EQ Never


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I understand that logic, even though I disagree.
There's still plenty of room to get more money from people, besides the normal subscription.

I'd like to remind you the blizzard store pets,the TCG mounts etc, even the cosmetic bullshit they just recently added.

In my opinion devs decide to go f2p coz it makes them sufficient money for the mediocre games they chose to make. It's like they know their game is average and don't have the balls to take the risk of adding a monthly subscription to it.

I mean even if there was a monthly fee required, they could still sell all the non p2win items they intend to sell. Blizzard does it.

The reason they chose not to ask for a sub, is because the game will fade into obsolescence eventually.
Every SoE game has a sub every SoE game is f2p. EQN will be the same. The only question is will it be like EQ where you need a sub to reach endgame of content are will it be like Planetside 2 where sub gives mostly a higher exp rate plus special members only sales in store but is completely unneeded to access all the games content.


<Silver Donator>
I didn't understand the weapon skill thing the same, to me it simply sounded like GW2 where your 4 skills are based on your weapon type, not the actual weapon. So all greatswords get the same skills, all mace+shield get the same etc. Difference comes from mods on the weapon which will affect certain things via passives that are less shitty than just +20str and more like "All your utilities area of effect radius is doubled" or "You gain a temporary speed boost everytime you use a weapon skill" kind of shit. That's the way I understood it, I think having your weapon skills actually tied to a particular weapon is a good way to make sure everyone wants the exact same weapons all the time because the skillset is stronger than other weapons usable by your class. Which is awful.

Anyway yeah the shit they've shown, the game isn't releasing anytime soon, it looked way way early alpha stuff, they had mobs with no AI, only showed a very small sample of areas and monsters and classes and items, so yeah. Seems like a 2015 game to me.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, I'm not to worried. I like most of what they've shown, so there's that. The weapon system sounds like the Tales of series for some reason.

And sort of jacked the system from the Sword Art Online (MMO anime) too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I know I said i wouldn't follow this again, but reading mmorpg.com just pisses me off.

Until they change their toon and allow clear set roles this game is doomed to failure. Eq is tanking, dps, crowd control, healing and pulling without it this game will be some button spam aoe trash clearing love fest(hate fest if you are me). So no thanks and screw you mmorpg and tentonhammer for selling us this load of crap, bext of e3 my arse.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There is challenging content on day one. Problem is, you're doing content that has been around a while with people who are overgeared and have done the content many times before. If you ever get into a group of people who haven't done the content before in a have like wow or rift, you are going to wipe. Probably many times.
You are talking specififally dungeons. Which you don't reach until level 15 or so in Rift. I forget what that was in WoW. That's usually after a day or two of playing. Unless you are grinding it out in a long session and skipping the open world content just to level. Until you get to dungeons everything is extremely easy and boring. You shouldn't have to wait for dungeons to get a challenge. And even after that, the dungeons themselves are fairly easy, even for the first time.

When a person first logs in they should be able to find a challenge if they want it in the open world, right in front of them and easy to find. It doesn't have to be mandatory but the option needs to be there. Although, personally I think nothing should be faceroll easy, it's stupid to waste game space for it. There also needs to be challenging content for people who have played the game before. Gating it behind dungeons that require leveling through boring content is the problem. Or are you just incapable of understanding the basic issue?

Stop defending crap. If you love everything the way it is now then you are part of the problem.



Ugh I really hope they don't stick to the 8 skills 4 class 4 weapon skillset. The 4 class skills will almost certainly be the required boring but necessary skills, gapcloser, escape, stun, self-heal. Leaving just 4 skills based off of your weapon, which is pretty lame.


You can't deny that, at the very least, they are going to redefine minimum standards in the genre.
I can easily deny it until they actually do it. They haven't demo'd any meaningful gameplay. It's easy to make your game sound evolutionary when it's still just ideas in your head. There needs to be an actual game before it redefines anything.

You are talking specififally dungeons. Which you don't reach until level 15 or so in Rift. I forget what that was in WoW. That's usually after a day or two of playing. Unless you are grinding it out in a long session and skipping the open world content just to level. Until you get to dungeons everything is extremely easy and boring. You shouldn't have to wait for dungeons to get a challenge. And even after that, the dungeons themselves are fairly easy, even for the first time.

