EQ Never


Trump's Staff
Go play planetside 2 for awhile then come back and talk. EQN and PS2 have the same engine Forgelight and put simply Forgelight is not ready for what they want it to do in EQN at this time. If you think what I'm saying is wrong then how about a argument as to why to back up what you are saying instead of nothing but insults.
YOU are asking ME for an argument? The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim. You give some anecdotal evidence about lag in PS2 and you think your predictions for EQN are gospel? Are you a graphical engine specialist? Get the fuck out.

Does everything using the Unreal engine behave the same?

Stop pretending you know what the fuck you are talking about


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
high movement speeds won't be supported by an engine that has to support vehicular warfare already? dafuq you smoking?
Game simply doesn't render every PC when moving at high speed. Vehicles have longer render distance then infantry. When servers start to lag render distance drops even more I've been pushed through ground by objects that simply didn't spawn fast enough when I entered a area, So I was standing in the same spot as object when it appeared on my computer and was shoved through the ground as a result. Faster ground movement in shown in that EQN video will cause problems to increase, massive increase in terrain Dodads and clutter will cause problem to increase because your computer will have to work harder to render them all, voxel destruction will cause the problem to increase, larger maps will cause the problem to increase, NPC will cause problem to increase because PS2 has none.


Trump's Staff
So wait, you arent even speaking from experience with Graphics Engines? you've just observed some issues with PS2 as a player, so you make broad sweeping claims about Forgelight and how EQN will perform? A game that is probably 2 years from release.... Right... You need to stop talking before you make a bigger fool of yourself...


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
YOU are asking ME for an argument? The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim. You give some anecdotal evidence about lag in PS2 and you think your predictions for EQN are gospel? Are you a graphical engine specialist? Get the fuck out.

Does everything using the Unreal engine behave the same?

Stop pretending you know what the fuck you are talking about
Just shut the fuck up asshole.

I gave my view based on my experience with the engine being use in EQN in PS2. I never said it was gospel truth just how I saw things.

You on other hand have zero basis for attacking what I have said because you have zero experience with the engine in question.

You want to disagree with me then fine disagree. but make a fucking argument as to why I'm wrong and drop your asshole zero information attacks that simply attack the messenger.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So wait, you arent even speaking from experience with Graphics Engines? you've just observed some issues with PS2 as a player, so you make broad sweeping claims about Forgelight and how EQN will perform? A game that is probably 2 years from release.... Right... You need to stop talking before you make a bigger fool of yourself...
take your own advice.


Trump's Staff
Your 'view' is fucking bullshit, and based in nothing except anecdotal evidence. What's your education in software engineering anyway? Must be pretty good for such a condemnation of a proprietary graphical engine.

I can't make an argument against your non-evidence. Perhaps actually make a point with 'data' and I can at least attempt to refute it.

'Hurr durr things disappear when I play Planetside 2 - therefore Forgelight isn't ready and EQNext will have to be zoned'

Absurd. What's your processor?


Guys, the only issue with EQNext I've heard of is that the devs have yet to figure out how to make water work with voxels. As in allowing characters to move through them as if they were swimming.

Game engines are typically heavily modified for the purpose that they're going to be used, so the engine that drives Planetside 2 and EQNext is Forgelight in the same way that a Great Dane and a Chihuahua are both dogs. They have the same base code, but they're designed for different purposes. EQNext has been in development for 18 months. Do we honestly think development would have gone on this long on a project that can't work?

This shit reminds me of when I'm reading an article about a manned mission to Mars, and somebody says, "Gee, I hope NASA considered all the radiation the astronauts will be getting".


Trump's Staff
Just shut the fuck up asshole.

I gave my view based on my experience with the engine being use in EQN in PS2. I never said it was gospel truth just how I saw things.

You on other hand have zero basis for attacking what I have said because you have zero experience with the engine in question.

You want to disagree with me then fine disagree. but make a fucking argument as to why I'm wrong and drop your asshole zero information attacks that simply attack the messenger.
I'm not 'attacking the messenger', I'm attacking the type of bullshit alarmist claims you made in that post. What makes you qualified to determine that the issues you experienced in PS2 were even engine related? Then you make this enormous logical leap, first assuming you are correct about Forgelight, and then say that EQN will run worse than PS2 because of xyz unsubstantiated reasons, the game will have load times, people won't see destruction... You just assume to know how the game will be optimized based on nothing.

It was just crap, with almost no basis in reality, and I got dumber reading it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Your 'view' is fucking bullshit, and based in nothing except anecdotal evidence. What's your education in software engineering anyway? Must be pretty good for such a condemnation of a proprietary graphical engine.

I can't make an argument against your non-evidence. Perhaps actually make a point with 'data' and I can at least attempt to refute it.

'Hurr durr things disappear when I play Planetside 2 - therefore Forgelight isn't ready and EQNext will have to be zoned'

Absurd. What's your processor?
And your views are based on nothing.

Lets see processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU @3.00Ghz 3,20Ghz, 64bit, 12 GB of ram. I never chase high performance I go for medium performance at a lower price and buy a new computer about every three years. This one is at about the halfway mark..

My computers performance in PS2 had dropped over the past year as SoE has catered to lower spec computers chasing a larger audience for PS2. Most PS2 player will say the same and tell you improvement of engine for higher performance computer has been no existent for Forgelight. In fact PS2 performance and has actually gone backwards for higher spec computers. Your hope for a major break through for the engine in next two years for EQN seems misplaced.


Trump's Staff
You're gonna have severe issues running PS2 well with that low-mid range CPU.

