EQ Never


I don't mind nextgen consoles being in on MMOs in the future as long as they don't fuck up the control schemes. I hated FFXI's control scheme SO much as a PC user.

Has this been done successfully yet? I don't want my turning speed to be capped at a certain speed if I'm using a mouse.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
From my understanding the next gen consoles might as well be called PCs anyway, so yeah, it makes sense. Same with Palnetside 2 as well.
Yep, the new consoles will have many features that PC players are familiar with. I think playing a mmo on a console could be fun if done right. I have no problems with the concept of playing a mmo on a console, it just hasn't been done well up to this point. Being able to play the same game on a PC or Console depending on what room your are in would be cool.


Just call it TRAVEL. Movement is misleading, as I did a lot of movement in WOW pvp, but I didn't travel anywhere. On another note, I'm not really seeing anything about the social aspect of Travel. Back in the early days of EQ, you traveled together. It was like an adventure, just to get where you're going. Later on, you were good friends with, or grouped up with, Wizards and Druids, because they could port you to Wizard spires spread throughout the lands or the Druid stones (whatever they're called, I played a Wizzy so meh).

Who cares about instantaneous vs. one massive world vs. trudging through mile after mile of virtual landscape on foot. Make Travel social again, and then maybe you'll have something.


<Gold Donor>
On another note, I'm not really seeing anything about the social aspect of Travel. Back in the early days of EQ, you traveled together. It was like an adventure, just to get where you're going. Later on, you were good friends with, or grouped up with, Wizards and Druids, because they could port you to Wizard spires spread throughout the lands or the Druid stones (whatever they're called, I played a Wizzy so meh).

Who cares about instantaneous vs. one massive world vs. trudging through mile after mile of virtual landscape on foot. Make Travel social again, and then maybe you'll have something.
Yeah, and lets not forget that traveling in EQ was dangerous and exciting at times as well. Anything from the odd red mob roaming, to having to travel through zones with much higer level mobs in them as a whole. Later this was replaced with see invis mobs and such in certain zones you had to watch for. Couple this with a shitty death penalty, and you have yourself an entirely different experience traveling from Qeynos to FP than Org to Undercity or whatever. Its just not comparable. Even if you were high level the risk was still there and you still watched your back and you knew which places you gad to be extra cautious in.

Best one was if you forgot to bind after a long ass travel, get a group, go fight and after a hour or so die, and spawn back where you started from on another continent, nekkid. Fuuuuu.


Let's face it. Nothing new is going to come out of this genre. We are going to keep getting the same flavors of garbage. Why? Because people keep forking the money over for it. And if they didn't, a marketing report would show the MMORPG genre dead as it's target age group went on to have families.

It's fun talking about what "could" happen though if someone got their shit together.

Sorry to be so pessimestic about the genre, but when companies continue to hire the same people responsible for the last disasters who were also responsible for the previous ones before that, it's getting to the point where if it isn't free to play right off the bat, I won't even give it a chance.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
I played a necro in EQ and travel didn't seem that painful to me. I think having gate made things pretty easy so that could color my perception. I found travel to be an adventure. It was nice finding those out of the way places to find new creatures to kill. Running through much higher level places / or faction restricted places with invis up hoping it wouldn't fail gave you a sense of danger.

It seems like in most new games sure there "may" be something in the zone that will kill you quickly, but it seems as though for the most part you rarely have to pass through really dangerous territory to "travel" to a level appropriate zone. Its all bread crumbs that lead you right through the same linear difficulty from 1 to max level.

The amount of steps you actually take seems like a silly arguing point. Ifeltlike travel was a chore in wow. No, i wasn't a baddie and only did one quest a time. However, you still had to keep going back to the same quest hub 2 - 6 times for sequential quests.

-- 5 people want you to go get animal carcases just to prove ur tuff enuff.

-- then those 5 people tell you whats the real problem in the area so go collect 9 enemy weapons, kill 9 enemies, gather an enemy uniform ( that apparently takes alot of dead enemies to accomplish )

--Then those 5 people want you to kill 4 lieutenants and infiltrate the enemy to find teh big boss.

--Then one guy says go kill the big boss and return with his head.

So you're just trudging back and forth hub ------- xxx ------- hub ------- xxx -------- hub ------- xxx ------- hub ------- new hub. To me thats dull and boring travel. However, I do see a positive in that if you just keep following the quests you are more likely to see more of the world and experience the content they intend to experience.