When a person first logs in they should be able to find a challenge if they want it in the open world, right in front of them and easy to find. It doesn't have to be mandatory but the option needs to be there. Although, personally I think nothing should be faceroll easy, it's stupid to waste game space for it. There also needs to be challenging content for people who have played the game before. Gating it behind dungeons that require leveling through boring content is the problem. Or are you just incapable of understanding the basic issue?

Stop defending crap. If you love everything the way it is now then you are part of the problem.
Yes, you are a gamer god and the genre is just too easy for you. Your revolution is over Mr. Lebowski. Condolences.


Molten Core Raider
I applaud them making so many "tweaks" or complete "changes" to the formula but again....for fucks sake leave the damn defined roles in place. It can still cater to the 40 job class thing and subbing in abilities etc and even god for bid switching roles when needed but leave the actual concept in play. Raiding has and will always be the only true joy that keeps me playing MMO's and I can't think of one example in my mind where I would enjoy a raid without having people with healing and tanking etc. It just isn't something I even want to fucking think about, its down right depressing for gods sake.

I HATE the concept of just horizontal progression but even THAT I will concede might offer something fresh and new mixed in with the various levels of innovation they are introducing but leave my god damn trinity alone (or fuck create a new trinity but give us some clear definition). You don't go to the doctor to get your herpies cured and then ask him to do your taxes while his assistant gives you massage do you? Why the fuck would I want my warrior healing himself while mezzing adds while singing bard songs as he back stabs the mob...ITS NOT NATURAL MY FRIENDS. This is like the walmart of MMO's......(well bad choice since Walmart successfully changed the entire world but you get the point)


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Ugh I really hope they don't stick to the 8 skills 4 class 4 weapon skillset. The 4 class skills will almost certainly be the required boring but necessary skills, gapcloser, escape, stun, self-heal. Leaving just 4 skills based off of your weapon, which is pretty lame.
It's emergently revolutionary, you have only 8 of 8 choices! Much better than only 8 from an entire spellbook.

edit: and if you don't like it, well you can GTFO of that class and swap to another!


Molten Core Raider
Nobody does. That shit's for life bro.
Hate to break it to you but there is a cure
Your doctor is just trying to keep your repeat business my friend!


Molten Core Raider
The problem is that no company these days can remove their heads from their asses long enough to make a game appealing enough to last longer than 3 months.
The reason has more to do with the current state of the market. I know most posters on this forum are Mr. Moneybags who can afford to hire private dancers to grind levels for them and whatnot but for the average Joe out there money is tight. People pushing for subs like to do that stupid "lol a movie lasts 2 hours and costs 60 surely you can spend 15 on an MMO!" comparison but the more apt comparison is right now I have like 57 fucking games on my phone and I haven't paid a fucking dime. Of the 2~3 hours a day I have to spend on games probably 30 of it is spent just on coming up with words for this fucking hangman game my entire family plays. Dynasty Warriors 8 just came out recently and is fucking fantastic so I'm playing that for an hour or so. My Wife and I are pushing to finally finish Diablo 3 after spending a year without computers and internet. I never actually finished Skyrim and have just reinstalled that as well.

Which leaves me with pretty much zero time for an MMO and even if I had some extra time here and there to play do you think I'm going to commit to 15 bucks a month? It makes no economical sense.

And not to re-ignite the sub vs. f2p argument again but you do realize that subscription fees do not quality content make. Subscription feesONLYmake sense if you have a large customer support division like Blizzard used to have before they shitcanned most of them. If you have 2 people and a monkey like Trion or SoE does then paying a sub fee is a fucking joke. It costs an insignificant drop in the bucket to keep servers online. Just selling ad space on your login screen is enough to offset the cost of the servers it's that fucking cheap. That money is not going towards development or being poured back into the game.

It goes into some corporate officers pocket and then they go to Europe and load up on hookers (not that Kaplan or Metzen have ever done that...cough cough).

So yeah.


