which rarely actually went above 28.8k)


was it luclin that introduced that new texture pack or was it something that was an optional download before luclin? i couldn't have any of that shit enabled because it was such a resource hog.


Trakanon Raider
what video card did you guys use to play eq? i bought a $2000 dollar dell right before eq came out and whatever card it had wouldn't run kunark very well. i upgraded to a voodoo3 at that point.
Diamond Monster Riva TNT2 Ultra. Ran the game at my monitors resolution (19" CRT, 1200ish?) with 32bit colour flawlessly. I think I paid around $200 for the card. When the Geforce 2 came out I bought the ultra ($300USD at the time which was absurd). Processor and ram seemed to be more limiting in EQ much like it is in Planetside.

Edit: Never played EQ on anything other than Broadband as my small town in Canada had 2.5mBit cable in 1999 for like $40/month with cable.


Trakanon Raider
I remember upgrading to a Voodoo3 (had a Voodoo2 to play Unreal) and had the worst dial-up on the planet. I remember getting Diamond Viper Card and it was DoA and was crushed. I think I stayed with Voodoo and then Geforce line cards ever since. I remember running the Voodoo Lights screensaver and thought I was the stuff. My dad bought me a new monitor (CRT of course) and it was the heaviest piece of crap I had ever picked up. I remember finally get getting 2 GB of RAM too... that was a major deal.


Trakanon Raider
I remember upgrading to a Voodoo3 (had a Voodoo2 to play Unreal) and had the worst dial-up on the planet. I remember getting Diamond Viper Card and it was DoA and was crushed. I think I stayed with Voodoo and then Geforce line cards ever since. I remember running the Voodoo Lights screensaver and thought I was the stuff. My dad bought me a new monitor (CRT of course) and it was the heaviest piece of crap I had ever picked up. I remember finally get getting 2 GB of RAM too... that was a major deal.
I didn't like 3dfx cards because of their use of GLIDE was being destroyed by Microsofts DirectX, and they couldn't render in 32bit colour palette. The difference between 16bit and 32bit colour was night and day back in 1999 as transition colours like sky, fog, multilayer textures looked better.


Trakanon Raider
was it luclin that introduced that new texture pack or was it something that was an optional download before luclin? i couldn't have any of that shit enabled because it was such a resource hog.
Luclin had the enhanced texture packages with helms. I never transfer over to Luclin models because the velious textures only worked on classic models.


I remember they added the swaying tree leaves in Kunark and it would just kill peoples' computers. There was no way to turn it off either. You pretty much had to find someone that didn't get video lag and auto-follow them while watching the ground.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I guess a 1999 computer technology derail isn't the worst thing that could happen, given this thread's history (here and FoH).