Everquest II


I'd really like to try a Beastlord but I refuse to buy Age of Discovery. Any opinions on which class is easiest to Macro to a G15, as well as solo, besides that?
I'd really like to try a Beastlord but I refuse to buy Age of Discovery. Any opinions on which class is easiest to Macro to a G15, as well as solo, besides that?
I thought thery had made beast lord a standalone purchase? Maybe not. Apparently beastlord is the most "modern" of the classes in terms of the number of abilities you have to manage.


Molten Core Raider
Yeah, beastlord is really fun / good, or at least was before the latest expansion, didn't really play 92-95 content.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I'd really like to try a Beastlord but I refuse to buy Age of Discovery. Any opinions on which class is easiest to Macro to a G15, as well as solo, besides that?
Shadowknights are ridiculously overpowered. And fun so far.

You can level so fast in this game with a higher level mentor in dungeons it is hilarious. Last night I went from 28 to 40 in about an hour and a half and it only took that long because Kaladim was greening out, and we had to travel to Cazic Thule.

Make your character on AB


Molten Core Raider
Don't neglect your AA, they come about a million times faster low level compared to high.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Don't neglect your AA, they come about a million times faster low level compared to high.
See, I thought that too but I was told not to worry about it because as soon as I get to a certain level in an expansion I will automatically get a pool of theem.


(Looks like you get 280 AA with the purchase of CoE or something)


Molten Core Raider
oh yeah I forgot about that thing, I think you get 2 added to your account with the new expansion. well shit.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
oh yeah I forgot about that thing, I think you get 2 added to your account with the new expansion. well shit.
Yeah I figured if I end up actually doing anything of consequence, I may get the expansion and get free AA and until then just throw 100% into leveling. Probably see a curve ball when FF14 comes out though.


Does EQ2 still require for you to complete your epic class weapon quest to be worthy to take on raids/higher end groups?

I have an 80+ Troubadour but when EQ2 initially went F2P a while back, I decided to give an Illusionist a shot and had a ton of fun with them. I was pretty much zipping through everything, gaining tons of AAs, being able to solo a lot of shit at a pace that I never could with my bard. Most of the guilds at that time required you to have your group epic at a minimal for entry so I went through most of the process, soloing most of the group content of the epic quest due to out-leveling it. Despite being able to solo 75% of it, the quest was extremely long and fucking dull. I was having an absolute blast up with the game up until this part. Eventually, I reached a certain point that I couldn't solo and required at least 1-2 other people. I got zero help due to population issues/no one grouping anymore, got frustrated and left to play something else.

While I'd like to come back to EQ2, I realized I definitely wasn't having "fun" doing a super long solo quest even for an essential reward for my class. I really wanted to hit max level to grind out some AAs, group up with others and raid. I understand that there's a simple group quest to turn your group epic into a raid one then the effect on it into a passive. I am just hoping the entire process is condensed down even further.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
I have been back playing again as well (just dinged 80 on my Troub and have a 90 coercer and mystic mothballed). Do we have anything like a forum guild on AB?


Avatar of War Slayer
I have my 5X SK on AB, I think I will reinstall, I really did enjoy my time on EQ2-- we have a guild there? or does fostering lobbies fuck your guild rank level exp thing?


Molten Core Raider
Does EQ2 still require for you to complete your epic class weapon quest to be worthy to take on raids/higher end groups?

I have an 80+ Troubadour but when EQ2 initially went F2P a while back, I decided to give an Illusionist a shot and had a ton of fun with them. I was pretty much zipping through everything, gaining tons of AAs, being able to solo a lot of shit at a pace that I never could with my bard. Most of the guilds at that time required you to have your group epic at a minimal for entry so I went through most of the process, soloing most of the group content of the epic quest due to out-leveling it. Despite being able to solo 75% of it, the quest was extremely long and fucking dull. I was having an absolute blast up with the game up until this part. Eventually, I reached a certain point that I couldn't solo and required at least 1-2 other people. I got zero help due to population issues/no one grouping anymore, got frustrated and left to play something else.

While I'd like to come back to EQ2, I realized I definitely wasn't having "fun" doing a super long solo quest even for an essential reward for my class. I really wanted to hit max level to grind out some AAs, group up with others and raid. I understand that there's a simple group quest to turn your group epic into a raid one then the effect on it into a passive. I am just hoping the entire process is condensed down even further.
Why wouldn't you want to do your epic though, they're piss easy and take like a few hours and most of them make your dude mighty as hell?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I am in Ye Old Goon Squade. (Goons)

Any of you guys also SA forum folks? Would be fun to have more players.