EQ Never


Registered Hutt
There was plenty of EQ in the concept art for me. The game is still being developed. The combat style and mobility options needed a facelift pretty damn badly, and they showed off how progressive they want to be there.


I'm still hopeful and excited so I'm not going into complain mode, but I do think it was a poor choice to show the lion (Kerran?) race. I thought the wizard looked great and I feel like they could have shown another more original EQish race for the second character that wouldn't have looked as bad in an early build. Oh we'll....


Some complaints in here are bizarre.

"Multiclassing kills community building!"

What? If anything it increases community. You recognize names. When you're "leveling" (whatever the equivalent is) your alt, you see someone else "leveling" theirs, ad you recognize them. Maybe you hadn't grouped with them enough in the past to friends list them, but you remember their name, and vaguely that they were good. You decide to group up with them off of this. You play some more, and now you add them to your friends list. Some dude was a complete asshole in your last group? You know to avoid him. It's now harder for people to avoid their reputations, unless they want to pay for a name change (if possible) or reroll and lose all of their rep/faction/etc stuff.

"This looks like WoW where you can just press buttons for combat and it doesn't matter because pressing the right button is only a little more efficient then pushing the wrong one!"

Well, ignoring the fact that that isn't even true, because using the right skill rotation can mean doubling your DPS vs the wrong one in WoW, we haven't seen or heard nearly enough about the combat in the game to really say anything definitively for EQN.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I'm still hopeful and excited so I'm not going into complain mode, but I do think it was a poor choice to show the lion (Kerran?) race. I thought the wizard looked great and I feel like they could have shown another more original EQish race for the second character that wouldn't have looked as bad in an early build. Oh we'll....
The Kerran is in my top 3 complaints lol, that shit was pathetic.


Registered Hutt
tiers not levels based on what you've got. Zehn has his game
Yea, Zehn talked about stuff like this going back a ways. I'm curious if we have old school mana bars. :p

The Kerran is in my top 3 complaints lol, that shit was pathetic.
I don't think I've seen many positive responses to the Kerran. I'm a little perturbed by it as well. Hopefully they give us options to emulate other cats of differing sizes in creation. That guy is a giant, and it's silly.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's bullshit. It doesn't have to be EQ HD to please EQ players, it just has to at least have SOME aspects of EQ alive. There is literally zero Everquest in this game. It even has a different theme tune (did the lose the fucking rights to that or something?). It has a totally different art style, totally different combat style, and totally different gameplay. Take out those wizard spires and that could have been a movie of any new Korean MMO.
EverQuest 2 looked different than EverQuest 1. EverQuest 2 combat was different than EverQuest 1. I really don't get what your point is.

They've said from the beginning that this was going to be a completely different experience from the previous games. It's okay if you don't like it, but lets not act like we've been tricked. I think there will still be plenty of easter eggs and landmarks for original EverQuest players.


Trakanon Raider
I agree with this too but we have to face it, we are the minority. Just as I posted earlier, they did what they set out to do. They are taking what current, mainstream MMOs are and attempting to go the next level. They are attempting to take the rinse, wash, and repeat out of MMO's but within the style and scope of what is popular. Ultimately, they are attempting to get the millions and not the niche.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think compared to all games with levels it is at least nice to hear something other than grind a million squirrels til your character dings.
Eh maybe, I've played a few mmos that had no level progression and plenty of games where I didn't grind to finish or quest to death.

This sounds more like GW2 with a mix of achievements to gather certain items that then progresses your class. I start as a tier1 warrior, I go do some events, kill some mobs, some quest(probably some over-arcing story involved for each "Class") gather some armor and become a tier 2 warrior. Rinse and repeat.

Again I'm not saying I don't like it, Hell I can grind, do quests only, do only dungeons, do only pvp, level progression, skill progression etc my only requirement for a mmo is "am I having fun" but I am more pointing out the reverence some people are placing on ideas, thinking its some bold new move. It's pretty much par for the course for MMOs, cut and past different features/mechanics from multiple games/genres into a pattern that hopefully people find fun and addicting.


So I know no one cares, but I was completely wrong and even if it's shit implementation they went well beyond what I figured they would.


Molten Core Raider
Outside of heroic raiding and maybe pvp I guess, doubling your dps matters not. It's not an exaggeration to say it literally does not matter.


2 Minutes Hate
I am curious to know who of you are interested in this, but played GW2 and didn't like it.
I am only if The Rallying things are more than single linear scripted events that rotate through a map forever and ever. GW2 class structure was boring after level 20. If this game has a ton of weapons that you can level and then level into more advanced abilities then it'll be fun. Especially if you have to go out into the world to discover them. This is what Rift was originally before they pussified the design.

It really depends on a ton of things. Right now we have PR dev speak that I never trust just on prinicple. What they want to do looks awesome and I'm pretty excited that they have destructable environments already proven. However, I have to see a lot more.

Today was essentially just a tech demo.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Atleast we'll have an open development process, the EQN roundtable is asking the playerbase the questions that matter.

Should rats be playable?
Should female dwarves have beards?
You're exploring a dungeon with 2 folks you've met in the tundra hunting for goblins.

To your left a fearless Warrior, to your right a Wizard & you a Ranger.

As you pass through the icy archway Tenatacle Terrors spring from the darkness!

Your companion the Wizard, his eyes are glowing... you've never seen such power.

Suddenly, from the frozen earth heaves upward revealing an icy Construct... a minion of your comrade.. formerly a Wizard...

Now, a Conjurer.

"Bro where did you get the conjurer class @????"


Registered Hutt
Outside of heroic raiding and maybe pvp I guess, doubling your dps matters not. It's not an exaggeration to say it literally does not matter.
It is an exaggeration. Carrying some scrub that does 6k dps when the average for his role is 50k is not pleasant. It doesn't have to be absurd difficulty of raiding for it to matter. And PvP is far more about coordination in WoW than DPS.


i hate flexible classes in that they negate the need for interdependence which is a fundamental part of mmos. they also lead to the jack-of-all-trade combat like guild war 2 which was a disaster.


Registered Hutt
Atleast we'll have an open development process, the EQN roundtable is asking the playerbase the questions that matter.

Should rats be playable?
Should female dwarves have beards?
I sense sarcasm, but it's a fun idea. Of course since we can't see the individual votes, they can stuff the ballot box all they like.

So I know no one cares, but I was completely wrong and even if it's shit implementation they went well beyond what I figured they would.
I'm in the same boat.