EQMac Now Free to Play


Trakanon Raider
So I think I did something wrong, I downloaded that fix for Bazaar and just died and all I can loot are my bags, my gear is all on the corpse but not loading to loot. Any ideas?

Edit: Fixed it, guess I was missing a C++ shit for windows.


Trump's Staff
i think most of the drama on EQMac these days is "waaaaaahhh i'll never get to be in Temerity"
Which is funny because Temerity has the most lax application requirements of any raiding guild in the history of EQ. Don't even have an attendance req.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, I'm sure Temerity was just terrified of another EP guild and it had nothing to do with TSE coming to eqmac and acting like the assholes they are; laughing about not joining rotations, showing open contempt for everybody there, pit waring AAs, duping, RMTing, and god knows what else.

Every Temerity member I've had contact with was nice to me, even though I'm not only a known PC user and boxer but wrote the damn how-to guide on here for it.

A third guild will be attempting RZ soon so we'll see these claims put to a test.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
I leveled a char on EQMac, got into Temerity, geared him out, got Time flagged, then sold him. Temerity is a bunch of whiny cunts, I can't even compare it to anything PC side, a good amount of players on the server are whiny, sensitive, crybabies. It's brutal.

Don't get me wrong though, there are a handful of legit guys who are a blast to play with. But they are so few and far between it's not even worth it.
What was the price range on that sale? Just wondering what your /played was if you remember? Not shocking but its still amazing it is still worth time and money for 13 year old 1's and 0's


Yeah, I'm sure Temerity was just terrified of another EP guild and it had nothing to do with TSE coming to eqmac and acting like the assholes they are; laughing about not joining rotations, showing open contempt for everybody there, pit waring AAs, duping, RMTing, and god knows what else.

Every Temerity member I've had contact with was nice to me, even though I'm not only a known PC user and boxer but wrote the damn how-to guide on here for it.

A third guild will be attempting RZ soon so we'll see these claims put to a test.
noted your opinion matters since you were not even on the server when we were there. Sounds like you fit right in with the cry babies of Temerity tho. Have fun spending 10 more years turning 50 yrs old wake up still a virgin and still not able to beat a 20yr old game LULZ


What's the story behind that?
1 of the 2 biggest cheaters on the server was a known cheater he made posts on eqmac forums of youtube videos showing off his memory hacks also was the leader or high ranked officer of Temerity.

They all are the biggest hypocrites ever bunch of whiny grown men cheating on a server they can't beat. Getting GM's involved when their pixels get threatened. LULZ!


Not as interesting as one may think. Faite was a member/officer of Temerity long enough before the TSE vs. Temerity drama to negate a strong correlation between Faite being booted and the rise of a competing guild.

Zamiel (and other members of TSE) being banned and Temerity's involvement is a completly different matter. If you played on EQ Mac at that time or were witness to the leaks, Temerity did have threads on their forums regarding TSE's rapid progress, namely that Zamiel, to some EQ Mac's Lex Luthor of bot scripting, must be behind it.

In the end, Temerity was correct, Zamiel and others were banned, Tears, the referenced bard, I believe, was outed as Temerity's leak, and TSE went away.


We had cleared all of Velious, Progress style and all of Luclin moved in PoP killed 4 dudes b4 Zamiel even took notice to us. We killed Vulak without his cheats only the 2nd guild to ever have killed it. The only mob I let that faggot help on was Bertox and it was out of my hands by then, he had moved his way into a raid leader role and the healer team were mostly boxes of other officers/ long time members so they did not say much when he wanted to cheat it up. Our progress had nothing to do with him. Temerity was just little faggots and felt threatened.

Was funny watching Temerity and Destiny accept all the apps from TSE tho. I guess all the accusations of pit wars, exploits, RMT, HAcks and whatever else they accused us of did not matter anymore all of a sudden. LOL bunch of faggots


TLP Idealist
I followed a lot of the progress of The Resistance at the time but I stopped after they fell apart. I never realized TSE almost went EP. You guys should have just rerolled the banned characters and finished the job.


I followed a lot of the progress of The Resistance at the time but I stopped after they fell apart. I never realized TSE almost went EP. You guys should have just rerolled the banned characters and finished the job.
Temerity gave DKP for people to train us every single RZ attempt. They had multiple bards for the sole purpose of training us at all hours.


Rellapse you're wrong about just about everything, as usual. Glad you've found an audience though

You guys' problems weren't because you were progressing too fast. The shit COME AT ME BRO attitude, the constant pit warring, RMTing, duping etc wasn't a good start. Once you got to Bertox, took Zamiel and Faite, and began flagrantly automating ch rotations it was a done deal.

The good guys started perma-pacifying the pit mobs in an effort to discourage you from pitwarring, and when that didn't work the good guys started rev-paccing the Diaku Overseer to make the pit unusable. When Zaxizius and others began training, the RZ wing mobs started getting rev-pacced. When the streets needed a hero, Riptse was born. When Zamiel and Tears got banned for duping, you lost your VT CoH bots and your EZmode heals and everyone went "WAH-WAH-WAH" all the way home.

(permapac was a mechanic on al'kabor that no longer exists, where you could pacify a mob twice and it would stay that way until killed or rubbed. If you did it to a red-con unpacifiable mob, it would become "reverse pacced" and it's assist range would become enormous)

FWIW I thought it was funny when you guys woke the sleeper bc of the ridiculous amount of butthurt it caused.


Molten Core Raider
Time for another round of naming and shaming. This time a botter using a warp hack script to level characters with a fedex quest in Sanctus Seru.



Molten Core Raider
If these people are making PoP zones unplayable with trains and crashing zones left and right, then they would be disrupting the server to the point of people not wanting to play it anyway.


Trakanon Raider
If these people are making PoP zones unplayable with trains and crashing zones left and right, then they would be disrupting the server to the point of people not wanting to play it anyway.
Like all the people who quietly pit warred until some people blew it up, then publicly condemning it? No, I think they'd be happier playing it out than getting shut down.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd walk into PoTactics all the time and see people pit warring from all kinds of different guilds.

Saying it was publicly frowned upon is just stupid. There are a lot of people on that server that need to remove the sticks up their asses and go the fuck outside.


Use to always catch a grp of Temerity or Destiny pitwarring at 2am to 6am. We never petitioned them as we gave 0 fucks we patiently waited til they left and we did it. When they started coming down and we were already there then they started crying claiming exploits and started petitioning.

Btw you can still pitwar you just use the opposite mob to start it.

In the end Temerity and Destiny are nothing but crying faggots.