In eq its entirely possible to do 90+% of your leveling indoors. You can skip entire reigons of content if you choose to. At higher levels you could even pigeonhole your self into one dungeon. I was a Guk guy. I went to solb like 4 - 5 times for exp groups. I could make the run from zone in to Ghoul Lord with my eyes closed and probably tell you how many frog's you'd pass along the way. Solb i was lost 5 steps beyond the zone in.

Pro's and cons to both sides I guess. I feel like the world is more alive and the players are more engaged if they have to discover things on their own. Man as a 30's - early 40's necro I was so exicted to share with other evil types the glory of killing druids at druid rings. I was also curious to go and see what these treeants were all about in my 20's.

In wow it just seemed as though I didn't need to worry about what was ahead the game would tell me where i could go every step of the way.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
EQNext on PS4?

John Smedley ?@j_smedley
I don't mind it, as long as the PC version is built for a PC. Hamstringing the PC version so it works for consoles is a no no(mainly controls/UI, not sure how graphics will compares with a decent PC and the new consoles).


Molten Core Raider
Well, if you take a look at about any kind of console port, you can probably guess what we're in for. The console will always be the lowest common nominator, so the game will be built for that first.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Can always hope he is just talking about planetside on the ps4(where it would fit nicely) instead of EQ:N.


Molten Core Raider
I played a necro in EQ and travel didn't seem that painful to me. I think having gate made things pretty easy so that could color my perception. I found travel to be an adventure. It was nice finding those out of the way places to find new creatures to kill. Running through much higher level places / or faction restricted places with invis up hoping it wouldn't fail gave you a sense of danger.

It seems like in most new games sure there "may" be something in the zone that will kill you quickly, but it seems as though for the most part you rarely have to pass through really dangerous territory to "travel" to a level appropriate zone. Its all bread crumbs that lead you right through the same linear difficulty from 1 to max level.

The amount of steps you actually take seems like a silly arguing point. Ifeltlike travel was a chore in wow. No, i wasn't a baddie and only did one quest a time. However, you still had to keep going back to the same quest hub 2 - 6 times for sequential quests.

-- 5 people want you to go get animal carcases just to prove ur tuff enuff.

-- then those 5 people tell you whats the real problem in the area so go collect 9 enemy weapons, kill 9 enemies, gather an enemy uniform ( that apparently takes alot of dead enemies to accomplish )

--Then those 5 people want you to kill 4 lieutenants and infiltrate the enemy to find teh big boss.

--Then one guy says go kill the big boss and return with his head.

So you're just trudging back and forth hub ------- xxx ------- hub ------- xxx -------- hub ------- xxx ------- hub ------- new hub. To me thats dull and boring travel. However, I do see a positive in that if you just keep following the quests you are more likely to see more of the world and experience the content they intend to experience.

In eq its entirely possible to do 90+% of your leveling indoors. You can skip entire reigons of content if you choose to. At higher levels you could even pigeonhole your self into one dungeon. I was a Guk guy. I went to solb like 4 - 5 times for exp groups. I could make the run from zone in to Ghoul Lord with my eyes closed and probably tell you how many frog's you'd pass along the way. Solb i was lost 5 steps beyond the zone in.

Pro's and cons to both sides I guess. I feel like the world is more alive and the players are more engaged if they have to discover things on their own. Man as a 30's - early 40's necro I was so exicted to share with other evil types the glory of killing druids at druid rings. I was also curious to go and see what these treeants were all about in my 20's.

In wow it just seemed as though I didn't need to worry about what was ahead the game would tell me where i could go every step of the way.
Like ur post a lot.i think it's simple to fix, less quests more exploration and discovery and far less rails!!


Blackwing Lair Raider
I remember hating my friend who was a necro and could kite hill giants and was making guap. But then I just kited them as a mage with SoW... god that was annoying.


Mr. Poopybutthole
For those saying EQ didn't have lots of running, did none of you ever do a Lady Vox raid? That shit took FOREVER to run to. I want to say the closest portal location was North Karana?

Also, I played EQ for many years and never hit max level. I think I was 58 or 59 through Velious (and quit shortly into Luclin). Despite not being max level, I still saw all the end game content at the time (Planes, Trak/VS, and NToV). Why can't other games do THAT?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
For those saying EQ didn't have lots of running, did none of you ever do a Lady Vox raid? That shit took FOREVER to run to. I want to say the closest portal location was North Karana?

Also, I played EQ for many years and never hit max level. I think I was 58 or 59 through Velious (and quit shortly into Luclin). Despite not being max level, I still saw all the end game content at the time (Planes, Trak/VS, and NToV). Why can't other games do THAT?
Druids could port to Surefall Glades. Was a quick run through Qeynos Hills, Blackburrow, and Everfrost to get to Permafrost. The closest wizard port was North Karana.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Man, if you weren't max, no way you were coming to NToV with us. You must've had some nice folks on your server Elurin.

