EQMac Now Free to Play


Lord Nagafen Raider
Someone quoted Hobart making a leading statement about the pc client being ... broken? IDK its on the eqmac forums somewhere.

Something about packets and spell data changing.


<Silver Donator>
not patched in yet afaik, it will happen when he pushes client, server and spell database fixes.
If they manage to get a comprehensive patch for EQMac I might be tempted to buy a second hand mac and give a serious attempt at leveling up.

Any patch will have a work around I'm sure, the only question will be how public and accessible the work around will be.


No one is asking for the PC client to be fixed but a few idiots who have very little understanding of what it is, however it's pretty awesome that your shitty guild crash and burned despite duping plat, duping entire characters and accounts through the account transfer loopholes, Warping, Z axis exploiting, third party macro scripting, training, getting AAs by the hundreds pitwaring 24/7 and overall being total fucking douchebags. The fun part is yall can't even stand each other in the end, you had 10 factions in your guild shitting on each other.
You exploited as much as you could and still couldn't win, wonder who's really mad in all that. Oh wait, it's all because of that one bard who griefed you right? GTFO.
all this you speak of is mostly from 1 guy that was on this server from day 1 way b4 us "PCfags" showed up to pwn. The aa's you speak of we are guilty of everylast one of us even the guys you just accepted as apps only 1-3 members ever aa'd LEGALLY here i will name them. Shortok,Sextar,Gwence,Stairs and all the other bards. so there you have it every last member of my guild used pitwar to get aa's we use to have people looking for pitwar grp lots of them are now apps in your faggot guild. Temerity is corrupt as fuck


all this you speak of is mostly from 1 guy that was on this server from day 1 way b4 us "PCfags" showed up to pwn. The aa's you speak of we are guilty of everylast one of us even the guys you just accepted as apps only 1-3 members ever aa'd LEGALLY here i will name them. Shortok,Sextar,Gwence,Stairs and all the other bards. so there you have it every last member of my guild used pitwar to get aa's we use to have people looking for pitwar grp lots of them are now apps in your faggot guild. Temerity is corrupt as fuck


<Silver Donator>
all this you speak of is mostly from 1 guy that was on this server from day 1 way b4 us "PCfags" showed up to pwn. The aa's you speak of we are guilty of everylast one of us even the guys you just accepted as apps only 1-3 members ever aa'd LEGALLY here i will name them. Shortok,Sextar,Gwence,Stairs and all the other bards. so there you have it every last member of my guild used pitwar to get aa's we use to have people looking for pitwar grp lots of them are now apps in your faggot guild. Temerity is corrupt as fuck
Lol good try, again.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suite, probably why you are broke and losin everything you have irl lately.
We warned you about zam and faite, y'all let them in and rode that fucking train until the bans started falling and you imploded. a lot more people than zam knew wtf was up, the dupes, the scripts, the sploits, and again yall rode that shit because it was easier than policing your guild and playing legit.
you fucking made THREE guilds and every single one died of its own drama and lack of cohesion, now fuck off, time for you to hit the bottle to forget about what a fucking waste you are in and out of the game.


you need a xanex bro like for real. Temerity took in "Exploiters" so whatever baggage they carry from their past makes Temerity just as bad if not worse than TSE. The other guild Destiny is where all you guys should go they took in no "exploiters" "dupers" "scriptkings"



<Silver Donator>
Nice angle you're trying, about as good as the rest of your trolling. Don't you have a sleeper to wake again, since apparently getting a job to get custody of your son back is not a priority, you fucking reject of humanity.


So apparently eqmac is missing a bunch of old code fixes and a bunch of people are duping? I was thinking about giving AK a try, but this thread does not paint a pretty picture.


a guy named Zamiel who had been on this server for 5-6 years found a way to dupe through character transfers. This Bragon dude trying to paint a cool little perfect picture of his retarded CORRUPT GUILD. The facts are the core of his guild use pit wars to lvl and aa back in the day. The pitwars only became such an awful thing was when we started doing the same thing they were.

We came to this server clueless on such things. We all lvld to 60 via grps. It was not until people in this such prestigious guild showed us the ways of pitwars.

Temerity been hacking/duping/pitwarring/training for 10years.


want a good guild who does not allow such bullshit look up Destiny


Is this 'pit war' exploit the thing where you start a chain reaction of the mobs in PoT fighting each other? I thought people were doing that way back when PoP was the current expansion?


<Silver Donator>
Lol i see you're well on your way to drunk again and spouting nonsense with no proof while ignoring the facts of what happened, here goes that child support money again. Shitting on tem and sucking destiny cock, then when you hit a certain level of booze you shit on destiny also, you just make no fucking sense in general, have no proof of anything and go by the fucking sob stories your shitty little officers fed you to make you feel better about your own exploits. You probably also believe you got griefed out of RZ when you spawned him while you just fucking took too long and he despawned, because that's the fucking story your ignorant officers fed you and you gobbled that shit up like Faite gobbles cock.
Do you have circle jerk sessions repeating how it's not your fault over and over and over until you start crying?

Most of you dregs, including friday here, got fucking outed on P99 for being sEQ and MQ users, and you're going to play innocent about coming here knowing nothing about exploits and shit? You all jumped on that shit as soon as you found and abused the living fuck out of it more than anyone ever before. Pitwar has been banned for years before i even joined this server 3 years ago.


<Silver Donator>
prove me wrong. you cannot b/c CORRUPT
I fucking proved you wrong a hundred times over already jesus fucking christ. Yes people from ALL guilds used pit wars fucking 7 years ago, that shit got put to a stop when it was deemed an exploit and rules were made by all guilds to fucking prevent it. Some people still got caught trying it and got swfit warnings, some got the boot for using it despite the rules established. It's called policing your members and having rules, you should try it on your next guild, it MIGHT prevent it from imploding this time. NO ONE ever ran that shit 24/7, training other guiilds at the entrance to prevent them from zoning in like you fucking did though. We took people who pit war'ed making it very clear that this shit was not allowed now or ever, but any duping or other exploits, or even training people and the app was rejected. Half the guild wanted to give those guys a second chance and half wanted none of it.The line was drawn at the pit war activities because your shitty officers didn't crack the whip on it, so people got a pass on that for the most part. If any of them (or anyone) is caught exploiting or pulling any shady shit it's going to be a swift kick and nowhere else to go.


<Silver Donator>
Bragon needs mental help ASAP
Ahah yeah dude, good come back. You got nothing, you are nothing, and your son is in better hands right now. The world is a better place. Drink to that tonight, may be you'll log in to cry salty tears on vent to people who don't give 2 fucks about you and shit on you any opportunity they can.