EQ Never


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Where the fuck is our video?


Trump's Staff
You have 14 Days. If after that time the Black box video is not properly released, I am unfollowing you on twitter and undoing all of my Facebook likes. The rest of my friend list will follow suit, as will several other rerolled warriors and people that have beards on their necks.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Okay let's see.
A Comparison between Classic EQ (EQ and the first few expansions) and WoW.

EverQuest is First Person View
WoW is 3rd Person View(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest dungeons are not instanced
WoW Dungeons are instanced(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest had no maps
WoW had a GPS map(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest world is compromised of several zones
WoW is seamless (generally)(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest combat is about resource management
WoW's combat is faster paced and reactive (whak-a-mole)(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest itemization is interesting
WoW's itemization is boring and predictable (suffice/prefix... green, blue, purple..etc)(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest encourages grouping
WoW encouraged soloing and questing(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest death penalty is harsh
WoW death penalty is not really a penalty(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest night is dark
WoW's night is just a different shade of colors(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest limits your spell selection to 8
WoW doesn't, you have plenty of space to add all your spells(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest Dungeons are complex and huge. Not designed to be consumed in one night especially not with a pick-up-group
WoW's dungeons are linear and can be finished in a few hours/minutes(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest you're allowed to kill any NPC, including your trainer
WoW is strictly restricting you on who's you should and shouldn't attack.(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest have plenty of factions which you can adjust based on your actions
In WoW you have to choose one of two opposite sides (you cannot make the Horde like you if you're Alliance, for instance)(most other MMOs have that)

EverQuest trading was based on player-to-player interaction
WoW had the Auction House(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest NPC don't stop chasing you after you aggro them
WoW's NPC stop chasing you after a short while(just like every other MMO)

EverQuest had downtime
WoW eliminated downtime(just like every other MMO)

In EverQuest you could fizzle your spells if your skill is low
In WoW you cannot fizzle your spells(just like every other MMO)

In EverQuest low level characters can use high level items (there was no level restriction)
In WoW every item has its own level requirement(just like every other MMO)

In EverQuest you had a weight limit which you can carry based on your strength
In WoW you can carry as much as you want(just like every other MMO)

In EverQuest you raid with 200 other players
In WoW you're limited to 40(just like every other MMO?)

EverQuest monsters are unpredictable, they might be nasty underconned (Dvinn) you had no idea what you're going to face
In WoW you can see their levels, Elite or Not, and every encounter that's not a boss is painfully predictable(just like every other MMO)

In EverQuest you get hungry and thirsty
In WoW you use drink and food to regenerate mana/hp(just like every other MMO)

The list goes on, I'll stop here.
The differences aren't just minor/feature differences... they are huge fundamental game mechanics which results in completely different game experience. Totally different game concept. I'd say they are even different game genres.

If you think WoW is equal to EQ then you're the same person who thinks Diablo is equal to Baldur's Gate. Just because they both are isometric with "leveling" up going on, doesn't make them identical game experiences.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Did you seriously just compare Classic EQ vs Modern WoW, when the entire argument has been over vanilla WoW and you went furthest from that point in time in both directions?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pretty sure she used all vanilla WoW features? Anyway.. I'm over this one too..

This black box thing is kind of weak. How do they not expect a bunch of their fans...who are known to grind...not reach the goals fast?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The dungeon comment is only true for scarlet monastery in vanilla

And seamless world makes for improved immersion. Nothing jars me more than instance gates between zones. That needs to be in eq next.

Not a huge fan of first person but that's highly dependent on how the game presents info.


Seems that plenty of people forgot the "we designed wow to be like EQ but done right" from vanilla wow era...
Basically wow was designed to follow what people were asking : less downtime, dungeon in which they could kill what ever they wanted, more quests etc.


<Gold Donor>
But in reality there was really nothing in WoW that was like EQ.

How bout this, how bout we list what WoW had that was the same as EQ.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Seems that plenty of people forgot the "we designed wow to be like EQ but done right" from vanilla wow era...
Basically wow was designed to follow what people were asking : less downtime, dungeon in which they could kill what ever they wanted, more quests etc.
I can agree with this 100%.


<Gold Donor>
Ok, thats a start, we had gear....

We had swords, axes and all that other good shit...

Both games had trees, mountains...etc...

Both games shared tolkenesque monsters like orcs..... both games had spiders...etc..
