EQ Never


Trakanon Raider
Wait , still hiring for those type of jobs and flipmode thinks its coming out this year?
What happens is, speaking from my Software days, people get moved back to their projects or moved on to other projects, and they begin hiring principle positions. I would assume either someone is being moved or possibly just taking another job. It's possible a lot of people were moved to EQNext to get it ready for announcement. When you have a company that has several assets working at the same time, its musical chairs. I worked in a financial institution and developed software for nearly every facet in the banking industry. My primary role was teller software but i've worked on loan, credit cards, savings, investments, you name it. Not saying this is the definitive reason but just some insight.


2 Minutes Hate
EQ-EVE is harder to do than just EVE because when you're in outer space, you don't have a lot of art assets to create and place. It would be interesting if they just create a giant space and let people play, though I don't know how fun that would be with mega servers in finite space.


That's always been the problem of mega-server sandbox games. EVE gets a cop out because they can just slap some stars, random name planet objects, and a "nebula" background and call it a new zone. Land-based mega games have a TON more work to do. Maybe they have some leet ass procedural stuff that fills obscene amounts of land with objects...


Elisha Dushku
That's always been the problem of mega-server sandbox games. EVE gets a cop out because they can just slap some stars, random name planet objects, and a "nebula" background and call it a new zone. Land-based mega games have a TON more work to do. Maybe they have some leet ass procedural stuff that fills obscene amounts of land with objects...
Or they just make smaller servers... 50k per server???


Molten Core Raider
If they still split it up into multiple servers, they're going to have to stay on top of merging servers when necessary. People complain about WoW servers being dead, imagine what that would be like with a world exponentially larger. But mergers might be quite a bit harder now, particularly with something open-world. Take housing as an example. What do you do when you merge servers and two people have a house on the same piece of land? Or if they went full EVE route, and much of the world could be controlled by players with some sort of sovereignty system. It would be next to impossible to merge in that sort of situation without pissing off a fair amount of people.


If CCP can get Texas Instruments to design and build a supercomputer for 50k players at a time, I'm sure there's another company out there who can build one that supports a lot more.... could you imagine over a million players on one world server... I guess it would never work the amount of artwork and size of zones would be absurd.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
The suggestion about EVE like eq is interesting. From my suggestion about this before, I would like for them to pull some of the crafting and skills from EVE in the order of offline training and researching for better items (BPO/BPC). Still wish they would put in SWG core crafting for Dynamic based materials to give each created item its own stats and the use of better material equal better items.

Not sure I like the idea of PVP, I would argue its the one thing that is holding back EVE in having more subs. Their denial of its core players being carebears are their downside. I would prefer the EQ-EVE ramping up its 0sec (0.0) areas as raid lvl roaming NPC Bands of mobs on a dynamic spawn and setup camps. Longer ppl are in the area the hard it is to stay.

Player creation "Foundry" style is something that is the new mainstream candy. Like it or not its something that has been allowing companies to cut back on devs in favor of player created content for min funds and maintenance. Why pay a zone jocky when you can get someone to do it for free. This can be good and bad. I tend to like it more than hate it. This has been around for years in the form of FPS maps and other games like mods. Sometimes players can make something better for free than the flunky at the company who gets paid.

Or maybe they are gearing up to sell the game to PWE (Perfect World) like Cryptic has. Create and dump? lol


Wait , still hiring for those type of jobs and flipmode thinks its coming out this year?
Mid level positions are still open and low level positions have even more room, was heavily considering applying at one point... I think Q3 2014 if we're lucky but that's if they don't decide to just PS2 style it and release it far too early.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wait , still hiring for those type of jobs and flipmode thinks its coming out this year?
A) nowhere is implied that the person is going to be fired once EQN is out, maybe there are other projects
B) it's a principal position, meaning that reports to the director for AI and works alongside another AI architect


Trakanon Raider
Another Best of Show.http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/251130/page/8

I like seeing hype and it's certainly more pre-anyoneseeinganything awards than I've seen before, but it's odd giving awards like "best of show" to something not truly on display.
You have to consider when these sites award this kind of stuff the traffic they get from it. It's a smart play and i'm not saying EQNext doesn't deserve it but, it's the one game no one has seen and people wonder why you're giving it an award.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm excited but I won't be happy until I get to play it for myself. I refuse to get over hyped and burned again. lol


EQOA Refugee
I'm excited but I won't be happy until I get to play it for myself. I refuse to get over hyped and burned again. lol
This. With SOE its ALWAYS a good idea to be skeptical. Even if its good when they release it, they've proven time and again to be able to run shit into the ground.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'm a glutton for punishment. Despite knowing it's SOE, I can't help myself from getting swept up in the possibility that EQ Next could be the next great thing.


