Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab

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<Silver Donator>
I've got enough characters leveled up that if I really need to, I can cheese whatever encounter with a Ret group (or not even Ret, just brute force). I don't synergize because I need to, I do because I want to. Half the fun for me is making optimized teams for each. It's not exciting to do the same thing on every fight. I do miss Vit0 though. And occasionally I'll do Ret, but generally because the fight strategy calls for it specifically. I could go mage group, too, Vivi, Lulu, and Golbez are all 65 and they have unique weapons. Rydia, Hope, Terra, Ashe, Rinoa, Fusoya, Tellah, Strago, Reno, all 50+.


Potato del Grande
Urgh Barthandelus. Did Dismissal for the other fights (worked great) but didn't trust my hones for the Ultimate fight. Used Retaliate and was literally too terrified of Dispel to hit him with anything other than bounced of Retaliate attacks, so took him down to 10% without any breakdowns or Cloud attacking at all. At 10% I started to directly hit him to finish him off and... yeah Dispel is a 100% counter for hitting him... so glad I was a coward here!


<Bronze Donator>
i think its a 30% counter? still, so far in my experimentation, not even worth it to attack him directly. i almost never do retaliate builds, so this is rough. tried a mage reflect build and couldn't even get past first piddly part of the fight lol.


Potato del Grande
Oh well it was 100% for me but only did like 4 direct hits, if it is 30% that's still really rough.


Trakanon Raider
Seriously fuck that Counter-Dispel. It's retarded.

I kept getting him to about 10% but would always run out of steam as stuff would expire. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and go to a Retaliate Strategy. I hate wasting the 60 stamina to re-try the fight though.


Trakanon Raider
Dammit. I finally beat him but lost too many stars for Mastery. I know where I went wrong but oh my God is that annoying.


<Bronze Donator>
i was planning on saying "fuck it" on this fight after the crappy accessory was pointed out to me, but those two Major Ice Orbs for Mastery are the last two i need to get Full Break to R2. urghhhhhhhhhhh.


Potato del Grande
My team was far from optimised, I bolded the actual abilities I used against Barthandelus so you can see the waste:
65 Lightning -Tempo Flurry/Power Break
65 Fang -Boost/Magic Break -Double Cut RM
80 Cloud -Retaliate/Thundara Strike
65 Eiko -Curaja/Protega(AoE Cura/Hastega SB)
66 Wakka - Full Break/Armor Break(Shellga Shared SB)

You want to make some sort of Retaliate team which only uses Boost and Double Cut/Tempo Flurry, NO BREAKS or you lose your buffs. Empty slots could go on elemental abilities/breaks for ONLY the adds at the start. Maybe take two White Mages (Paladin Cecil and Selphie can double hit) with no Supports. I hope you guys have synergy, I had a 5* Sword and 5* Bangle.

Another alternative is go with no buffs and all breaks, including Mog's RW which is a stackable power/magic break to replace Tyro/Y'Shtola RWs.

Final alternative is to go Mage meta and bounce spells off of Reflect on one of your own guys, Drainga or Garnet's Healer RM could have a use here.


Trakanon Raider
Finally got Mastery. Wasted 180 stamina on this damn fight on a Sunday. Resorted to Advance with Retaliate. Having to use Fang and Lightning really tied my hands. Here was my final setup:

Lightning: Blizzara Strike and Thundara strike. Double Hit RM
Mog: Curaga and Protectga
Sazh: Magic Breakdown
Fang: Armor Break and Double Cut
Tyro: Steal Power and Retaliate

I started the fight with Mog using Sunbath for the ATK and Heavy Regen. Sazh started with Boon. The goal was to burn down the two parts as fast as possible. Once I was about to transition to P2 I loaded up Sentinel Grimoire, Protectga and pre-cast Heroic Harmony to land as soon as the second Pauldron broke. At that point it was just Advance and alternating Retaliate and Steal Power.

Obviously that's not going to work for a lot of people but my Support Relics have always been good. So I took advantage of that.


<Bronze Donator>
the Sap requirement on the Materia Keeper fight in the Yuffie bonus battles is a bit of a bummer, because i have such good FFVII synergy that i burn the thing down before Sap procs, lol. hm.


<Bronze Donator>
but the Ultimate fight in these Yuffie bonus battles was really fun. still had a Sap proc for the medal requirements, but that wasn't as annoying since the fight lasts longer. no gimmicky shit with this Ultimate fight... it was tough, but defeat isn't going to smack you in the face out of nowhere like some of the other (U) fights we've had. i did beat him on my first try, but it was close... most of my party was in the low-HP kneeling position when i struck the finishing blow.

and Yuffie is a lot better character than i expected.


Trakanon Raider
This was, by far, the easiest Ultimate so far. This was the first one that I completed on the first try and it wasn't even close. Like a lot of other people I have really good VII Synergy and I loaded up on mitigation.

Yeah Yuffie, surprisingly, isn't too bad. I'm starting to really like the Thief and Ninja abilities. Steal Power has become a staple for me and I honed Steal HP to finish the Yuffie quests where she needs to solo the stages and it works really nice.


<Bronze Donator>
Rubicante seemed easier to me. both still felt challenging without being annoying, tho. i hate it when the only way to win is by S/Ling a bunch of times while praying to RNGesus.


Trakanon Raider
Rubicante wasn't too bad. I did have to S/L on him once or twice though just to get the timing of his Cloak though.

I was reading up on our next Ultimate, Beatrix, and she sounds flat out nasty. AT two points in the fight she will take everyone to 1 hitpoint so if you don't have a good Group Heal than it's good game. The one after Beatrix is supposed to be pretty tough too (Vossler from XII). After that they get a lot easier in comparison.


<Bronze Donator>
hm, hadn't read about those yet. at least they've obviously put some thought into progression. anyone that pulls Yuffie's instant heal relic on her second banner is going to have a muchhhhh easier time on that Beatrix fight.

i've got that free Candle Stick AE heal, a Bard's Bracelet, and Selphie's AE heal, so maybe i'll be able to pull it off.

and depending on the medal conditions i could bring Lenna with her revive SB and/or Phoenix...


<Bronze Donator>
eh, i'll pass. i've been trying to tackle them without reading much ahead of time. i do spend a lot of time on the FFRK reddit, tho, and here of course, so sometimes i pick up stuff, but i do try to avoid it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Now that orb conversion is in I assume it's a safe bet to immediately convert orbs and make Full Break yeah?


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I'd make Full Break and hone it to Rank 2 if possible. The orb requirements for Rank 3 are ridiculous though so you won't be going past 2 for awhile.


Potato del Grande
Full Break is one of the best skills in the game, get R2 ASAP. R3 is ideal but R2 has always been enough for me.

I think Rubicate was easier than Godo, though you need more S/L for Rubicante to get used to the timings on the cloak. With Godo I felt in danger several times with the AoEs, especially Bioga. I needed 3 AoE heal casts.