EQ Never


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I don't care what sketches look like, it will all come down to the model and how awful it looks a) in general and b) due to the emote expression crap


Golden Baronet of the Realm
On the recent Landmark Workshop they showed artwork of the reworked Kerrans and some Kerran architecture.
Worth a look

The Workshop Show #7: Kerran Lore Style - YouTube
Still relevant.


Still relevant.
I "hope" they add a lot more detail to the models from now/Landmark to Next. The humans on Landmark are at best passable they need a lot more detail for me to be happy with the cartoon look.

But to be honest the game could look like 1999 EQ if the gameplay and everything else is topnotch.


The whole cartoon art thing needs to die. FF14 looks absolutely amazing, the graphics make it far more immersive than any other cartoon game and it runs smooth as butter. I watch my wife play FF14 then when I go play Wildstar I feel I'm playing some children's game from 1995. Can hardly stand looking at it anymore. It's cool WoW did it 10 years ago but JFC lets move on please? Do we really need to spend the next 10000 years of gaming copying fucking WoW? Do we?


Trump's Staff
Obviously the model needs some detail work, but I still love that Kerran. Especially when it's compared to that boring EQ2 catman


The giant shoulder pauldrons need to go.
Giant shoulder pads should only be on heavy armor and not on every fucking piece of armor. Seeing a Paladin or SK or warrior with thick shoulder pads can look fine when compared to less armored classes. But, If I see a fucking mage or rogue with gaudy shoulder ornaments again I'll puke.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Giant shoulder pads should only be on heavy armor and not on every fucking piece of armor. Seeing a Paladin or SK or warrior with thick shoulder pads can look fine when compared to less armored classes. But, If I see a fucking mage or rogue with gaudy shoulder ornaments again I'll puke.
Some ornamentation is one thing, but if it's the size of the character's head then you've taken it too far. That shit needs to be dialed back.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well in the video, she's bragging that they can do more now with character models, thanks to this engine. Although I agree that eq2 had boring models, they were still very detailed. They just weren't taken in the right direction. Sort of like how character models in Dq 1 were upgraded in luclin and people hated them, even though they were more graphically defined.

The shoulder pads argument has been going on for almost a decade now. People think they don't like big shoulder pads, but between two shoulder pieces in wow that had similar stats, people gravitated more to bigger is better look. It was in a developer blog a while back. I personally don't care as long as it looks good. -- the realism between heavy armor and cloth is boring tbh. I hate cloth gear in skyrim because it just seems so boring and plain. Does it need huge shoulder pads? No. But I don't know what would make it better, either.


Trump's Staff
Animations can make or break the perceived quality of your models. Luclin models were far and away better than classic EQ models, but they lacked any character (like ogre butt scratching) and normal animations were very robotic. Landmark animations on the other hand are pretty great. Every action looks right, even swimming/gliding which just recently got implemented.


Animations can make or break the perceived quality of your models. Luclin models were far and away better than classic EQ models, but they lacked any character (like ogre butt scratching) and normal animations were very robotic. Landmark animations on the other hand are pretty great. Every action looks right, even swimming/gliding which just recently got implemented.
Agree, animations are really important. If I am wielding a 2H weapon, I better use both damn hands in game. With all of the dev hype surrounding EQEmote, I am thinking we'll have some pretty cool animations. As long as I can do the butter churn, I'll be happy.


EQ2 Kerran up there isn't in game and looks like a cat monkey. EQN Kerran up there looks like Chester the Cheetah only actually he's a lion. They're redoing the face part and bending to criticism so I'll wait to judge then. I don't hate the EQN model shown, the face just looks so stupid.


Animations can make or break the perceived quality of your models. Luclin models were far and away better than classic EQ models, but they lacked any character (like ogre butt scratching) and normal animations were very robotic. Landmark animations on the other hand are pretty great. Every action looks right, even swimming/gliding which just recently got implemented.
Animations are key, The "heroic action" travel system is interesting if they can space out the animations enough to not look silly. Combat animations are another, I'm already annoyed at the whirlwind animation i saw last year I prefer my combat animations realistic not jump and spinny.


Trump's Staff
Well let's keep in mind that this is a fantasy game. We definitely should have some flashy moves, but I agree they should be the exception and not the norm. I expect stuff like that whirlwind attack will not make it in final build, the amount of lag created from lots of people doing that shit would destroy systems.