EQ Never


Trakanon Raider

I'm with you. It's kind of a stretch but overall correct. I'll springboard off your AC example. I think what I enjoyed the most in those situations is people knowing you were there, talking as they traveled across the zone or maybe just helped you out for the next spawn. I can think of a lot of cool stuff in EQ that has to do with obtaining items, overcoming raid mobs, etc. but I really think I had some of the most fun making runs between FP and Qeynos. It was a big obstacle in early levels and meeting up with others, hitching the ride with bards, and passing friends along the wine. Essentially, all this lends to the immersion you are referencing. I hate to think that MMO's would continue to convenience players to the point they deny them the greatest part of MMO.


Ssraeszha Raider
Jesus christ, sir. The point is flying way above your head. Nobody ever said raid/planar gear was rare. You butted in with post#473 being a prick about how people said raid gear was rare. Nobody ever said it was, theyre all talking about other gear like AC pegasus cloak and shit. Etchazz made a post about how newer games dont have rare items like EQ did so some enjoyment of the game is lost. You then quoted them and said "Well everyone had fbss/planar gear by the time kunark came out". You never made the distinction between raiding/non raiding players, so we did that for you.

Theres 2 distinctions to make. Raid gear vs Other gear.

The fact that you try and post about how raid gear wasnt really rare is fucking retarded because everyone knows that, and as I pointed out, its obvious. Yet here you are trying to say its the same as all other MMOs. Durr. Everoyne knows that. People arent saying the raid gear was rare, theyre saying the other gear is rare.

Do you know the definition of hard/rare? Let me enlighten you with the Pegasus Feather Cloak. Do you remember it? The cloak was hard to get because Quillmane was a random as fuck spawn. It would take hours to obtain, and if you were lucky you could track it on your first arrival in the zone. But that's not the point.

The point of an item being rare like that is the enjoyment of the lore/idea behind obtaining it. You know,fantasy. Players say "Bro, there's this legendary pegasus that flies around the zone, but he only appears at night/during a full moon, or when you kill 10 skeletons in certain locations. I think he may drop this cloak that levitates you". Then your friend is like "No fucking way thats awesome". Its like how people thought there was a kraken underneath Lake Rathe for years. People didnt check out Lake Rathe to find the kraken to see what he dropped (imo), but to see if he really existed. That item is rare, and since the chance to kill quillmane only comes around so often, it is as a result, hard to obtain.

Thats what youre missing. The IMMERSION. Its a real thing. Immersion and rarity of items can be interconnected to great effect. Theres a reason people play these fucking games and its to escape reality into a world of fantasy. The whole debate of WoW and its themepark vs. EQ and its living world boils down to the immersion they create. Its hard to get into WoW and its item system for some players because its bland as fuck, you dont have to journey to some dungeon in the depths of the forest, you click a button and there you are. Some people want to "experience" finding legendary monsters that may or may not exist. They want to travel through perilous lands to get to a place where some mystical creature may or may not exist. Finding an axe that they drop for them is just icing on the cake.

There's 2 different types of players is what this comes down to. The Powergamers (you) vs. The Escapers. The powergamers like you want the cloak so they can wave their epeen, show it off to their friends, brag about being l33t, and say how easy/trivial it is and say that everyone has the uber raid gear. The escapers want to be in a world of mysticism where if you explore, study lore, and maybe with a little luck, you can find the rare pixie of legend who drops his wand or whatever. Its perspective.

You see the ancient cyclops as "God how much longer do I have to camp this shit for". When you say that, it doesnt seem like youre enjoying yourself. Youre doing it so you can get +1 runspeed or whatever. Other players see it as "Wow Ive been here for awhile I wonder if this guy really exists".

Its like athletes who workout because they love to workout. A lot of people go to the gym and bitch about how long the have to workout before they look good. Working out is a means to aSn end. To the athlete the workout itself is the end, to someone else, getting bigger biceps is the endgame.
To you, the ancient cyclops is a means to get to the end of getting Jboots, to others, the simple discovery of the AC itself is the end.

Ive gone off on a big tangent, but people are saying rare and unique items make the game more exciting. When people can "get into" a game, it becomes almost a love affair.
Several people made the claim that plane gear was so rare only 1% of the population could ever dream of getting it. You even quoted that exact thing and simply said "Yes" to it. So dont start pretending like I'm arguing a point you never made. You know we can go back and read the previous posts, rigjt? Webby would you even say such stupid shit?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The planar gear wasn't rare. The average player wouldn't even sniff those zones though that's the point.

Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Pvp in EQ wasn't really balanced well, but it was fun. It was a great mechanic to avoid rotations on non instanced raid mobs.

P.S. Defiant > *
This. One of my favourite memories from VZ was marching into BoT (I think it was, anyway) and offtanking Zephyros' raid event, already in progress, while we killed them all. Good times.

Hi Caliel. Long time no see.


Several people made the claim that plane gear was so rare only 1% of the population could ever dream of getting it. You even quoted that exact thing and simply said "Yes" to it. So dont start pretending like I'm arguing a point you never made. You know we can go back and read the previous posts, rigjt? Webby would you even say such stupid shit?
You're a bigger idiot than previously thought. People were making the distinction that only the top % of players had access to the loot, not the loot itself being rare. Christ.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My first EQ memory is my friend giving me a full set of Crustacean gear for my warrior. I decided Warriors were stupid (I was like 11?) and made a Ranger and asked a fellow halfling to hold onto my crusty gear. Motherfucker took my gear, ran off, put me on ignore. This is when I decided I would ruin the lives of all those around me, and proceeded to become a giant dick to everyone on the Drinal server.


