EQMac Now Free to Play


Trump's Staff
Yeah, all it does is log in 2+ characters for you, bypassing the shitty browser launchpad.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
SOE are the biggest board nazis I've ever seen. I've made three posts on the official EQ Mac Announcements board and 2 were deleted. All you have to do is mention 'pc client hack' in your post and you can't count on your post being there in a few hours; made all the more frustrating in that they seem to randomly leave some posts mentioning it. I spent an hour writing a post about why eqmac and classic eq were better than PC EQ and why PC users would want to play there instead after Hobart told us to go play PC EQ instead of use the client hack, and that cunt Zatozia deletes my entire post for mentioning PC client hack in one sentence when it was relevant to the discussion Hobart started. I didn't link to it or anything, just mentioned that it existed in one sentence. Instead of deleting the three words, she just entirely deleted my polite, well considered post that largely praised classic EQ.

SOE asking Nikolai to delete posts mentioning LauncherFrien because he was "asked to remove the link to an application which bypasses the patching process" is absurd. So is posting a screen of a windows shortcut properties with -patchme as an argument cause to delete a post now? Oh that terrible Microsoft enabling the hackers! Alt-tab is hacking, man.

I can't even post on eqmac.com without having every single post approved by a moderator. I write posts that never show up at all or if they do they show up days later. Say what you will about fohguild's community but at least you're free to post here.
Send an email and/or tweet to Smed with your concerns. You'd be surprised how often he replies to those, even from random people.


Seen a couple of quirks with the new hack, like one of my clients logged in in some kind of super high speed mode. Everything was moving at 50x faster than normal, like when the character slowly rotates on the character select screen, he was spinning around at 100 rpm
And in game he was moving 50 times faster than normal. But I tried casting spells with him and they still worked at normal speed so I don't think it could be used to exploit. Hope not anyway. I just closed the client and loaded it again and it was fine the second time.

Besides that, everything is back to normal for me. Great to be back. Just sucks to invest my time in something that may poof any day.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Never thought I'd see the day where a genuine SOE server would feel more at risk for a abrupt unannounced closure than its emulator cousin. I'd probably feel more safe with the permenance of my toon on P99 than on EQ Mac at this point. Esp after the layoffs.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is there no Eq windows for eqmac? I.e. what's the best way to box three accts on EQ Mac. Going to start soon and need to know


There is also a fix available for the Bazaar window in the pc client.
Wow do you have a link to that? Would be great.

Is there no Eq windows for eqmac? I.e. what's the best way to box three accts on EQ Mac. Going to start soon and need to know
I use EQW. I followed Torrid's instructions in the 3rd post exactly. Although it may be a bit different now since the change.


Molten Core Raider
Seen a couple of quirks with the new hack, like one of my clients logged in in some kind of super high speed mode.
Are you sure it's not the known dual-core issue with Everquest clients? Even the modern EQ client has this issue. If you have an older dual core processor, it can screw up the speed the client runs at or have other weird display problems. The solution is to force it to one core. Try executing "start /affinity 1 C:\EQMac\eqw.exe" at the command line on the problem box. (note: change the 1 to something else on each client if you run multiple clients on the same machine; it's a bitmask) Running the game in an older windows compatibility mode might work too.

Is there no Eq windows for eqmac? I.e. what's the best way to box three accts on EQ Mac. Going to start soon and need to know
I've not run the game on a mac so I can't go into detail about that platform, but mac users seem to use a program called 'Spaces' and another program called 'LauncherFrien' to box.

On the PC side, the PC client hack comes with an old copy of eqw. I also recommend a program called HotkeyNet for multiboxing software.

I use EQW. I followed Torrid's instructions in the 3rd post exactly. Although it may be a bit different now since the change.
I updated it this morning.


Yea its not that, I logged in 6 clients together, same as always, and only one of them had the problem. Not seen it since though. Hoping to catch you later btw, I still desperately need rings


Lord Nagafen Raider
What level/class are you, Fish? Could always use more EQ mac people to play with (35-50ish toons here).


Damn being able to search the bazaar is so great! If anyone wants help doing the hex tweak let me know, I just did it so can guide you.


Molten Core Raider
So now that it looks like I'll get to stay here awhile longer, and I have several 65 with plenty of AAs, I'm at the point where I'm running out of things I can do alone. I was curious if there were others in my situation that would like to tackle some 1-2 group oriented content.

What I want to do is join up with some other folks who play at a high ability level and limit boxing to something like 3 or 4 each. If I could man all 7 of my characters with human clones of myself, I would destroy shit; but managing 3 hasted quadding level 60 pets while handling a CH rot while tanking while kiting and mezing adds is beyond my capabilities (and I doubt anyone elses) and generally makes the game less enjoyable to box so many. Nor do I want to mem spells on 7+ characters after every wipe or wait for somebody else to.

Most people generally app with one of the guilds at this point, but I'd rather earn my gear instead of get handed rots on raids they've long since mastered and have all my spells handed to me for free. I have plenty of time to join a guild after I've exhausted the content that is doable with smaller numbers. I'm here to do hard stuff, not bask in glow of the large green numbers of my character sheet from looting rots.

So, any like-minded individuals out there? I'm thinking 3 people 3 boxing (or occasionally 4 boxing) 65s, starting with ornate and plenty of AAs, could handle or eventually handle encounters such as many of ToV's mobs, grieg, doomshade, most tactics named (easy), Ston`Ruak, some BoT tower bosses, the easier ssra mobs, sleeper's, maybe even AoW and seru if they are up. There is plenty of stuff to go after. My original EQ guild prided itself on high skill with small numbers, and that's what I want to do here-- to see what is possible with as few as possible.

One neat thing about EQ is that raid gear takes several expacs to become obsoleted by single group content. Even ToV has plenty of drops that are good for people who cannot do high end luclin or PoP raids, so we can be rewarded for our efforts. The zone has drops with a ridiculous amount of AC on them as well.

Anybody interested? Requirements are: must be able to 3 box comfortably; own at least two physical machines; be good at the game; not be an asshole.


Yes Zamiel made it and its been verified safe by Cabot, Bijaz, and others. It makes loading up multiple toons much more painless
sup Juice is your twink ready to take on Naga/Vox yet? Chiba said you wanted some AoW legs btw....LOL