EQ Never


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
But a game can be challenging without forced grouping at static camps with boring combat systems, no?

Even EverQuest Next could be the most unforgiving MMO ever made if they tuned it that way.
I agree, but they won't tune it that way. Mmo devs are pussies. Just look at what happened to GW2 and they are a much more talented lot than SoE.


Now is the perfect time for the next big thing to emerge. WoW is on its last leg, like EQ1 was during GoD. There can only be 1 king MMO at a time and it follows the high end raiding carrot on a stick algorithm. Make it so.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Another point. When I played EQ I was already deep into my career and engaged to be married. I still managed to play in an endgame raiding guild with required attendance. It didn't hurt my career, my marriage or my time out at the bars with my friends. Just because you are incapable of managing your life doesn't mean everyone else is.
Shrug. At the height of my hardcore raiding, we were on basically 24 hour raid standby because there was so much contention for spawns. Maybe you just had a much simpler server, or weren't nearly as hardcore as you thought.


when did the word "stylized" become the not so offensive word for shitty ass cartoon graphics made for the mickey mouse club.

ost people have grown up and moved on. We still want a fun and engaging social experience, but we don't want gigantic boring time sinks.
but you can make something like eq without gigantic time sinks. if it had hard fights and trains that could destroy people and stuff like that, it would still be eq even if camps were made less boring. I thought this is what eqnext was hinting at, but boy was i wrong

Lol, all the casual games are failing already. And it's because they are too easy and made for the casual pussy. A sense of challenge is what humans crave. Not faceroll boredom.

Good games sell because they are challenging and made well. If EQ was remade and they did a good job of it then of course it would sell. Don't be daft.
hmmmmm i thought this was what this entire forum was talking about for the past years, all the failed wow clones and how its time for something to give the hardcore experience a chance again..... I guess i misunderstood everyone because it seems most ppl here are super keen on yet another wussy wow type game but with a few gimmicks stuck on the side.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You know what i cant beleive? With all the awsome people we have here at rerolled / foh, not one of you fuck is a rich multimillionaire nerd who can finance our dream mmo. THAT makes me more sad than that lion in armor. I mean, we prolly have rocket scientists here, maybe even an astronaut... but not one rich white kid? Wtf.


Ssraeszha Raider
Can we be honest? I know you guys are circle jerking over the idea of EverQuest 3...but do you really think it would pull massive numbers? Would it even get more players than the original EverQuest? You can call them pussies all you want, but making EverQuest HD just doesn't necessarily sound like a good business decision. I know you guys would love it, but you guys certainly are not the majority.

Hell, I played EverQuest like a mother fucker...but I was also 17 years old and could ditch school to camp my epic mobs for 12+ hours straight. Is this really what people want? I guess maybe I've just become too much of a casual pussy, but I can't see that game style being popular to even most EverQuest veterans. Most people have grown up and moved on. We still want a fun and engaging social experience, but we don't want gigantic boring time sinks.
It's no use. Whenever this point gets brought up the hardcore Eq fanboys lose their shit and go full retard.


Trakanon Raider
Hah. That's fine. Do you really enjoy 12 hours camps?

EverQuest in many ways felt rewarding because you invested so much goddamn time, not because it was necessarily the hardest challenge (other than a test of patience).
you hit the nail right on the head, and you didn't even mean to. EQ was rewarding, and those rewards were so great it made playing the game that much more fun. why do you think casinos stay in business? losing money isn't fun, yet everyone stays for endless hours chasing the big reward.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Shrug. At the height of my hardcore raiding, we were on basically 24 hour raid standby because there was so much contention for spawns. Maybe you just had a much simpler server.
Lol. We were an FFA server that had to fight the Asians, Aussies and all the rest. The GM's gave up trying to police us because we griefed each other non stop with trains and the like. And temporary bans didnt stop us. We just made sure to recruit people who were good at what they did. We missed some of the off hour spawns but still managed to be the top guild on the server for years.

Playing a hardcore game or on a hardcore server doesn't require 24/7.


So, I'm guessing 12/2014 at the earliest for this game. Any bets? That's a long time to get a lot more information and for the game to change quite a bit. I'm hoping they tone down the asian style explody action combat a bit. Lots of stuff looks really cool though. I like how you have to find and earn your classes/abilities. I like how certain items can be game changing (the flying boots thing.) I like the idea of adventuring near a town that is being founded for a few months then moving to the next big action area - reminds me of old school D&D campaigns.