Foundry stuff kind of ruins it for me because I feel like its not part of the world. Its just random dunegons that people are making and are just click and enter dungeon. Depends how they implement it I guess.


Trakanon Raider
I'd be totally down to see 72man raids come back lol. The carnage is crzy the only thing that sucks is rolling against like 25 people, hope your dice are hot baby! I think they need to bring back raid mobs turning around raping too high of dps and killing the raids. That would make #'s unimportant again and it would be more about survivability and including everyone rather than picking the highest dpsers. Honestly to me it feels much more epic to have like 100 people banging out a dragon that took hours of creeping through seb climbing through cliffs and just felt like an epic adventure to get to than zoning into an instance with 10man and fighting something that just made you do the same thing over and over until it was dead.
this. there should NEVER be raid limits in a game. if i'm in a guild, and there are 100 of us, and we all decide one friday night that we all want to play, then why should there be a limit placed on how many of us are allowed to? that doesn't make any fucking sense at all. if a guild wants to bring that many peeps to the fight, and /random with 99 other people for 5 or 6 pieces of loot, so be it. hell, you can scale the difficulty of the fight depending on how many people you have, or even increase the loot or the rarity of the drops depending on how you want to reward the players (more loot for less players? more loot for more players but less of a chance for the rarest items? who knows? a hundred ways you could do this) but there should never be a limit placed on how many people are allowed to go. i had a shit ton more fun doing 70+ person raids in everquest than i ever did doing 15 or 40 or so in WoW.
Smedley says such great stuff. He has been saying it for the past year or two as well, it's really promising. The issue is whether he is full of shit, or just incapable of delivering what he wishes he could. We'll see.

When did you quit WoW, out of interest?
I don't really know WoW history. I never wanted to play it because it always looked dumb. I tried it a few times and didn't like it. I finally got pushed in to giving it a chance and I played I think during Burning Crusade? I got to level 70 I think was the highest level. Took me about 3 weeks to a month. But then all that was left was raids, which I don't really like, PVP which was too repetitive and grindy, and dungeons which I thought were really dumbed down. I couldn't wait to get back to EQ. So I quit, after 1 month.

Also the whole concept of "Daily Quests" really rubbed me the wrong way. I actually feel a bit ill thinking about it. I hate to think of people throwing their lives away on things like that.


Trakanon Raider
this. there should NEVER be raid limits in a game. if i'm in a guild, and there are 100 of us, and we all decide one friday night that we all want to play, then why should there be a limit placed on how many of us are allowed to? that doesn't make any fucking sense at all. if a guild wants to bring that many peeps to the fight, and /random with 99 other people for 5 or 6 pieces of loot, so be it. hell, you can scale the difficulty of the fight depending on how many people you have, or even increase the loot or the rarity of the drops depending on how you want to reward the players (more loot for less players? more loot for more players but less of a chance for the rarest items? who knows? a hundred ways you could do this) but there should never be a limit placed on how many people are allowed to go. i had a shit ton more fun doing 70+ person raids in everquest than i ever did doing 15 or 40 or so in WoW.
Some upper limit for performance reasons is fine, in EQ 72 and then 54 were reasonable and never really that restrictive. In WoW 40 was mostly ok but then 25 started to become pretty strict where you had to sit people and all that. The problem becomes when they design the content assuming you have the max allowable players and anything bellow that makes it almost impossible to complete because of tight tuning. So you are forced to carry oversized rosters to ensure full coverage on all raid nights and often forced to sit people to make ideal makeups.

I think the number of players who actually enjoy that tight tuning that forces all that bullshit is really really low. Like less than 5 percent. It really isnt fun imo and really doesnt encourage good community behavior.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm not excited about EQ Next.
There's nothing announced and everyone's just guessing.

We'll see what happens when they announce real information about the game this August.


Musty Nester
I mean come the fuck on guys. Smed, Butler, McQuaid. It's the dream fucking dream team.

It's funny. Those Half in the Bag guys were talking about M. Knight Shamalamadong and they said, "It seems like he accidentally made a good movie. And if you do that early in your career you get to coast on it for the rest of your life."
