Everquest - Live Servers


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Very original VT 1.0 had damn near every other trash mob chain blinding. Ah.. those were the days.


Life's a Dream
VT's zone gama was turned WAY fucking low. Every mob didn't blind though. Only a few. I really disliked the twin Aten Blobs, though. The ones that would gravity flux you.


Millie's Staff Member
VT's zone gama was turned WAY fucking low. Every mob didn't blind though. Only a few. I really disliked the twin Aten Blobs, though. The ones that would gravity flux you.
gravity flux is brutal, but you can at least see the goddamned screen while its happening, then you get that satisfying bone crunch noise when people fall back down. that blind spell was even on noob mobs. muddites or those eye things in the king xxorb zone could cast it i think. wtf?
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All labs matter!
gravity flux is brutal, but you can at least see the goddamned screen while its happening, then you get that satisfying bone crunch noise when people fall back down. that blind spell was even on noob mobs. muddites or those eye things in the king xxorb zone could cast it i think. wtf?

They did cast it....I am sure more than one person hit the screen saying "shit broke!". Me included....
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Millie's Staff Member
They did cast it....I am sure more than one person hit the screen saying "shit broke!". Me included....
it always surprises you, even after years of playing, all of a sudden black screen, uh oh. time for a new monitor.it went away though after i installed eq windows and i could at least see the borders and flip to irc if i wanted. EQW was the devil for raids. i would sometimes be in an eq raid and mining gold in wow beta at the same time.


Life's a Dream
Did Furor get you into beta also? If so, what stage? I had Xarpolis the undead Mage in phase 2 beta, but I tried Szader the Orc Warrior in phase 3. Then went all Szader for the game's release. Tanking in WoW was fun.


Millie's Staff Member
Did Furor get you into beta also? If so, what stage? I had Xarpolis the undead Mage in phase 2 beta, but I tried Szader the Orc Warrior in phase 3. Then went all Szader for the game's release. Tanking in WoW was fun.
i was a night elf warrior or ranger if they had those. Furby didnt get me in wow beta. or rather not directly. Biny from AL got me in along with everyone else in #Magister who wanted in. maybe furor got him those invites.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Thinking of this today while I built a new computer. One of the things I enjoyed in EQ was if you were camping a mob you could see if the mob had X item because they would equip it such as weapons and I think some of them would proc, I could be wrong but I remember trying to get a lupine dagger and the guy would proc into a wolf and you knew he had it.


Yeah, when I was camping that fucking halfling mask for 2 weeks, I was always excited to see Overseer Dal'guur not have his dagger because maybe, just maybe, that prick had the mask. Nope, another iksar hide cloak.


Millie's Staff Member
The goblins in highkeep basement and kobalds in sol b actually wore the bronze plate armor they dropped. Visible goldish arms or legs or chest. Woot, bronze arms or legs or chest piece.


Life's a Dream
Did EQ burn a big enough memory into your brain that right now you could go from Innothule down to the Lord's room in Lower Guk without directions (assuming all mobs were dead)?


Life's a Dream
I remember hanging out in the FoH irc channel back when we actually played EQ. Biny shared a Machine Head song, Descend the Shades of Night, with me there. I still have that song on the flash drive in my car. Good shit.


El Presidente
Did EQ burn a big enough memory into your brain that right now you could go from Innothule down to the Lord's room in Lower Guk without directions (assuming all mobs were dead)?
When I started up on Phinny, exactly this sort of thing happened. I was able to run around Guk/SolB etc from memory. Eventually downloaded some maps, but the memories were strong.


Millie's Staff Member
Biny and jen from AL were great guys. I did PoP beta with both of them. Was good times. And yes i could log in eq right now and i could show you ever nook and cranny of sol b all the way to the FGs and Naggy. Including the lava.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I could probably do the named cycle in frontier mountains in Kunark still, each corner of the map had a named you had to kill off all the stuff on the rotation to get stuff to spawn. Track was pretty handy.

Doing reavers in city of mist was entertaining as well.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Did EQ burn a big enough memory into your brain that right now you could go from Innothule down to the Lord's room in Lower Guk without directions (assuming all mobs were dead)?
Yep, EQEmu's proved that I can.

I feel like I spent more time in SolB though, but that place is a maze now.


Millie's Staff Member
Zones like guk and sol b were really really easy to learn when every single mob was camped and you could run through the whole zone to learn it. I never learned lower guk well cuz upper guk was a goddamned maze and i alway got lost. Last time i was there was the weekend before guise of deceivers stopped dropping. Got the last one and never went back.


Life's a Dream
I had a pre-nerf guise on my twink warrior. He also had Drelzna dropped JBoots. I remember leveling up as a wizard, when they introduced the crafted armor I was able to solo all of it. So I made a warrior and gave it to him. That's why I had to further the twinking even more with jboots and guise. Then other lower guk drops. He never got a sash, but I scored a RBB from manaburning Gorenaire that I gave him instead. He was my level 52 dragon tank. I also got him twin EBW's while making Mistmoore my farming bitch. There was a thread years ago comparing a SSoY to an EBW, and the EBW was like 1% better over duration, so that's why I got it for him. Plus, no one had those swords. They were much rarer. I flooded the market with Maid & Buttler fangs, though. And Cloak of the Dhampyre. Lots of good shit in Mistmoore that you could easily solo farm.
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