Golden Squire
Like a lot of other people, I was really hoping for something that was closer to the an updated Eq. After having some time to digest though, there is enough in there that I am cautiously optimistic. Pretty much it breaks down like:

+ Landmark is brilliant, community will eat that shit up and do half the work for them. I was really worried about this part when it was rumored/leaked but now I think it is one of the strongest pieces.
+ Limited action set is a good thing. Having thirty abilities is just a pain in the ass and adds nothing tactically.
+ Destructibility is also great, it opens up a lot of options for both exploration and gameplay
o Multi-classing - Cautiously optimistic on this one. I do like how FFIV does it. If it is a limited hybrid model of something similar with more ability cherry picking, I am game. Frankly though, I think this will just be a balance shit-show that is going to end up pissing everyone off but we will see.
o The area 'questing' and 'rallying calls', we did not see anything at all on those and words are just wind so I will wait to see what those actually 'look' like to comment.
o Unlike a lot of people, I like the cartoon style art (well aside from the thunder-cat). Tends to be less of a system hog and have more longevity.
- Combat - This really concerns me. Pretty much everything about it seemed... wrong. I am really not a fan of telegraph 'GET OUT OF THE RED CIRCLES' game play. It feels so painfully artificial. Couple that with the good times that I am sure falling through the floor at 10% health and neck-beard friendly CRs thereto just screams annoying. I won't go into the over the top spell effects or that it seemed like every attack was a room clearing AoE as that was likely just 'flash and bang' for their demo (I hope...)

All in all though, I think they did what they are setting out to do. They ARE actually putting out something new and I would buy it just to support them for trying it... whether it is a game I will actually play though... is pretty questionable.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why remake the past? These games aren't obsolete and they're STILL ADDING NEW CONTENT. Go play EQ, EQ2, WoW, etc... Whenever I get the itch, that's exactly what I fucking do, and it's scratched.

Not really sure why people want a remake with a new engine, like that's really possible. Go spend tons of fucking money on an engine so people can say there's no mystery and it's the same ol' game with new graphics.
EQ is nothing like it was back during the classic days up to Velious or even Luclin. Everything has changed too much to get that feeling again. The progression servers are closer but even they don't have many of the basic mechanics that old style EQ had. And besides, been there done that.

And remaking EQ exactly as it was isn't what people are asking for. You know that so why are you even stating it?. We are asking for the spirit, the challenge and the danger that EQ Classic had in a new game. Instead of the pussy easy crap being shoved out now that you seem to love so much. People who say that it wouldn't sell in today's market are either lying or morons. EvE does very well as did Dark Souls. A combination of EvE / Dark Souls set in a PvE fantasy world and done well is what we are asking for.

Some try to claim DarkFall is that game but it isn't done well by most people's estimation. And it's primarily PvP.


Trakanon Raider
I like Everquest. I like league of legends. Bring on this unholy marriage born from some crime against nature!.....bring it....nope I can't do it.

Double jumps just cuz, Michael Bay, whirlwinds, styrofoam everything, diablo 3, kerrans, oh god kerrans, over the top impossible movements, 40 different ways to kill a pack of mobs.

Of course I'll play, but I'm about as excited as Bubba Gump's bottom lip.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yes, you are a gamer god and the genre is just too easy for you. Your revolution is over Mr. Lebowski. Condolences.
So I take it you love WoW and all of it's clones so much that you want a never want anything else ever. You love face rolling, it's your way of life.


So I take it you love WoW and all of it's clones so much that you want a never want anything else ever. You love face rolling, it's your way of life.
Hey man, I had a great time playing WoW. I loved leveling my arms warrior in contested zones. I had a great time raiding in vanilla. When we killed Viscidus and I got the Sharpened Silithid Femur, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment. No one else on the server had it for months. The easy PvE in leveling zones did nothing to diminish my enjoyment of the parts I actually enjoyed. When WoW jumped the shark and the game got completely fragmented into mini-games, I voted with my wallet and quit playing.

But I'm not going to make a bunch of angry posts about how the industry and every other gamer let me down because my interest in the game faded. That would be pathetic.


Molten Core Raider
At some point they'll hamfist it in there anyways. Look at DCUO. They managed to take a perfectly decent combat game and fuck it up by adding in a trinity.