EQ Never


And something like 20x the number of people that played EQ played WoW. WoW at it's height had like 30x the subs that EQ had at it's height. We can argue all sorts of silly shit about how EQ draws a more intelligent crowd or all sorts of other completely unfounded bullshit reasoning. The plain and simple fact of the matter is that compared to modern releases, EQ is not nearly as relevant as you would like it to be. While -we- may have fond memories of the game, modern MMOs have had multiple times the playerbase we experienced to form memories of current games.

EQ is to modern MMOs as Dragon Quest 1 is to modern SRPGs. Time machines are fun and all that, but the term relevance when talking about today's mmo market does not have EQ on anything resembling a pedestal. People who have aged 10 years from when they played it might remember it fondly and shit, but for the vast majority of the market, it is not relevant.
you still don't understand context.

also, eq pretty much popularized the genre in the west so i'd say it's pretty relevant. oh, and most wow players are fucking chinese so what's your point?


Trakanon Raider
Last we heard, he was on Vanguard for a time, but there's been speculation recently (can't recall what it's based on, if anything) that he's on EQN now.
Last we heard, he was on Vanguard for a time, but there's been speculation recently (can't recall what it's based on, if anything) that he's on EQN now.
Ahh thanks; as long as they keep him far away from anything even remotely business and financial related and strictly in a creative role I suppose he'll be an asset. He also needs his own parking space. In the back of the lot. Next to the dumpster.


Ahh thanks; as long as they keep him far away from anything even remotely business and financial related and strictly in a creative role I suppose he'll be an asset. He also needs his own parking space. In the back of the lot. Next to the dumpster.
And lock all the medicine cabinets within a 20 mile radius.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Rezz- that doesn't mean it would not be popular with a percentage of the WoW crowd.. None of us can really say that until the game is released. Those people are now older and could possibly be looking for a bit more substance..We don't even know that EQN will offer more substance tho..
Oh I'm not saying that it won't be popular with WoW players. My response was to tad's idea that a "lot" of people having played EQ means it is still relevant. Lots of people played Dragon Warrior/Quest 1 for the NES, but it doesn't make it remotely close to relevant in today's market. Honestly, unless SOE is strictly aiming for a very small niche of the market and the market share, they need to market this to people who weren't EQ1 players. Otherwise they'll get the same incredibly insular subscriber base that may stay subbed but will be minuscule compared to the market at large.

And super: You still don't know how to read, nor do you understand the word "context." Glad to see you got to the third line in the post before going full retard though! <3


Mr. Poopybutthole
No U. I made a statement, put something resembling effort into supporting it, and you respond with baseless insults. Put some effort into explaining why a 13 year old game is still relevant in today's market. Because EQ2? Isn't EQ1. It's WoW with a bastardized version of EQ's lore and 3 million hotkeys. The people playing EQ2 today and thinking it is a continuation of the awesome that was EQ1 are not the same people who played EQ1 and think it is still the awesome. They are an entirely different demographic. TLDR version: EQ1 is old as fuck and the brand name outside a very small minority is based on EQ2, which is almost nothing like EQ1. So yeah, stop being dense.

Anyway, on to something constructive:

If the game goes live with a hardcoded two faction system, can we all agree it will be fucking retarded and shovelware?


Elisha Dushku
New board, new rule. No point wasting time with idiots. If you think EQ is a worthless IP then there's no point in arguing with you, especially since you're posting those words of ignorance in the EQNext thread.


Mr. Poopybutthole
edit - lots of harsh words deleted.

I'll state it clearly so that tad10 and supertouch can understand. EQ has a lot of market pull... with people who played EQ1. EQ2 is not EQ1. That market pull? Is entirely confined to people who played the original game and enjoyed that experience. The number of people who played EQ1 and enjoyed it is 20-30x lower than the number of people who played WoW and enjoyed it. You can call that estimate dumb, but really walk around a gaming center and talk to people and see which game they have the most memories with.

