EQ Never


Molten Core Raider
The next step is going to be a full body imaging for character creation. Rascal scooters now available for the fully authentic look, only 2000 station cash!


Trakanon Raider
Are any of you really worried about that quote? It is just pure marketing BS. Obviously he isnt going to say that no your plate wizard who only has teleport spells and no damage will suck donkey cock and no one will play with you because you picked terrible gear that reduces the cast time of the teleport to town spell. But we all know its true, lots of people will be really bad at this game and we won't want to play with them.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I wouldn't worry too much about the shit they're saying today. They have a loooong fucking way to go before they have a playable world. Q&A sessions today may as well be the chats with the Dawn guy.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Qw got himself banned no one else was involved in his choices to be unproductive.

And on the Emote groups quote it's clear they mean you'll group with people you want to spend time with over randoms you hate but 'need' - which isnt a bad thing unless you're a complete asshole.


We need to make a dedicated site with POLLS for tons of shit make our own round table let them keep that communist controlled speech bullshit

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Yeah, I think this is where EverQuest Next meets League of Legends. They take an archetype and give them 12+ of the most iconic skills for that archetype. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet. In some ways it makes sense. Even in EverQuest you had a whole spellbook of spells, but you ended up using the 8 best onesallthe time - so why really design much more for any single class?
I like the restriction to a set amount of abilities. Eight is reminiscent of EQ but I feel 10-12 would probably be better. Either way its a good solution and preferable to 40 skills on 5 hotbars. I also like the mix'n'match approach, although I hope storybricks throws in a big wrench into plans like equipping your necro with druid buffs on your own. We'll see in a year.

What they didnt need for this to work was remove the trinity though - I hope it's not entirely gone but at some halfway point between EQ and GW2 where its relevant but not required 100% of the time. I had alot of fun doing dungeons we slightly outgeared with an SK friend (me as chanter) but it obviously would've been more efficient for him to go with a shaman. So not requiring the warrior/cleric, having it be easier with at least second-line healer, but doable with stranger setups if you can make it work would be a good place for a soft-trinity imo.

Oh and props to whoever pointed out that trinity didnt mean tank/healer/dps back then like it does now. I'd love to play an actual CC class again, though I'm not getting my hopes up for that at all.


Qw got himself banned no one else was involved in his choices to be unproductive.

And on the Emote groups quote it's clear they mean you'll group with people you want to spend time with over randoms you hate but 'need' - which isnt a bad thing unless you're a complete asshole.
Pretty sure he was banned for calling out the moderator in that Elder Scrolls thread, and made himself an enemy who will now ban him regularly.

As for the emote thing, I get the feeling this game is going to be like The Sims Online, people standing around in towns smiling at each other and making funny faces. At least, that's what SOE think.


it's still amazing to me that mmos won't implement an eq-like faction system. it was pretty much perfect. and if it's true that everyone starts in the same city then that is moronic.


If SoE caves in to the MMO community and gives us EQ3 instead, then I can safely say this genre is totally and permanently fucked. We'll be stuck with the same old tired Wow- excuse me, EQ clones from here on out. With EQN we're getting something progressive; risks are being taken, some existing ideas tweaked and a few new boundaries are being explored.

Yeah SoE may not fully be able to execute on all these ideas, but at least they're trying. The sad thing is even if they did give us EQ3, most of community would still reject it b/c it didn't live up to their own personal idea of what old-school hardcore EQ was to them.
My point is that there are some good points to be had from each side of the discussion, and many of us here can put up a very nice debate to get some opposing viewpoints on the table. I'm sure those people that would prefer completely changing the game into an updated EQ will have little to no impact on the core of the game, but that isn't to say they don't have interesting views on certain elements of the game. Also, if the devs are truly taking advice from discussion, we should be keeping the MMORPG uninitiated in check so things don't get out of hand.

This kind of discussion helps in absolutely no way,

Everything they've revealed.

-from reddit"


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
We need to make a dedicated site with POLLS for tons of shit make our own round table let them keep that communist controlled speech bullshit
Technically that's authoritarian not communist since communist is a wide reaching term. And considering voluntary participation polls have such a ridiculously high margin of error best of luck in getting anything but statistical noise.


Trakanon Raider
Healing is really the central pillar of the trinity. Short of completely removing healing roles you can't kill the trinity. GW2 did completely remove healers tho so it remains to be seen if EQN will. As long as you have healers the other roles will flesh themselves out because someone will always dps better and someone will always mitigate better or hold agro better, depending on how agro shakes out in this game.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
This kind of discussion helps in absolutely no way,

Everything they've revealed.

-from reddit"
Thats my point regarding the "lol its fine" crowd.

Once again, we need to find a short, simple, unified critique with proposed solutions of no more than 5 bullet points and drive that shit into the group anywhere developers tread.

The Official Rerolled Mantra




Buzzfeed Editor
The big thing for me is the blanks they couldn't fill in. If they are making the game like EvE? Then everything they've said so far, even with the lack of trinity ect, is fine. Because PvE will be more about control and efficiency and resource collection than actually difficulty based progression. However, some things they said make this hard to reconcile, like BoE items. Really, the fact is, there wasn't enough information to draw a conclusion.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Because atm its the "cool" thing to do. But yes they had it solved with their class system.

Actually no, it depended on what you needed. As a wizard for example, in AE groups I loaded the spells for that, Quad kiting had its own set, groups another set, raids almost used the same set as group depending on the boss. And that was as a pure dps, the other classes was probably a lot more robust.
Wizards in a raid setting kept infravisions memd... you needed your two nukes, two mana-recovery spells, had infravision and selfbuff loaded because why not and left the last spot empty because "meh". =)

But yea I doubt other casters used the same spells all the time, as an enchanter you were switching alot, especially if you didnt have buff clickies or did content that needed different sets of CC (root because of mez immune, stun immune, this one needs rapture that one doesnt, etc).

I figure depending on what you have unlocked in EQN it'll be similar to that - if its at all possible (i.e. CC is actually part of the game) I aim to recreate the enchanter toolset from whatever pokemons I can catch.