Eternal the Card Game


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
It shows the highest rank you gained last month unless you were at Master and then it shows your final Master rank. I believe that is as intended.

I finally hit Master this month with Combrei Aggro and Bloodrite Kalis shenanigans. I'm trash tier in Draft because I've never been good at drafting in my life.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It shows the highest rank you gained last month unless you were at Master and then it shows your final Master rank. I believe that is as intended.

I finally hit Master this month with Combrei Aggro and Bloodrite Kalis shenanigans. I'm trash tier in Draft because I've never been good at drafting in my life.

If they did that was an unnannounced change - it used to update every single "level up" I'd gotten previous to that freeze.

Diamond Draft currently - had gotten just a sliver from Master before a botched series of Drafts. =/

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
LiquidDeath LiquidDeath You should get on stream sometime and walk through a draft with me. I want to see why you think you're terrible. I bet I'm a little above average and it seems like people in Eternal so far don't understand how to draft synergy/archetype decks.


<Bronze Donator>
I found keeping lands in the game was too big of a blunder to enjoy the game. Land flood/screw isn't fun.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I found keeping lands in the game was too big of a blunder to enjoy the game. Land flood/screw isn't fun.

I feel the exact opposite. I've played Hearthstone since open beta and am entirely sick of curvestone. Tempo is basically the only thing that matters and the expansion doesn't cure that.

That being said, the deck sizes in eternal trigger me. They refuse to accept that 75 card constructed decks with only 4 copies of a card and a 1/3 deck mana requirement means that you are going to have major consistency problems.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I found keeping lands in the game was too big of a blunder to enjoy the game. Land flood/screw isn't fun.

They just touched up the mulligan mechanic this week - it's a bit easier to manage mana now. (In short, no 0/7 land starting hands anymore, and the 2+ mana rule for redraw is 2/3/4 with an even split) - my mana heavy decks run much better now.

Liq: I'm mixed on 75 myself as well - puts me on tilt whenever I see someone pull 4 copies of something in their top third of their deck while I can't find 1 copy of a key card with even heavier drawing. Feels like deck size really is the primary RNG ATM.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Holy shit I love Azindel - he makes such hilariously fun decks.

Anyone playing this or considering playing this, make sure to get your daily win for the promo set ATM, not sure on the other two, but he's so fun.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I went on a 6 game win streak with a really basic Haunting Scream feln deck today to quickly move from Gold 3 to Gold 2. I'm surprised at how consistent it has been. I'll post the desk list when I get to my computer.

4 Permafrost (Set1 #193)
3 Suffocate (Set1 #251)
3 Annihilate (Set1 #269)
2 Eilyn's Favor (Set0 #24)
4 Haunting Scream (Set1 #374)
3 Lightning Storm (Set1 #206)
2 Vara's Favor (Set0 #35)
2 Direwood Beastcaller (Set1 #271)
4 Gorgon Fanatic (Set1 #375)
1 Mirror Image (Set1 #217)
3 Plague (Set1 #274)
1 Recurring Nightmare (Set1 #382)
3 Scheme (Set1 #213)
4 Wisdom of the Elders (Set1 #218)
4 Feeding Time (Set1 #381)
2 Champion of Cunning (Set1 #371)
1 Staff of Stories (Set1 #234)
2 Umbren Reaper (Set1 #299)
1 Celestial Omen (Set1 #241)
9 Primal Sigil (Set1 #187)
9 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)
4 Feln Banner (Set1 #417)
4 Seat of Cunning (Set0 #62)
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I'm building towards Rakano Plate deck. I just love their mechanics. I have 0 of the 8 legendary cards and about half of the rares. Need more stones!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I went on a 6 game win streak with a really basic Haunting Scream feln deck today to quickly move from Gold 3 to Gold 2. I'm surprised at how consistent it has been. I'll post the desk list when I get to my computer.

4 Permafrost (Set1 #193)
3 Suffocate (Set1 #251)
3 Annihilate (Set1 #269)
2 Eilyn's Favor (Set0 #24)
4 Haunting Scream (Set1 #374)
3 Lightning Storm (Set1 #206)
2 Vara's Favor (Set0 #35)
2 Direwood Beastcaller (Set1 #271)
4 Gorgon Fanatic (Set1 #375)
1 Mirror Image (Set1 #217)
3 Plague (Set1 #274)
1 Recurring Nightmare (Set1 #382)
3 Scheme (Set1 #213)
4 Wisdom of the Elders (Set1 #218)
4 Feeding Time (Set1 #381)
2 Champion of Cunning (Set1 #371)
1 Staff of Stories (Set1 #234)
2 Umbren Reaper (Set1 #299)
1 Celestial Omen (Set1 #241)
9 Primal Sigil (Set1 #187)
9 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)
4 Feln Banner (Set1 #417)
4 Seat of Cunning (Set0 #62)

Yea, that looks like one of my first decent decks I had put together - I've moved on, but it was a blast for quite a while.


Trakanon Raider
I didn't realize we had an Eternal thread on FoH!

I've really been enjoying this game to the point of where I've ended up streaming it almost daily. My current schedule is Mon-Fri 430pm-730pm+ EST and sometimes on the weekends depending on what I'm playing. Please feel free to hop on and troll me or tell me how bad I suck or just talk about the game. It's been pretty fun interacting with the folks in the chat channel when having to play against the same stupid kalis decks over and over.