Planes, definitely. Seen plenty of family guilds run the planes when they were dated, and they ENJOYED it. They didn't complain it was old content, it was still challenging and provided good rewards.


Trakanon Raider
Between GoD and Ro you really only saw like a 25% bump in the stats of items, it was one of the lowest periods of mudflation the game ever had I think. If a guy showed up in Ro in full anguish gear he was dated ya but he wasnt trash... thats like 5 expansions old at that point.

The big change was instancing let people do whatever content they were capable of, rather than having to wait on guilds in front of them to finish.


Buzzfeed Editor
Man, if you weren't max, no way you were coming to NToV with us. You must've had some nice folks on your server Elurin.

Planes, definitely. Seen plenty of family guilds run the planes when they were dated, and they ENJOYED it. They didn't complain it was old content, it was still challenging and provided good rewards.
This is the effect you get when you make magic items rare, and don't obsolete them during expansions. EQ accomplished the rarity by having, obviously, non-instanced content, which meant only X number of items could drop for the whole server. This forced older items to retain their value, so even old dungeons were very, very valuable. There was no such thing as useless content, unless it was 3+ expansions old and even then, people still killed Nag for his cloak even when guilds were clearing NTOV--it all depended on access, because magic items were so limited.

In WoW, this kind of system wouldn't work because all of a characters power is pushed into acquiring items. So if you don't get new items, you were shit out of luck in terms of power. In EQ, where the levels were so long, MOST non-hardcore players, could always gain a level for more power, even if they didn't get an item. Then AA's came out, and essentially everyone but the top tier guilds had a "broad" base to increase power, you did not need a new item to get stronger, you got stronger in a variety of ways--this let them use the item system described above.

In WoW's system though, where everyone needs items to advance--you need to start offering items consistently, so people don't feel like their time is a complete waste. This is what has lead to things like badges or PvP points. Think about it, eventually badges just became numerical values. In other words, they had to use items to replace the constant experience gains you had in other games. I feel this was a very large mistake.

Multiple power advancement options, with soft cap systems, would allow you to "tier" your content so it stays useful longer...AND still provide large, but rare rewards in single group content--that would remain useful to everyone, because powerful items are limited. While at the same time offering people with only a little time a consistent method of power advancement every log on, through gaining experience. While still having the allure to give players the impetus to take on the more challenging content with that "treasure" hunter vibe that only very rare/powerful items give.

The big change was instancing let people do whatever content they were capable of, rather than having to wait on guilds in front of them to finish.
Yes, but I think this could work with instances, too. By putting strict lock outs on instances, and making so items only drop, even in instances, rarely (Yep kill a boss, get only gold/gems, which given everything would be non-boe, would allow you to eventually buy some gear, but the boss wouldn't always drop it.)--you'd keep that same rarity. This wouldNOTwork in WoW because if someone did an instance and got nothing, it's a complete waste of time, that's simply too frustrating, especially for low time players.

However, if people did instances and still grew in power through various soft cap systems/skill gains, combined with money gains and an open trade market where they could eventually buy gear, then they wouldn't need constant improvements to gear from each dungeon, and you could make gear more "rare" and "difficult" to acquire. This has the side effect of letting you not mudflate as much. Because in new dungeons/content, the bonus to doing them wouldn't need to be an advance in stats--but rather simply another avenue to get more chances at drops. (It goes back to being "broad" rather than simply growing in stats.)

But again, this would only work in a game where you could offer players other forms of power advancement, so they wouldn't feel like a majority of log ins were wasted by bad RNG--rather the RNG for gear should feel like a special bonus, and the experience should feel like the pay off for work done. Right now, in WoW, gear has to occupy both those roles, which is why, for me anyway, gear feels very bland. It may as well just be a bar you fill.


Despite not being max level, I still saw all the end game content at the time (Planes, Trak/VS, and NToV). Why can't other games do THAT?
Will never happen again until we get away from raid size limits

I miss that too. I wasn't in a top of the line guild though (which happened to be Fires of Heaven on my server). Instead I was in a guild called "Ring of Shadows" which was slightly above mediocre I would say. We enjoyed ourselves though and it was nice to be able to bring friends along with us to raids from any friendly guilds and any levels. You're 57? Who cares, come along and have some fun!

Obviously there's the whole zerg problem but I too think that can be extinguished through means other than raid size limits.