Everquest TLP - Aradune and Rizlona Servers (Now with real customer service)


Trakanon Raider
This would seemingly not align with what Zaide Zaide has been saying about Jchan caring less then Holly about bots/mq2 hacks.

I haven't really noticed much on aradune lately. It's still a thing where i'll be in chardok farming nameds on my enc and suddenly 30 clearly boxed dudes pop up. But they prob get away with it by playing during odd times in neglected zones.

There's a few bots in chardok when we leveled up. Though not as bad as mangler.

Bubbins watches zland 24/7 and either warps (or more likely) logs in his box army when zland pops. Though I assume that is most likely the guy who played Laxxiter on Mangler and not mr Tubs?

Given the amount of zland necks teqbank sells and the amount of eqbaby tags zone in run to him and get ported.. I'd assume he's affiliated :)


Given the amount of zland necks teqbank sells and the amount of eqbaby tags zone in run to him and get ported.. I'd assume he's affiliated :)
Dick Wolf Police GIF by Wolf Entertainment
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Trakanon Raider
There's a few bots in chardok when we leveled up. Though not as bad as mangler.

Bubbins watches zland 24/7 and either warps (or more likely) logs in his box army when zland pops. Though I assume that is most likely the guy who played Laxxiter on Mangler and not mr Tubs?

Given the amount of zland necks teqbank sells and the amount of eqbaby tags zone in run to him and get ported.. I'd assume he's affiliated :)
Camping 36 toons at Zlandicar doesn't sound super profitable. Which one seems more likely to you? Remember, these people can go to PoK + newbie zones in classic and can go from GD to mischief directly.

Does the druid actually cast teleport spells on them or are these people who turn sleeper keys in and then origin/gate?


Trakanon Raider
Does the druid actually cast teleport spells on them or are these people who turn sleeper keys in and then origin/gate?

hehe I will admit, I don't see the cast in chat. So take my assumption with a grain of salt. It could def be people handing in a key and origining.


Trakanon Raider
You know, if it weren't for the 2 grave accents ( ` ) Thats EQ Baby would probably be the best guildname of all time.
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Trakanon Raider
hehe I will admit, I don't see the cast in chat. So take my assumption with a grain of salt. It could def be people handing in a key and origining.
I only assume that because I can't see him actually doing that unless they were paying him. And, how much would a guild actually pay for such a service.

I think he should be popping picks and keeping them open for for the first 13 or however many hours till Vaniki pop chance is gone. That's what I would do. All the Vaniki's I ever got were like 8-13 hours /uptime. Don't remember exactly but the odds are "decent" those first 13 or so hours. Bobbybick Bobbybick how well do you know the Vaniki spawn?


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
FWIW, I recently got Vaniki 16.5 hours after server up. A lot of info online says it's 8.5 hours after server up but that seems wrong -- I've talked to other people that had long times as well. Maybe the 8.5 is just when the window opens.
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Trakanon Raider
I only assume that because I can't see him actually doing that unless they were paying him. And, how much would a guild actually pay for such a service.

I think he should be popping picks and keeping them open for for the first 13 or however many hours till Vaniki pop chance is gone. That's what I would do. All the Vaniki's I ever got were like 8-13 hours /uptime. Don't remember exactly but the odds are "decent" those first 13 or so hours. Bobbybick Bobbybick how well do you know the Vaniki spawn?
Per Prathun circa like 2009:

There are five spawns that can appear as Vaniki. The respawn time is 122 hours. Each spawn point has a 10% chance to spawn as Vaniki. Vaniki is unique, so there can only ever be one of them up at any given time. If the spawn is not Vaniki, it will appear as an unkillable invisible man placeholder. In either case, Vaniki or placeholder, the NPC will despawn 122 hours later.​
What this means ingame is that there's nothing to "camp" for Vaniki, it'll spawn on its own eventually but it can theoretically go weeks between pops in each pick. If you have SEQ or other 3rd party map tools you can see the invisible men Prathun referenced (DN has a LOT of Invisible men triggers but only 5 have this particular name, I think it is like ChetariSomething).

