EQ Never


Elisha Dushku

Weapons: Katana, Cross Bow.....Ability Slots: Offense, Offense, Utility, Movement
Are you crazy? They're NINJAS. Offense, Movement, Movement and MOVEMENT.



Elisha Dushku
But they'll need utility for smoke bombs and other ninja gadgets.
Should elimate the crossbow and have "Ninja Belt" as weapon type: four abilities from the belt (smoke bomb, stun bomb, blind bomb and sticky bomb).

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
/bitter on They've mentioned guns several times. Guns are already in there. They need to fill up 40 classes. Ninja, in some form, will be in there.

EQNext gets gayer by the fucking day.
Pretty much. I don't know why anyone is surprised though. It also dawned on me, not to be insulted by the ilk of questions being put up for vote on the roundtable, they're not geared for people around 30 or older, they're for children. Slap some Naruto in your MMOBACRAFT, why the fuck not.

Having said all of that I'm still stoked to play this shit, for some reason. /bitter off


Molten Core Raider
Bouncer? or Swayze? Being a Tier 5 Bouncer - meh. Tier 5 Swayze? With Chippendales Dancing/Ghost-being/Top 40 Singing abilities? Bring it on!
Mongolian bouncers just arent the same as the double entendre of a bouncer that looks like a ball with feet


Come on BF , you're the Twitter in person with them now , go ahead and casually toss to them why are they polling us on something they have already said will be in game.........

See exactly how high on the snide meter of a reply you can get from ponytail.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Come on BF , you're the Twitter in person with them now , go ahead and casually toss to them why are they polling us on something they have already said will be in game.........

See exactly how high on the snide meter of a reply you can get from ponytail.
I slapped them all with that shit earlier. No reply yet. I made a post in the forum regarding the laughable questions the roundtable consists of and lack of freedom to post as well, which got like x7 'thumbs down'. While "KNO WATD BE COOL? LIEK IF U HAD A STEAM POWERED GUNN AND IT COULD MALFUNCTION AND SHOOT SPARKS AND GEARS EVERYWHERELOL!" got x9 thumbs up. So, maybe I'll get some late night twitter ballsucking, promising more stimulating community involvement in the future, which I won't buy. All of the roundtable discussions were prewritten, 20 in total, with 14 to go, and are currently hidden on the forums, to be unlocked according to a sterile release/hype plan.


Elisha Dushku
Pretty much. I don't know why anyone is surprised though. I'm still stoked to play this shit, for some reason.
Same reason you'd sleep with a hot mess some drunken night. Sure, she's not what you really want, but at least you don't have to put a bag over her head in case you wake up before her in the morning and if she gets up in the middle of the night to puke that just gives you a good excuse to gtfo of her room.
