Escape from Tarkov


Molten Core Raider
25% off today and tomorrow. It is a really fun game once you get into it, starting out can be a little rough.

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Trakanon Raider
Ive been having a blast with it since the wipe, a lot more balanced. That and I have about 4 friends who own it now too.
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Vyemm Raider
Ive been having a blast with it since the wipe, a lot more balanced. That and I have about 4 friends who own it now too.

Same its more balanced and starting out with everyone at level 1 makes it a bit easier to quest/grind.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
You have to shell out more money for larger stash sizes, hard fucking pass. Do none of you remember WarZ?

Edit: look at this shit, why are any of you throwing your money at this trash?:

Huge size of stash (10x63)
Additional equipment and resources in stash:
Initially good standing with all in-game traders

Only 140$ for a nice big fat competitive boost in a pvp game, fucking lol.
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Vyemm Raider
You have to shell out more money for larger stash sizes, hard fucking pass. Do none of you remember WarZ?

Edit: look at this shit, why are any of you throwing your money at this trash?:

Huge size of stash (10x63)
Additional equipment and resources in stash:
Initially good standing with all in-game traders

Only 140$ for a nice big fat competitive boost in a pvp game, fucking lol.

It's not actually a big competitive advantage. The game is pretty well balanced in terms of power level of guns/armor. The ones they provide for you in the biggest edition aren't any better than the ones you start with if you get the base edition of the game. The stash size makes it so you have to be careful what quest items you horde early but later in the game the normal stash size is not a problem because you can make your stash size bigger with in game things like weapons and item cases. If you are good at shooting pvp games you will win way more fights than you lose regardless of gear.

The only big issues with this being a pvp game is map optimizations and netcode and they are working to fix those. All that said this game is not for everyone and will definitely be a niche game.
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Trakanon Raider
You have to shell out more money for larger stash sizes, hard fucking pass. Do none of you remember WarZ?

Edit: look at this shit, why are any of you throwing your money at this trash?:

Huge size of stash (10x63)
Additional equipment and resources in stash:
Initially good standing with all in-game traders

Only 140$ for a nice big fat competitive boost in a pvp game, fucking lol.

Only have to shell out more money in the beta, they said there will be missions/upgrades that will increase your stash size. Also you can get weapon/item/etc cases to increase your stash size pretty much too.

I like that competitive boost they get, means better items for me to steal off their corpse. (just like the duo I murdered tonight)
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Molten Core Raider
Man this game is rough. I've played for less than a week, maybe 20 games total, and I'm broke. Resetting profile today. Yeah I know scav runs etc but I die on those as well.


Molten Core Raider
So uh is anyone playing euro time evenings? I'm only lvl 4 and being a loner doesn't work for me so far.


Trakanon Raider
Man this game is rough. I've played for less than a week, maybe 20 games total, and I'm broke. Resetting profile today. Yeah I know scav runs etc but I die on those as well.
When I started out I did a lot of shoreline, since the outer edges of the maps were generally safe. With scavs I only tend to do interchange/factory nets me the most loot, factory you sometimes have to be kinda stealthy.


Molten Core Raider
I'd only ever been to Customs and Woods so far, so last night I took an offline run of Shoreline. Fuck that's a big map. Going on holiday for a week tomorrow so I'm not playing anything that needs insurance right now, but after I'll check it out. Plus I still need to get that damn gold watch out of the tanker and extract with it.


Molten Core Raider
So I'm back and I went for the pocket watch last night.

First try, got a decent spawn point (knew where I was immediately), headed for high grass and plopped down to wait it out.
No more than 5 seconds later I hear LOUD gunfire around me and I already think that's it, next try.
Nope. I mean they must have been standing right next to me at some point, ran over me, whatever. Nobody noticed.
I lay prone for 30 minutes, trying for a quick dash to construction, grab watch, and extract.
I got up, even found a lootable body with a few valuables, and then... my vision blurred... wtf is this...


Made it across the river and then I just died. LOL.

So second try, should be easy right.

