Fast & Furious 6 (2013)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Enjoyed A Team movie as well.
If A Team never gets a sequel it will be a shame, it was such a kick ass action movie. They flew a fucking tank.

Saw 5 for the first time yesterday. It was stupid, badass, and awesome. The only part I have trouble getting over for whatever reason is watching Rock and Vin go toe to toe when the Rock is a foot taller and 50+ pounds. All good though, I just cracked up every time Vin's punch launched the Rock backwards. The movie sure started on the right foot too with the ridiculous rescue scene. I knew I was in for a good ride when the reporter said there were zero fatalities despite the bus being a death trap of twisting scrap metal.


Millie's Staff Member
saw a-team, enjoyed a-team. no need for a sequel. they said everything they needed to say. it was fun that they updated one of my childhood favorites. move on to something else.


Looks like Han is back
I still dont see how they managed this, did they even explain it in Fast5? Or was it completely ignored? Been about a year since I saw 5 so I dont remember too well. Unlike Letty, you actually see Han stuck under the car when it explodes in Tokyo Drift. The only way around it is if 1. Tokyo Drift was written off as not part of the main storyline and they just forget about it? or 2. A corny as shit 'I slipped out through the other side to make it look like I died for no reason' kinda thing.


<Prior Amod>
I'll rage pretty hard if we never get an A-Team sequel.

I really liked Fast 5, definitely looking forward to the 6th.


Molten Core Raider
I love this series. These are today what the Lethal Weapon buddy movies were in the 80s and 90s. Incredibly fun if you go to enjoy yourself but incredibly stupid if you try and be a geek about it.

Keep 'em coming.


Millie's Staff Member
lol holy shit, just in that trailer the Abrams on its own racked up a massive body count. poor michelle rodriguez, they need to put her in something else besides wife beaters and she needs to fucking smile a few times. maybe she wouldnt be doomed to playing 1 dimensional bit roles for her entire career if she did.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I loved Fast 5. Its a "What if we suspend the laws of physics and make a car movie" kind of fun. Will watch 6 and enjoy it.
trailerNo Ludacris Afro, I am dissapoint.

People I know who crewed on LOST said Michelle Rodriguez is a total cunt (it's one of the reasons they killed her off the show). Her butch dyke GF was fugly as hell too.