@EndofSorrows on Twitch

I run either Combrei Agro or a Rakano deck for ranked. Last season I only played the last week of ranked and went up to Diamond. Lately I've been farming up the cards to run a red+purple deck. So far the game has been super friendly for F2P if you don't want to drop a ton of cash.

My Eternal tag is SorrowsEnd+9000

edit: Removed twitch embed. Just wanted to show a link, not force people to deal with a video player. =)


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Well, I did it bros.

I reached Master early in the season and am ranked #32. Highlight of my CCG career. It isn't a very long or illustrious career.

This is the deck I used, I call it Modified Burn Queen since I only use 2 queens and have 2 Rampages in it. Those Rampages did a whole lot of work, too.

1 Flame Blast (Set1 #2)
4 Grenadin Drone (Set1 #5)
4 Knifejack (Set1 #257)
4 Oni Ronin (Set1 #13)
4 Pyroknight (Set1 #16)
4 Rapid Shot (Set1 #259)
4 Ruthless Stranger (Set1 #11)
2 Suffocate (Set1 #251)
4 Torch (Set1 #8)
4 Argenport Instigator (Set1 #268)
2 Rampage (Set1 #17)
4 Assembly Line (Set1 #29)
4 Rally (Set1 #33)
3 Shadowlands Guide (Set1 #280)
2 Bandit Queen (Set1 #389)
8 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)
5 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)
4 Diplomatic Seal (Set1 #425)
4 Seat of Chaos (Set0 #60)
4 Stonescar Banner (Set1 #419)

Flameblast won me a game or too, but I held it in hand a while and I only used it once to hit for more than 5 damage. I think you could replace that with a Rampage as well and very, very rarely miss it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea, Rampage would ruin me so many times against zerg decks like that - but so rarely seems like people run it. (In fact, IIRC I don't think I've seen it cast a single time in DAYS outside of draft)

Overwhelm on demand by itself is great to have to push through damage even without the rest.


Trakanon Raider
Nice job on the masters ranking!

Does anyone know a good site or tool for making deck lists? I know if they are put together in the proper tool you can import the list right into the game. I want to rebuild a purple/red deck with what cards I have available and then try to farm up the rest with the good old forge or just crafting the bastard legendary cards I need.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
OUAriakus - Just bumped into you in draft, brutal Blue/Yellow man. Was 5-1 before you, still think I'll get 7-2 though.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
OUAriakus - Just bumped into you in draft, brutal Blue/Yellow man. Was 5-1 before you, still think I'll get 7-2 though.

Haha! I was just coming to post it since I ended 7-2! I picked up three Nesting Avisaurs, Accelerated Evolution spell, and a last pick Petrodax. I just kept putting echo spells back on top with the Avisaurs for a simply brutal combo. The West-Wind Herald has an infinite combo with Twinning Ritual that I pulled off twice in the draft.

Were you the Rakano that threw down about a million troops? If so, you should've been attacking! You would've had me and that would've been my 3rd loss.

Here is the full deck -


OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Nice job on the masters ranking!

Does anyone know a good site or tool for making deck lists? I know if they are put together in the proper tool you can import the list right into the game. I want to rebuild a purple/red deck with what cards I have available and then try to farm up the rest with the good old forge or just crafting the bastard legendary cards I need.

Making deck lists how? You can go into your card collection and hit the 'crafting' button in the bottom left corner to show all cards no matter if you have them or not. Then you just create the deck and export to clipboard for a paste-able list. For premade lists the best source so far is


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I was Rakano - but didn't have enough to push through with zero stuff to reload in my hand and you chaining aviasaurs forever - I ran out of steam when you went infinite with them.

Did 7-2 though
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well, I did it bros.

I reached Master early in the season and am ranked #32. Highlight of my CCG career. It isn't a very long or illustrious career.

This is the deck I used, I call it Modified Burn Queen since I only use 2 queens and have 2 Rampages in it. Those Rampages did a whole lot of work, too.

1 Flame Blast (Set1 #2)
4 Grenadin Drone (Set1 #5)
4 Knifejack (Set1 #257)
4 Oni Ronin (Set1 #13)
4 Pyroknight (Set1 #16)
4 Rapid Shot (Set1 #259)
4 Ruthless Stranger (Set1 #11)
2 Suffocate (Set1 #251)
4 Torch (Set1 #8)
4 Argenport Instigator (Set1 #268)
2 Rampage (Set1 #17)
4 Assembly Line (Set1 #29)
4 Rally (Set1 #33)
3 Shadowlands Guide (Set1 #280)
2 Bandit Queen (Set1 #389)
8 Fire Sigil (Set1 #1)
5 Shadow Sigil (Set1 #249)
4 Diplomatic Seal (Set1 #425)
4 Seat of Chaos (Set0 #60)
4 Stonescar Banner (Set1 #419)

Flameblast won me a game or too, but I held it in hand a while and I only used it once to hit for more than 5 damage. I think you could replace that with a Rampage as well and very, very rarely miss it.

Said fuck it and copied your deck, jesus it's effective. Master ranked myself off it now. I'll go back to tinkering now though.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Said fuck it and copied your deck, jesus it's effective. Master ranked myself off it now. I'll go back to tinkering now though.

I think all variations of Burn Queen are just so fast and effective that they are easy to grind with.

Honestly, besides Sandstorm Titan, Argentport is the most broken card in the game. No way it should only be 2 mana with one shadow threshold for a 3/3 with a perfect aggro ability.