EQ Never

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
The destructable environments look shitty when you're not destroying something that isn't support to represent stone blocks.

In the panel video they destroy freeport and beams off wood, plaster etc break into well.. cubes.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I am very aware that gaining class abilities is very similar to gaining abilities via leveling.

Gaining abilities via levelling is:

1) Fungible (XP gained on killing Orcs in Crushbone is completely equal to XP gained on killing Gnolls in Blackburrow)
2) Linear (you get The Mighty Bash first, then the Small Kick next, then the Vital Knock next)
3) Static (every warrior gets the same abilities in the same order as you)

Their system is only partially fungible (raising your warrior to tier 4 require collecting warrior armor, which can't be used to raise your wizard to tier 4), totally dynamic (you can seek to get the blademaster class first, or the monk class first, or the sneaky assassin class first), and non linear (you raise wizard first, then rogue, or maybe ranger...)


I am very aware that gaining class abilities is very similar to gaining abilities via leveling.

My point is, this is in effect no different than a traditional level grinding system. The 'philosophy' they are trying to convince us that they are putting forth directly contradicts this.

EQN illusion of choice.
What would you consider "real choice"? Camon, its a fucking RPG computer game. There are only so many ways to disguise the grind. I'm real curious what they would have had to show to please someone like yourself. You might be interested in the ESO thread...

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
The "Iksar Area"


"Early Client"





Musty Nester
I am very aware that gaining class abilities is very similar to gaining abilities via leveling.

My point is, this is in effect no different than a traditional level grinding system. The 'philosophy' they are trying to convince us that they are putting forth directly contradicts this.

EQN illusion of choice.
It's fundamentally different because your skill sets are not arbitrarily grouped by some dev. Now what that dev could (and probably will) do is to arbitrarily assign restrictions between individual skills, or even skillsets. And if they rely on that too often or with heavy hands it begins to wander into the illusion of choice. More likely you'll have minmax template builds and that's also illusion of choice territory. But it is still a fundamentally different method to achieve that endpoint. The game will play differently, the tone will be different.

I mean when you get right down to it all MMO's are just automated systems that require you to push buttons and everything beyond that is an illusion of choice as to which buttons you press in which order. The game is pushing buttons.

But yeah, it is a different way to order you button pushes.


Question: If I roll up a wizard, I get 4 starting abilities. Do I gain another 4 abilities when I hit tier 2, so that when I hit T5 I can choose from 20 different wizard-themed abilities?


The destructable environments look shitty when you're not destroying something that isn't support to represent stone blocks.

In the panel video they destroy freeport and beams off wood, plaster etc break into well.. cubes.
So does the glass and it's weird. That scenario shouldn't come up because they aren't just going to let you wreck Freeport, but there will definitely be buildings with glass being destroyed in some areas of the map. I'm not too worried about it though, that's definitely work-in-progress stuff.

The big iron giant thing crushed through trees that splintered in better fragments. The physics were still janky, but it looked better than the Freeport destruction.


Avatar of War Slayer
its way too early to talk about abilities and shit.
remember when GW2 locked traits into teirs 2 weeks before it went live?

whatever format they have now, could easily change by the time this is ready in 2 years.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Question: If I roll up a wizard, I get 4 starting abilities. Do I gain another 4 abilities when I hit tier 2, so that when I hit T5 I can choose from 20 different wizard-themed abilities?
You have 4 wizard abilities and 4 weapon-based abilities that are derived from the staff or dagger or spellbook you hold.


Sparkletot Monger
So does the glass and it's weird. That scenario shouldn't come up because they aren't just going to let you wreck Freeport, but there will definitely be buildings with glass being destroyed in some areas of the map. I'm not too worried about it though, that's definitely work-in-progress stuff.

The big iron giant thing crushed through trees that splintered in better fragments. The physics were still janky, but it looked better than the Freeport destruction.
Weren't they showing an early version of the client? More detail would just mean allowing the blocks to break into smaller blocks and better physics. Doesn't seem like a huge deal

One thing I am worried about is 40 classes. Way too much, you are going to get alot of repetition.

I wouldnt doubt if there is a consolidation at some point, and classes melted into class skills, or skill trees. How many different ways can you DOT something?


Definitely Kaladim. It's a big dwarf face entrance, look at the eyes, nose and mustache.

Also, McQuaid said this on Twitter: "I'd like to see multiple EQ variants built on this tech. We need MMOs that target specific audiences. Time will tell

EQ3 confirmed.

Edit: Yeah, I'm sure it was beyond just an early version of the client. Things will continue to look better leading into launch, I'm sure.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
My big concern is that games like Pokemon and League, which use these mechanics, don't rely on an identity in the world. People tend to form identities with their own characters--and that could be problematic with a counter based game. In D3, people hated (Very much) the need to slot specific counters for encounters as they went along, it became annoying and tedious--and I think that had to do a lot with identity. People like feeling attached to a persona--if you're using a Pokemon, it doesn't affect your persona, if you're playing Barbie Dress up to essentially BE a pokemon, well, that does.
I share that concern. I'm not an alt person and I disliked how current gen advocates having a stable of alts and putting alot of things like bank space, achievements or currency on the account level. Call it old-fashioned but I would prefer each character if I play several to have be their own character, and not just extensions of my account. Giving the option of a shared bank tab or account features is fine, but I'd like to opt out without a hassle which you cant even do in some games.

I liked how my EQ character somewhat was the sum of his path through the game, factions and all, and they seem to heavily focus on that with EQN, but at the same time making my skillset too flexible to still retain a character identity. Going from paladin in plate to cloth caster feels like much more of a shift then pulling out a different pokeball or switching to my interceptor in EVE. I certainly hope that sticking to one or few classes is viable and the statement about staying pure rogue isnt just lip service.


I agree with the identity thing as well, that's one of the core tenents for me in an MMO. You want to be known as a good X class/role. However, it didn't really seem to be a problem in UO, did it?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I agree with the identity thing as well, that's one of the core tenents for me in an MMO. You want to be known as a good X class/role. However, it didn't really seem to be a problem in UO, did it?
Plenty of pnp RPGs that were classless but isn't also a feature of D&D 4th that you can change class? (Never played beyond AD&D 2nd ed so don't know)


Golden Knight of the Realm
That screenshot is just something a dev created for fun during their testing. It may or may not be in the game, most likely not. They were just showing how anyone could create something. That panel is pretty interesting

Definitely Kaladim. It's a big dwarf face entrance, look at the eyes, nose and mustache.

Also, McQuaid said this on Twitter: "I'd like to see multiple EQ variants built on this tech. We need MMOs that target specific audiences. Time will tell

EQ3 confirmed.

Edit: Yeah, I'm sure it was beyond just an early version of the client. Things will continue to look better leading into launch, I'm sure.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
...Additional note.. if this game didnt have the EQ name on it, nobody would be paying attention to it.
Speak for yourself. If this game didnt have the EQ name, I would like it even more.

They talk a good talk, and assuming they can realize their potentials and go the right direction on the points that are undecided, I'll play the hell out of this. Now granted they might fail to implement what they presented or go the wrong way on those undecided points and that would diminish my interest, but that's neither here nor there this year. It sounds like they are making a potentially awesome game.

However I do appreciate the EQ Lore, I would be fine with some changes for a reboot, but what little I've heard in this thread sounds like they are throwing the lore and backstory in a fucking blender and let it run until everything is a fine goo. It might be nerdy but that's one of my biggest complaints, and it wouldnt come up if they had gone with a fresh IP.