EQ Never


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Your sarcasm bounces off the awesomeness that was EQ! I spent more hours doing the jboot quest for the first time than most of my total experience in MMOs past EQ. Then I lost them in a summoned bag. And I did the damn thing again.

If they manage to make a game where Iwantsomething so bad, and it feels so rewarding to finally get it, then indeed you are right. I cannot wait to play this game. It is going to be so much fun
Sounds like Greater Shadow Amuli and Atlan weapons from Asheron's Call.

I think PP GSA sold for... $300-500? Nexxus sold for $10,000... and then was deleted from the server.


Trump's Staff
Guys have you thought of the terrible possibility I have?

That none of us, in fact, even like MMORPGs?


Elisha Dushku
Guys have you thought of the terrible possibility I have?

That none of us, in fact, even like MMORPGs?
We all like our vision of an MMORPG and the question is does enough of that vision show up in the particular MMORPG we're playing.


<Silver Donator>
Sounds like Greater Shadow Amuli and Atlan weapons from Asheron's Call.

I think PP GSA sold for... $300-500? Nexxus sold for $10,000... and then was deleted from the server.
I don't remember prices being that high, but maybe dollar was shit back then, I sold my account for like 1500$. Farmed my own GSA too, was actually very easy but I guess being on Darktide where I could kill people stealing my spawns helped a lot with that, think I camped the place for a few days for the shards or whatever that dropped from crystal like mobs and then I don't remember anything else that was needed.

GSA was mostly good because it was undroppable though. Which was a departure from the rest of the gear in AC and made it feel fairly cheap, everyone used GSA(or well sometimes the other shadow armors but since they had more pieces they required more time to buff so it was just for the looks). Like every fucking one had a GSA, a few rich people still used their Matte robes and everyone else was just noobs feeding xp to the chains or people who clicked the wrong server and were getting farmed in Shouji.


Trump's Staff
We all like our vision of an MMORPG and the question is does enough of that vision show up in the particular MMORPG we're playing.
But seriously... When this turns out to be fucking wicked we're all gonna guild together, right?

Big hugs?


Elisha Dushku
But seriously... When this turns out to be fucking wicked we're all gonna guild together, right?

Big hugs?
No. I can't remember if you're a crafter but if you are and if I bring the mats will you make me jboots? I'll throw in 10 PP.


Elisha Dushku
Tough guy? I am calling you weird. You claim to know stuff about the game but you don't post anything at all. And if anyone speculates you whine at them for not knowing. You are a total fucking jackass.
Going to have to agree with qwerty on this one flip. I'm one of the guys speculating not qwerty - I can't remember him ever speculating as to mechanics. And he's dead to rights: you only ever said two things: kobolds are playable and game will be released this year.


Trakanon Raider
people are going to flip out if they have to ....
And how many things have not been ruined by that mentality? That was one of the things that made them rewarding. World was huge, had to travel everywhere at normal speed unless there was a bard, teleporter, druid, shaman or sow potion around. Can still have the jboot quest. The crafting can be done by the people making potions. But if you want a permanent clicky that makes you less dependent on the community, then do the quest.

I have never understood the reason behind making the speed only dependent on yourself. As in everyone gets the same speed, at the same levels, with little need or benefit from any other person/class. You might as well just give everyone the speed bonuses for free and immediately then. It is just annoying to be "slow". In mmos now, people just run around on their X% increased speed mounts, and go about eachothers business. There is only one normal speed, and that is the max % speed you can get at that level. Up until you are level 10, you are slow, then a bit faster until 30, when you get a new mount skill and can go a bit faster again, then a new skill at 50, then again at... Everyone follows the same path, speed is simply a character attribute that grows as you level.

That never feels rewarding. It just increases enjoyment slightly every time, as you move faster through the world, but when you create a new character, you are back to being slow again.

In EQ it was constantly changing. Run at one speed, then someone cast a spell on you and you were faster, and very apprechiative of that. Speed was dynamic in EQ. Jboots were a rare item you could get with lots of work that aided some classes in making it a bit more static. But still there were much faster ways to travel. Catering to the masses tend to lead to everyone being the same. If EQN wants to go the "we are different" route, they need to go back to not catering to everyone, and dare make the world a bit more dynamic. Which they say they are trying to do. Crafted jboots are not dynamic.
Nobody expected you to have jboots in EQ, but if they are crafted you can be damned sure that people will bitch if you do not keep X speed after the level where you can obtain them. What, you do not have jboots? Noob!

I dunno. You are probably right. It is just so... boring.
To me EQ was Kunark and some of Velious so whatev's about any other noise.

Those days are never coming back and not because game development / design sucks today or FTP but mostly because it's a different world. Even if SoE discovered some neckbeard OCD network engineer made a back up for every expansion / update to the game and thus were able to fully recreate every mechanical update to the game, "THE EXPERIENCE" would not be the same.

People are different and not as naive as they were and there is no way any sort of mystery would survive in a current mmo..

If you want a truly enjoyable experience try a pnp (or pvp) game. I'll still try eqn for nostaligia but I imagine I'll quit after a week when they introduce dailies and I get disgusted by the modern hipster faggots. Did anybody even read half the comments about the shadowrun returns rerelease... "The devs have underestimated the importance of Voice Acting!!"

I wish I could hate people to death.. fuck I'm drunk.. to bed
And how many things have not been ruined by that mentality?
They just need to have the balls to stick to their guns. I have no idea if they will or not. Original EQ was brutal, but fast forward a few years and you have PoK which makes travel almost instant, soulbinders all over the place, in game real time map, and lots of other conveniences that pissed off original players. And the xp rate just kept getting upped and upped. Fast forward more years and there are mercs and all kinds of stuff, game basically plays itself. They also did the exact same routine with Vanguard.

But on the other hand... they have seen 10 years of this kind of thing not working out.


Elisha Dushku
I dunno. You are probably right. It is just so... boring.
Would agree but EQ was zones. EQN is seemless. Supposedly seemless and huge. Did you play VG? Huge world gets old running long distances very fast. Makes it hard to group. Portals everywhere are a problem but I'm not bothered by some early speed increases in the mid-teens as long as you've had to walk to 10-15. Assuming jboots are craftable probably a midtier (20+) item, VG like early-mounts are probably a bigger issue in terms of content. We'll see what's up - I'll try and ask about jboots and mounts at the Q & A.
Huge world gets old running long distances very fast. Makes it hard to group. Portals everywhere are a problem but I'm not bothered by some early speed increases in the mid-teens as long as you've had to walk to 10-15.
Exactly. SOE have never quite got travel right imo.

They ruined travel in Vanguard by being typical jew bastards. The original on foot travel speed was like 1mph. Painful. The only option was a crappy horse which gave something daft like +10% speed or something. And that was pretty much it until higher levels.

As I said before... I blame Brad. I think he is just a sick and twisted douche. But whatever. It annoyed me that they didn't just make the game fun for people instead of a pain. That first horse should have been just a bit faster. Then at 15 it upgrades to get another 5+ faster. Then at 20 you get a new horse that is pretty damn quick. Then at 30 you get a flying mount which is slow (like the reindeer). And a 40 you can upgrade it to a faster one. And at 50 you get all the uber fast flying mounts with long upgrade paths.

They need to do that with EQ Next as well. Take their foot off the players throats for once and stop trying to tyrannize players. If they do that, some people will still complain but the majority will be happy, and then they wont end up in a situation years later where everyone has quit and they're like, "No wait! Here take this +500000% flying dragon mount with sparkles! ITS FREE! WAIT COME BACK!"