EQMac Now Free to Play


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't move my windows, as I use 3 physical machines, but try the SetWinPos comand. i.e. <SetWinPos 1050 -10>

If that doesn't work, use the Run command to execute a batch file that will copy an already edited eqw.ini file before executing eqw.exe. i.e. <Run C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe "/c C:/MyBat.bat">
Worked like a charm, thanks again.



What's that all about? Do you tile the windows or something so that you can see all characters at once? I thought about doing that but it was too small for me.

The way I play is to have a bat file which opens 6 copies of EQ at once. Then I use a macro to input the username and passwords to all six clients, then I log them all in together. And then once logged in, I use Virtual Dimension and drag each client in to its own box. So I can then just instantly go to any character with one key press, so need a heal, press one key and you are instantly on cleric, need to slow... one key and you are instantly on chanter, etc. Works great.

I do have trouble motivating myself to play though. Partly because logging in 6 characters and then making pet, buffing them all etc.. it's like a 10 minute chore before I can even start playing. And then its quite tense to play, I have to focus and its a bit stressful and the xp just trickles in so slowly because I'm still only killing mobs one by one, albeit dungeon/plane mobs. But I am determined to stick with it because there is a lot of fun stuff I still want to do.


Molten Core Raider
Does anybody have a copy of EQW 2.47 somewhere? I want to see if that version works better, but the EQW website went down god knows how long ago.

Somebody should track down the dude who wrote it and beg him for the source. Maybe there is a way to modernize the program so that sending commands to background windows is possible. That's a bit over my head though.

Also a working copy of an old version of EQPlayNice would be sweet. Running two or more clients on the same core causes performance issues which EQPlayNice would resolve. Lowering CPU use for bazaar traders would be nice too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, I have two 24 inch monitors and run 4 mostly full screens across. Helps with awareness a bit.


Wow that must be cool. I only have one 20" screen so couldn't do it

As for EQplayNice, I spent quite a lot of time trying to get that to work. I tried various old versions of it (including the one Shards of Dalaya host), but none of them worked. And then the newer versions are all combined in to some bigger tool that does other stuff. But even that didn't work. It's a shame because all I can do is use a frame rate limiter but that doesn't really solve everything. I reckon if I could get a version of that which worked, I could do an AE team on one PC.


<Bronze Donator>
Also a working copy of an old version of EQPlayNice would be sweet. Running two or more clients on the same core causes performance issues which EQPlayNice would resolve. Lowering CPU use for bazaar traders would be nice too.
http://download.cnet.com/EQPlayNice/...-10526907.html< i'm currently using this on my PC

it helps with my P99 performance, but i'm not sure it helps much with EQMac since EQMac is code-wise a level or two removed from EQPC. hard to say for sure, since i box on EQMac but don't on P99.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This has to be a super long shot, but anyone want to try to do fear for armor drops?

Also, is hate revamped hate?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Does anyone else face a bug on the PC client where literally everything on your UI turns off and resets? Sometimes I hit a button and all my group, target, buff, hotkey, etc boxes go away, my ui goes to off mode, and my camera goes to third person. This just happened on a fresh install on my laptop so I don't think it's a settings thing.


Molten Core Raider
Oh great. First some jackass named Zeref intentionally trains me and other people using a speed hack, now the login servers are unresponsive. Al'Kabor getting DDoSed perhaps.

Nothing I hate more than sadism. If only Karma were a real thing.


Trump's Staff
Claimed he was paging in alliance but my guild mate said he trained their group as well.


I wish they would let us run the server ourselves. We could have someone act as GM and just IP ban the assholes, or at least act as Guide and send the player name or something to a real GM. I just hate the idea that a few dick heads could ruin the server for hundreds of other people, just because SOE completely ignore it and don't even let us take care of it ourselves. It's like they will wait until something really bad happens (like DDOS) and then they will just say, "Well we tried to let you have your server but the attacks mean its too much trouble for us to keep running".


Molten Core Raider
Smile, you're on candid camera.

GMs had a ticket with that link in it less than an hour after it happened. Don't fuck with the dude with a 20 gig ramdisk.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's really blatant. He has to be running at 3x bard speed. There used to be flags for that kind of shit, no longer?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I cant see the video yet (I am at work). Would GMs give a shit about player made videos though? Couldn't someone simply claim it was manipulated / sped up on your end?