Lots to be interested in, but some of you are already acting like shit is set in stone. My advice is to calm down and just watch how it develops for a bit. Seems like it should be fun and interesting.

PS - I don't consume gluten so I've been trying different alcoholic beverages (other than beer), and I can whole heartedly recommend Dansk Mjod Viking Blod mead. Shit is good!http://www.bunitedint.com/informatio...escription/12/


You know what i cant beleive? With all the awsome people we have here at rerolled / foh, not one of you fuck is a rich multimillionaire nerd who can finance our dream mmo. THAT makes me more sad than that lion in armor. I mean, we prolly have rocket scientists here, maybe even an astronaut... but not one rich white kid? Wtf.
ehh dude thats what copernicus was lol, didnt turn out too well


Shrug. At the height of my hardcore raiding, we were on basically 24 hour raid standby because there was so much contention for spawns. Maybe you just had a much simpler server, or weren't nearly as hardcore as you thought.
That was why WoW incorporated instancing. It really is a necessary evil if you're going to be centering your end-game content on killing bosses with respawn timers.

Honestly, all these gimmicks and some artificial drive for companies to do new things... Mario/zelda/final fantasy games have been doing the same fucking shit for decades! Only do they add new things when it can enhance the gameplay, some are duds and some are great additions. I don't know why companies feel the need to reinvent the wheel just to make a fucking game. Lay the ground work, polish the shit out of it and give people something "new" to play and the "new" doesn't have to be some stupid ass gimmick like facial recognition, just a "new" world to explore.


Golden Knight of the Realm
One of the things I was interested about was Itemization, and I have not seen much information on that front. I am coming from early EQ1 with the question: How varied and unique are they going to go with it? Are we going to have tons of clickies and such things as the mana stone, holgresh elder beads, aura buffs, ac and attack clickies. I mean in the beginning they had tons of new cool toys to play with. As time went on, EQ began to go away from some of that which I thought was unfortunate and I am curious what their policy is going to be in that regard.

As to the big trinity discussion I admit I was initially kinda pissed off at not having more clearly defined roles for people. However, with with the exception of one character slot servers, everyone is going to have alts. So I think the biggest concern stems more along the lines of how much better will say player A be with 8 years of his class under his belt than player B who just has the same loadout of skills. The word Tier was mentioned as to having a tier 4 warrior but only a tier 2 wizard. In EQ, the answer was AA. A SK with 7k AA was so much better than a beginner SK at the same level who only had 2.5. Also...equipment of course has a monumental impact on the difference between the two on how effective they are. With that in mind.. how difficult is it going to be to get said higher tier equipment? I have still not heard anything on instancing vs. non instanced as far as target mobs and such is concerned.


Mr. Poopybutthole
you hit the nail right on the head, and you didn't even mean to. EQ was rewarding, and those rewards were so great it made playing the game that much more fun. why do you think casinos stay in business? losing money isn't fun, yet everyone stays for endless hours chasing the big reward.
I think you can make things rewarding by making an actual challenge though, not just by feeling invested because you've put in so much required time.

You're right in a way though. They created big time sinks with rare mobs on top of random drops. And people camped and camped and camped trying to hit the jackpot.

I just don't really find that rewarding for the right reasons, though.
The more I research EQ next, the more I realize SOE is full of shit and there is nothing of a game built yet. They seem to have no answers to questions that should be simple 3 month into development.

Also, when did the word "stylized" become the not so offensive word for shitty ass cartoon graphics made for the mickey mouse club.

The game looks like a hoop dream with a bunch of "dev speak", flashy particle effects to wow the WoW crowd, and Smokejumper throwing every gimmicky trick every mmo has puked out for the last 10 years with their own SOE terminology for said stolen gimmick (rally calls ect)

Calling it here, LATE 2015 release.

Also Georgeson is one greasy dude. I can't believe i'm going to say this but Brad seems legit compared to this dude.
Brad is like a fucking All Star compared to him, even with Brad mistakes.