PS2 is super demanding on your processor, and that ting was released like 26 months ago and even then it was middle of the road. Planetside 2 is one of the most demanding games on your processor on the market, and you can't expect to get good results unless you plan on paying for them.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So is PS2 built with voxels? I don't know why this didn't occur to me earlier. I mean, what all does this "engine" cover? It seems like if PS2 is built with a bunch of hollow polygon structures like everything else out there, wouldn't EQN be as well?
PS2 uses Forgelight but does not include the Voxel Engine. That's just middleware that has been added and do not expect to have this feature added to a game that is already out, they are keeping the big bang for EQN.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You're gonna have severe issues running PS2 well with that low-mid range CPU.

PS2 is super demanding on your processor, and that ting was released like 26 months ago and even then it was middle of the road. Planetside 2 is one of the most demanding games on your processor on the market, and you can't expect to get good results unless you plan on paying for them.
Your a idiot, do you want to repeat vanguard and EQ2 performance problems again? Are you that fucking stupid? My comp is 18 months old and has a processor that was middle of the road two years ago. In other words better then 75% of computers people are using to game with today. You think a game released one year after my middle of the road processor should be allowed to simply not function properly with my processor? Only people that buy a new PC every year should be able to play PC games? Did I mention your a idiot?

Also as I said PS2 has put all its effort into chasing lower performance computers at the expense of high performance one. My computer falls between the two and has seen a performance reduction in PS2 along with the higher performance computers.


Trump's Staff
Your a idiot, do you want to repeat vanguard and EQ2 performance problems again? Are you that fucking stupid? My comp is 18 months old and has a processor that was middle of the road two years ago. In other words better then 75% of computers people are using to game with today. You think a game released one year after my middle of the road processor should be allowed to simply not function properly with my processor? Only people that buy a new PC every year should be able to play PC games? Did I mention your a idiot?

Also as I said PS2 has put all its effort into chasing lower performance computers at the expense of high performance one. My computer falls between the two and has seen a performance reduction in PS2 along with the higher performance computers.
It's 'you're an idiot', bro

Your computer is nowhere near a high performance computer. I'm guessing you're running either a gtx 400 series or very low end 500 series too... You barely meet the recommended specs for PS2. If you get more than 40 FPS on medium I'd be shocked.

Also... To be fair... We're talking about Planetside 2 here. It's probably the single most resource demanding game on the market. The kind of shit your CPU has to keep track of in that game is staggering.

My point being, you really can't blame flaws in the engine when you are running a FAR from up to date rig. Doesn't make sense.


Lol at Landseagull in regards to friendly treatment and rerolled.org: "they hate me over there apparently."

I said we do and he embodies the downfall of this genre/game.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lol at Landseagull in regards to friendly treatment and rerolled.org: "they hate me over there apparently."

I said we do and he embodies the downfall of this genre/game.
Now you're just lying. By the way dont pretend you know shit about PS2 because you don't. You clearly didn't even know PS2 and EQN both used Forgelight engine. That's why you went full retard in your original post because how could anyone know anything about EQN engine.

Minimum System Requirements
OS - Windows XP
Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 or higher / AMD Phenom II X2 or higher
Memory - 4 GB RAM
Hard Drive - 15 GB free
Video Memory - 256 MB RAM
Video Card - nVidia GeForce 8600 series or higher / AMD or ATI 4850 series or higher
Sound Card - DirectX compatible
Recommended System
OS - Windows 7
Processor - Intel i5 processor or higher / AMD Phenom II X6 or higher
Memory - 8 GB RAM
Hard Drive - 15 GB free
Video Memory - 1,024 MB RAM
Video Card - nVidia GeForce GTX 560 series or higher / AMD HD 6870 or higher
Sound Card - DirectX compatible


Trump's Staff
Now your just lying.

Minimum System Requirements
OS - Windows XP
Processor - Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 or higher / AMD Phenom II X2 or higher
Memory - 4 GB RAM
Hard Drive - 15 GB free
Video Memory - 256 MB RAM
Video Card - nVidia GeForce 8600 series or higher / AMD or ATI 4850 series or higher
Sound Card - DirectX compatible
Recommended System
OS - Windows 7
Processor - Intel i5 processor or higher / AMD Phenom II X6 or higher
Memory - 8 GB RAM
Hard Drive - 15 GB free
Video Memory - 1,024 MB RAM
Video Card - nVidia GeForce GTX 560 series or higher / AMD HD 6870 or higher
Sound Card - DirectX compatible
Wait... What? I said you barely meet the recommended specs with that i5... Not to mention, it's a low ass end Sandy Bridge (read: shit) i5. And what you just linked confirmed that. Thanks.

What's your GPU?


Trump's Staff
Now your just lying. By the way dont pretend you know shit about PS2 because you don't. You clearly didn't even know PS2 and EQN both used Forgelight engine.e
Hahaha sweetie you're hilarious. I know everything there is for the public to know about EQnext, including details about the engine

Just call it a day and go play PS2 on Medium getting 25 fps (40 if nobody is around!) on that monster 2011 rig of yours. It must be the engine and not my out of date PC!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hahaha sweetie you're hilarious. I know everything there is for the public to know about EQnext, including details about the engine

Just call it a day and go play PS2 on Medium getting 25 fps (40 if nobody is around!) on that monster 2011 rig of yours. It must be the engine and not my out of date PC!
You clearly know nothing about EQN engine are you would have made a actual argument instead of stupid zero information attacks.

Keep on thinking attacking my 2011 computer means anything other then that you're a idiot wanting to repeat the failures of the past over and over again and again and again and again.

Its 5 am I'm going to bed.


Trump's Staff
You clearly know nothing about EQN engine are you would have made a actual argument instead of stupid zero information attacks.

Keep on thinking attacking my 2011 computer means anything other then that you're a idiot wanting to repeat the failures of the past over and over again and again and again and again.

Its 5 am I'm going to bed.
Check, and, mate.