Millie's Staff Member
speaking as someone who was a powergamer and also not in an uberguild until Kunark, i can attest to that most of the server was still noobish by the time kunark went live. but not so noobish that most lv 46+ hadnt at least attempted to get into a planes raid by then. i dont remember the date PoHate went live but i know that when it did i was in an open pickup raid there when it did. we had players there from the top 4-5 guilds on the server at the time and the rest of us were just friends of them who were lv 46-50 and asked to come along. they had everyone wolf formed to decrease aggro and we spent the day killing pets and camping in and out to prevent trains. maybe after 8 hours of this we finally had enough shit dead to actually start killing armor dropping mobs. my first trip i won shaman arms. so yes its possible for nobodies to get planar armor before kunark. maybe it was that we had enough quality players in that raid. most of those people at that raid eventually switched guilds or formed new ones. so in a way that raid helped change my server . if i hadnt gone i never would have met my future da'kor bros and many wouldnt have known their future midnight sojourn bros. as for shit like cof? um well i doubt there were many COFs on the server. but i think there were more than many assume. remember we had the halloween in kith event. didnt atrapos phingel in KK drop cofs? didnt GMs give cofs out at events?

and lets not forget PoFear drops. some classes could get full suits in one trip. while others were lucky to get one. as a shaman we got fucked because our armor dropped off TT and nobody wanted to lose their buffs just so a shaman could get something.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If Phinny dropped COF I'm the unluckiest sob. Killed him dozens upon dozens of times and never saw that drop. It wouldn't surprise me though.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I miss GM events, like the halfling dive and the invasion at Karnor's Castle.


I remember organizing a PUG raid of Plane of Innovation late in my EQ days. That shit was hectic as fuck but we won out.

Back in my day, we walked 15 miles to our raid, in the snow, blindfolded. And we liked it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If Phinny dropped COF I'm the unluckiest sob. Killed him dozens upon dozens of times and never saw that drop. It wouldn't surprise me though.
Cloaks of Flames? No. Phinny dropped a bunch of epic quests bullshit from what I remember.


Ssraeszha Raider
The planar gear wasn't rare. The average player wouldn't even sniff those zones though that's the point.
I would agree with that for the most part which I attribute to a much steeper leveling curve and that the 'average' player wasn't level 50. But people were seriously making the argument that you had to be in a FoH or Afterlife tier guild to have a chance at that stuff. Raid gear was easier to come by in EQ than any MMO I've ever played.

If people are making the argument that extremely rare items dropped in low level zones are what made EQ so awesome i'd really have to disagree. It does have its positives where not everyone having a certain item is pretty cool, but the idea that you should be forced to hang out in a level 15 zone for a week at level 50 is just terrible.

I could see a system where there's a 1/1000000 chance a certain item drops from anything as a better system. That way things are still very rare but at least you get it actually playing the game instead of doing what feels like work.

Regardless, I don't think that would make or break a game regardless.


Ssraeszha Raider
You're a bigger idiot than previously thought. People were making the distinction that only the top % of players had access to the loot, not the loot itself being rare. Christ.
So the point was that only the top 1% was level 50? Because that is a stupid and pointless argument that has nothing to do with a discussion on the importance of super low drop rates.

You're one of those people that when you lose an argument you keep changing what your actual position is because you only care about being right.


Trakanon Raider
i never said that the actual means to get the rare items in EQ was some great implementation, only that the fact that they existed made people want to keep playing the game. it's no different than going to a casino. you keep playing repeatedly, hoping for the big payoff. if you look at it from a distance, you wonder how the fuck anyone could find pulling a lever over and over or watching a ball go around in circles fun, but it is. it keeps people playing. i never actually enjoyed camping for the SMR, or the GBS or any other rare item, but you couldn't help yourself; you had to stay just that one more time, hoping that it would be the time the item dropped. i'm not asking for the same implementation (camping till your eyes bleed) of the original EQ, all i'm asking for is to put ultra rare items into the game, so that they exist and people want to obtain them. there are other ways to add those items into the game other than just camping.

as far as PvP goes, show me one single pvp MMO that isn't boring as fuck and winds up as nothing more than a gank fest and people complaining about balance and i'll say that PvP centric MMO's is a good idea.


Ssraeszha Raider
I completely agree. Keep the concept of very rare items you have to really work for, but find a more engaging way to implement it.


Millie's Staff Member
I thought phingel or some kedge keep nasty dropped a cof or equal quality haste item. When it comes to melee stuff, im rusty. My shaman was my main char and my twink melees got their CoFs in trades at e commons tunnel. Think I traded my white vox cloak and and that paw of oppala for one.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I thought phingel or some kedge keep nasty dropped a cof or equal quality haste item. When it comes to melee stuf. I am rusty. My shaman was my main my twink melees got their CoFs in trades at e commons tunnel. Think I traded my white vox cloak and and that paw of oppala for one.
Did the seahorse hide belt have haste on it? I forget it as well.