Trakanon Raider
Can we be honest? I know you guys are circle jerking over the idea of EverQuest 3...but do you really think it would pull massive numbers? Would it even get more players than the original EverQuest? You can call them pussies all you want, but making EverQuest HD just doesn't necessarily sound like a good business decision. I know you guys would love it, but you guys certainly are not the majority.

Hell, I played EverQuest like a mother fucker...but I was also 17 years old and could ditch school to camp my epic mobs for 12+ hours straight. Is this really what people want? I guess maybe I've just become too much of a casual pussy, but I can't see that game style being popular to even most EverQuest veterans. Most people have grown up and moved on. We still want a fun and engaging social experience, but we don't want gigantic boring time sinks.
Do any of their games pull massive numbers? Will EQNext pull massive numbers? I think we are giving this thing too much credit and I do believe there are enough people who want something a little bit more than what the MMO world is marketing to make it work. I don't think anyone is wanting 12 hour games but I think people are looking for the basic ideas and concepts that we experienced in early MMO history.

I think they want a world simplified. Why can't there be x races and x classes and let that be it? Why does the entire world need to be modifiable? Why can't the world just exist and be part of a story. Let's face it. EQ was story that was told by its players. It just so happened that Norrath was the place it was told. It simply existed and there was not one thing special about it. That is where devs need to start. Just create a game that facilitates players. I don't need to destroy anything or be amazed by multi-layers. I just need a game that is going to intrigue players to band together to accomplish very simple goals. I need to get a piece of gear, hit a certain level, kill a certain mob, etc. and I don't need anything fancy surrounding it. That's where we became lost in development.

I really believe I could take their big, nice, beautiful engine and recreate Everquest, tweak it and give it some of the modern touches such Auction Houses, homes/guild halls, etc. and make a game that would captivate a lot of people.


Trakanon Raider
Can we be honest? I know you guys are circle jerking over the idea of EverQuest 3...but do you really think it would pull massive numbers? Would it even get more players than the original EverQuest? You can call them pussies all you want, but making EverQuest HD just doesn't necessarily sound like a good business decision. I know you guys would love it, but you guys certainly are not the majority.

Hell, I played EverQuest like a mother fucker...but I was also 17 years old and could ditch school to camp my epic mobs for 12+ hours straight. Is this really what people want? I guess maybe I've just become too much of a casual pussy, but I can't see that game style being popular to even most EverQuest veterans. Most people have grown up and moved on. We still want a fun and engaging social experience, but we don't want gigantic boring time sinks.
Do any of their games pull massive numbers? Will EQNext pull massive numbers? I think we are giving this thing too much credit and I do believe there are enough people who want something a little bit more than what the MMO world is marketing to make it work. I don't think anyone is wanting 12 hour games but I think people are looking for the basic ideas and concepts that we experienced in early MMO history.

I think they want a world simplified. Why can't there be x races and x classes and let that be it? Why does the entire world need to be modifiable? Why can't the world just exist and be part of a story. Let's face it. EQ was story that was told by its players. It just so happened that Norrath was the place it was told. It simply existed and there was not one thing special about it. That is where devs need to start. Just create a game that facilitates players. I don't need to destroy anything or be amazed by multi-layers. I just need a game that is going to intrigue players to band together to accomplish very simple goals. I need to get a piece of gear, hit a certain level, kill a certain mob, etc. and I don't need anything fancy surrounding it. That's where we became lost in development.

I really believe I could take their big, nice, beautiful engine and recreate Everquest, tweak it and give it some of the modern touches such Auction Houses, homes/guild halls, etc. and make a game that would captivate a lot of people.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The feeling I keep getting from all this is that it's really doesn't have anything to do with Everquest other then the name.


but they were only rare and the rewards were only special - because it was so hard to get. When u have these easy games that lets everyone have a "nice time" and everyone can win, nothing feels special, and nothing is rare.


Ssraeszha Raider
I think you can make things rewarding by making an actual challenge though, not just by feeling invested because you've put in so much required time.

You're right in a way though. They created big time sinks with rare mobs on top of random drops. And people camped and camped and camped trying to hit the jackpot.

I just don't really find that rewarding for the right reasons, though.
Nope, not in the slightest. That's what a lot of people refuse to believe, though. Eq wasn't a true "challenge" at all. Test of patience, but not actual difficulty. WoW raiding took more skill than Eq ever did. I understand people are sick of the wow model, but time sinks are not the answer