EQ Never


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
EQN is doomed, its going the same path of diablo 3. Everyone expects it to be everything, naturally most will be disappoint. So far in the SOE twitch chat ive seen people say crafting and roleplaying will be major aspects of the game and thats within 2 minutes of joining.
I think questing will work more like EQ1. There may be quest hubs that you come across sometimes but it's not the only way you progress. You spend a lot of your time exploring and fighting mobs, collecting stuff, protecting stuff, attacking stuff. The quests are just another thing to do.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Imagine seasons changing. Imagine if you're a Druid and you need to literally seek out reagents for your spells or worship your deity in a glade somewhere off in the wilderness, but you don't know where. Or image forests growing back after they're burned to the ground by invading forces. What we want is a dynamic world that gives all those other possibilities and doesn't just say OK, go to raid X with group composition of X, Y, Z, and kill the dragon for the 52nd time to get the tier 800 gear. It's this rinse-and-repeat gameplay that's got to change, and so we're changing it.

Could just be (and likely is) hype-speak, but it's better than just pure speculation.

We'll find out soon enough, I guess.
I just don't see how its going to do anything different from WoW(phasing) or GW2(inter-linking events that run over and over with only so many variables). It's not really a dig on developers more of just one of the downsides of a MMO. You can't really allow players to alter/change the world for good, it always has to "Reset" or show the default to allow everyone to see it.

The only way to do it in a quasi way is through pvp and territory control but that's not really changing the world, its more on a meta level w/ throw away content(bases, loot, etc). Other then that I think I have only see one instance of "sorry someone got there ahead of you so you will never see it" and that was Kerafyrm(which was never repeated again due to complaints).
I just don't see how its going to do anything different from WoW(phasing) or GW2(inter-linking events that run over and over with only so many variables).
It wont be.

But there will be those things happening, AND seasons changing, AND player made housing, and then there will be real player made content too, probably separate from the core world. Individually, all those things we have more or less seen before, but put all together in the same game will be a first, and kinda deserving of the hype I suppose.


soe or everquestnext? I just got a email saying /everquestnext ? Guess ill just watch both to see


Trump's Staff
StoryBricks gives the possibility of long involved quest lines unique to your character and their accomplishments. That's what I'm most hoping for.


I think questing will work more like EQ1. There may be quest hubs that you come across sometimes but it's not the only way you progress. You spend a lot of your time exploring and fighting mobs, collecting stuff, protecting stuff, attacking stuff. The quests are just another thing to do.
I sure hope so, fuck the mindless quest grind. I am done with that. Wow has killed it for me, any game that I log into that has a bunch of people in a town with some icon over there heads indicating quests can fuck off. Sure, some of the quests some games have are fun or whatever but you can only do so much. The shit is too much like tedious work to me now. I want to log in and go explore and kill shit, and find places to kill shit efficiently to gain exp... Then like EQ have more significant quests that have depth to them, and mean something. Like epic weapon quests, and one of my favorite quests I did, Green Mist.


Mr. Poopybutthole
StoryBricks gives the possibility of long involved quest lines unique to your character and their accomplishments. That's what I'm most hoping for.
I think StoryBricks could actually bring back some wonder to MMOs. I'm sure there will be EQNextHead.com or some shit, to spoil everything eventually...but I could foresee some very complex requirements to open up a quest (without you even knowing exactly what you did to unlock it). Perhaps after doing X, while wearing Y item causes an NPC in a town to hail you and ask for your assistance, etc.