Except this time I spawned near a building and had no idea where I was at first. Hid in a shipping container for 15 minutes. Gunfire all around but never saw a PMC. After about 20 minutes I walked out, got shot at. Walked back in, tried to locate the shooter, walked out, fired, died.

God damn.


Vyemm Raider
So I'm back and I went for the pocket watch last night.

First try, got a decent spawn point (knew where I was immediately), headed for high grass and plopped down to wait it out.
No more than 5 seconds later I hear LOUD gunfire around me and I already think that's it, next try.
Nope. I mean they must have been standing right next to me at some point, ran over me, whatever. Nobody noticed.
I lay prone for 30 minutes, trying for a quick dash to construction, grab watch, and extract.
I got up, even found a lootable body with a few valuables, and then... my vision blurred... wtf is this...


Made it across the river and then I just died. LOL.

So second try, should be easy right.

Except this time I spawned near a building and had no idea where I was at first. Hid in a shipping container for 15 minutes. Gunfire all around but never saw a PMC. After about 20 minutes I walked out, got shot at. Walked back in, tried to locate the shooter, walked out, fired, died.

God damn.

If you are having issues with the maps and learning them... play them in offline mode until you know them. Its risk free you dont lose anything you take in. That quest you are trying is hard due to the high concentration of scavs in Construction. If not for them being there its fairly easy to do as a hatchling(no gear). Once you learn the map better you could try doing it at night. Most people aren't doing night raids and with a little planning you can dodge the scavs to finish.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah I'll have to restrict myself to more offline until I know the maps like I used to know Burning Woods and the likes. No map, just go by landmarks and immediately know where you are and where you're going.

Thing is just, it's hard, because offline mode is not advancing me in any other way (well it's not losing me money so I guess that counts...)

Will do, thanks.


Trakanon Raider
So I'm back and I went for the pocket watch last night.

First try, got a decent spawn point (knew where I was immediately), headed for high grass and plopped down to wait it out.
No more than 5 seconds later I hear LOUD gunfire around me and I already think that's it, next try.
Nope. I mean they must have been standing right next to me at some point, ran over me, whatever. Nobody noticed.
I lay prone for 30 minutes, trying for a quick dash to construction, grab watch, and extract.
I got up, even found a lootable body with a few valuables, and then... my vision blurred... wtf is this...


Made it across the river and then I just died. LOL.

So second try, should be easy right.

Except this time I spawned near a building and had no idea where I was at first. Hid in a shipping container for 15 minutes. Gunfire all around but never saw a PMC. After about 20 minutes I walked out, got shot at. Walked back in, tried to locate the shooter, walked out, fired, died.

God damn.

I had trouble with this quest as well.
I admit, I'm a pussy with a really bad case of gear fear. Plus, I like to tell myself it's challenging and more survivalist-ish to go with just a hatchet.

I ended up just buying a couple bottles of water from therapist, put them in my gamma container, and take the same, find a safe place and wait it out until there's 5-10 minutes left.


Molten Core Raider
Well it seems I have located the problem.

Last night I did a few runs offline to see where the various spawn points would be, find out where npc scavs hang out, routes, hideouts, all that.

Looks like I just SUCK at games because every time a scav ended me, and no it wasn't "boom headshot" terminator scavs, I just sucked. I'll have a lot of learning to do. But as it stands we're a long way from release so I can play offline all I want for now, without losing "real" progress...


Trakanon Raider
Currently I'm taking a break from the game till the frame drops and silent footstep issues get fixed. (mainly the frame drops)


Vyemm Raider
Well it seems I have located the problem.

Last night I did a few runs offline to see where the various spawn points would be, find out where npc scavs hang out, routes, hideouts, all that.

Looks like I just SUCK at games because every time a scav ended me, and no it wasn't "boom headshot" terminator scavs, I just sucked. I'll have a lot of learning to do. But as it stands we're a long way from release so I can play offline all I want for now, without losing "real" progress...

Dont feel bad... scavs are doing that to good and geared players. Apparently BSG is looking into eventually redoing their AI. That said as is right now a scav is still a very real threat to an experienced fully geared player.