A very small minority of the gaming public had actual experience with all the parts of EQ that we as a playerbase enjoyed. When you look at the mmorpg gaming public as a whole (what I referred to multiple times in this very thread) the relevance of EQ1 is substantally less than the relevance of WoW. To the point of being almost non-existent. I compared this relevance to the idea that the first NES Dragon Warrior/Quest game was similar to FF13 or other modern single player rpgs. There are shitloads of ideas that have been stolen wholesale from EQ/DQ and integrated in modern versions, but it doesn't make the original games any more relevant in the public's eye.

So I apologize if you find this viewpoint to be different than your own, but unless you can somehow prove that I am wrong (and I am not) then I will stand by the stance that EQ as a brand name for the people who want that niche gaming experience is a failure. EQ as a brand name inclues EQ2 as its posterboy, and EQ2 is not EQ1. Hark.


Got to post here before that guy who used to post 3-4 times at once makes the move over...

Whenever I bring up EQ with MMO players these days they talk about the newer games and Ultima, rarely EQ. When I talk about healing they do a "yo mad" face and tell me no one has to or wants to do that rubbish. Even WOW players who play(ed) healers look to have main swapped. The world, game worlds and the types of people who game/MMO has changed. EQ does mean less now. That said most who played EQ will remember it fondly. They are also likely to think negatively of SOE. SOE have done a lot of stupid stuff and they didn't think anything of those outside the US which was weird considering they are owned by Sony(not a US company).


Mr. Poopybutthole
VG had movement while casting. You were slowed way down in how fast you moved, but it didn't interrupt the spell. Goddamn that was a great idea and every game needs to copy it. Healing or no.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd have to agree with Rezz.

Do you know how many people played EQ1 in Slovenia? I can give you an estimated number. It was between 10 and 15.
- game was payable with credit cards that kids just didn't have
- internet access was via dial-up that also, many kids didn't have access to unless their parents did
- the computer era was pretty much in it's breeches and most kids were happy if they knew what a computer game was

So, for example, how many people played WoW in Slovenia? The estimate is between 2 and 3 thousand.
- broadband multiplication era
- computer stores were on every corner
- computer games were sold on the internet by every ratshit out there
- payment options were broader

On MMO picnics and bbq's, it's rarity if someone can get your joke about something from EQ because almost nobody has ever played it. Because most of the community that played WoW was UNDERAGE at the time EQ was out.


I just hope it does something new and interesting while keeping the EQ feel. It doesn't have to be flawless, but I can't deal with yet-another-wow-clone. The world building thing sounds way too ambitious, but I hope something innovative and fresh comes to the MMO genre from this.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just hope it does something new and interesting while keeping the EQ feel. It doesn't have to be flawless, but I can't deal with yet-another-wow-clone. The world building thing sounds way too ambitious, but I hope something innovative and fresh comes to the MMO genre from this.
Another WoW clone, you mean, two-factions thing? Yeah, i find that fucking dumb as well. Every single game that has copied that context (wheter is's Wow's clone or not) is shitty. You could have EQ version of multiple factions like the Good/neutral/evils sullon server had. Or just general pvp on of Zek.


All I really want out of this game is solid gameplay (of course), basically factionless, and for an MMO to bring me god damn class quests for spells/weapons.

They don't even have to be upgrades, I'll settle for sidegrades! Just let me work towards something that isn't just "hey go buy a bunch of mats on the AH". Fuck.


Another WoW clone, you mean, two-factions thing? Yeah, i find that fucking dumb as well. Every single game that has copied that context (wheter is's Wow's clone or not) is shitty. You could have EQ version of multiple factions like the Good/neutral/evils sullon server had. Or just general pvp on of Zek.
I agree, I find the two faction system to be incredibly limiting. But when I think of the blue EQ servers, there really wasn't faction per se, I mean Dark Elves could group with High Elves and Iksar. You could all talk to one another, and play alongside one another just fine. I hope that still carries over. Additionally, I did love the fact that cities had factions, and hunting areas had real impact when it came to faction. Want to go hunt in Crushbone? Dwarven Guards in BB... that's fine, but it'll cost you from a faction standpoint.