Prathun seemingly didn't put in his writeup or overlooked (at least as far as I've experienced) is that these invisible men will depop, and then around 8-14 hrs later either Vaniki will spawn or the invisible man will spawn again

Server downtimes will depop all of the invisible men so as Dick said around 8ish hours after server has been up (/uptime) the window is "open" and you should see the Invisible Men or Vaniki pop in like the next 10 hours. TLPs have some weird pick load where spawn times can get pushed longer or supposedly shorter depending on player count in zone so this could change Vaniki's spawn window a bit, but it's already so long that you are gonna be there awhile most likely.

;TLDR go to DN 8 hrs after a server reset, if Vaniki doesn't spawn in the next 16hrs come back in 122hrs or wait till next server reset. Also use SEQ because it's free and Darkpaw will never punish anyone for using it and invisible men with random variable respawn timers is a really dumb way to time gate content.

Also remember that Vaniki kind of fucks in era so be rdy to actually kill it if it spawns.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I recently went on an achievement hunting binge on Mangler (yay #1 of the 1% of Magelo users) and I pushed off Velious and DN because of Vaniki. I actually got him the very first server up I tried for him. There was another dude there but he had to leave and he spawned about an hour later -- I briefly dropped my raid to join the group of my monk that was sitting there and got him :p Sadly my bard got the Willsapper instead of a more useful box or my Pally, but oh well.

It's still pretty crazy that someone made such a bizarre spawn pattern for him. I guess it makes the rare all the more mythical and satisfying when you find him up.


Trakanon Raider
Queen Raltaas is the real bitch of DN if you are trying to do it in era, her PH has an obscenely long repop timer if it's killed but if you leave it up it'll depop and repop significantly faster giving you a better chance to get her. When people are actively playing in Velious though those phase spooders get cleaned out pretty regularly. I think she was set artificially rarer than most of the other named because her BP is legit a decent tradeable chest item.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
There's a few bots in chardok when we leveled up. Though not as bad as mangler.

Bubbins watches zland 24/7 and either warps (or more likely) logs in his box army when zland pops. Though I assume that is most likely the guy who played Laxxiter on Mangler and not mr Tubs?

Given the amount of zland necks teqbank sells and the amount of eqbaby tags zone in run to him and get ported.. I'd assume he's affiliated :)

Teqbank surfaced sometime around late classic/early kunark to my knowledge. We've petitioned it several times but they wont change his name because he used TEQ and not TEB. Not sure how true it is but from what I've been told, Bubbins that watches zlandi is Tubbins. It's possible it's just an assumption because of the similar name though. However I don't think he kills it on spawn as Zlandi is up pretty often in OW and a lot of the DZ guilds go kill it, but I have heard that when he does kill it he warps his entire raid on it.

We don't kill or batphone zlandi and the guild bank has never bought keys. We've been giving keys to apps and alts since week 3, so there is no need to.
If you are seeing actual `Thats EQ Baby` tags warping in there, take a SS of the /who and post it with the names, will be very easy for me to find out whos alts they are. My suspicion though is that if you think you are seeing those tags, they are probably one of the over a dozen copy tags on the server. Some that the bot armies use like the Weave the Dream guy who mq's a 72 man box army, are things like Thats EQ Bady and Thats EQ Karen.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Does anyone know what Faction is required to hand in the White Dragon Helm to Yelinak and cycle it to boots? I found a ton of sites saying you need Amiable for the head turn in.

I Spent all day looking for answers for this online after i bought a helm. But was unable to find anyone saying they had tried the item cycling at lower faction and failed or otherwise.

I did my Yeli head turn in simply by sneaking behind KT and handing it in despite p99 wiki saying you need amiable. Really looking for another good shortcut given that im currently -2k to Yeli because of that stupid bug where healers don't get faction hits and his faction is even worse to grind


Trakanon Raider
It's very high amiably. Not just regular amiably. He will respond different on his hail. I can't say I know anyone who has tried at lower recently. But I can't see it changing between now and 5 years ago and I think someone would have let the cat out the bag about that secret awhile ago.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah i know the head turn in is amiable. But im wondering if anyone has tried giving the helm in with lower faction to cycle rewards .?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Pretty cool that I was able to get Willsapper back in the day (2000? 2001?) knowing how rare it is to spawn. The weapon was just amazing at the time.
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