Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Lord Nagafen Raider
Interesting, I got Kogarasamaru and Platinum Sword on my second pull as well. Platinum Shield was first pull.

I'm saving my final 50 for Banner 5 in an attempt to shift Wall from Y'Shtola to Tyro, I just feel that there is too much riding on the white mage sometimes to spare the time, especially as she has Medica.


Trakanon Raider
Man I was on the edge of rage. My 11 pull during the half off summoner pull went 0/11. My 11 pull during banner 1 was 0/11. My first pull on banner 4 was 0/11. I was getting close to fuck this game status. Second pull on banner 4 though:

Crisis averted. Now I have 228 mythril remaining. Is it worth pulling again on banner 4 to maybe get bartz, agrias, or gilgamesh relics, or should i save all 200 for banner 5 and maybe sentinel?
I'd throw Mythril at Banner 5. SG is a great relic to have. The relics you listed as wanting are all good but easily replaceable. SG, if you pull it, gives you a ton of flexibility. There are also some really good banners coming up. Everyone on Reddit is really hyped for the Rydia banner in a couple of weeks.

I threw 50 Mythril at this banner and pulled Edea's hat, Vaan's Katana, Gilgamesh's Katana and a Platinum Sword. Very happy with my pull even if I already had a Platinum Sword.


Trakanon Raider
Figured I'd do one more pull on banner 4. 0/11 again, like what the hell. I mean, I got the main thing I wanted, but that's 4 0/11 pulls out of 5. 150 left for banner 5 I suppose.


<WoW Guild Officer>
dropped 4 pulls...Bartz's BSB on the last one along with Regal Gown (#2 overall, so hello 6* armor).

Ragnarok - Bartz BSB Sword
Regal Gown - No SB armor
Genji Blade - Gilgamesh SSB
Diamond Armor - No SB armor
Kogarasumaru - Vaan SB
Kogarasumaru - Vaan SB

I already tossed the regal gown into my other regal gown, but should I melt the second Vaan sword?


<Bronze Donator>
how is your FF12 synergy? if you don't have a decent amount of 12 gear i would hold off on combining it. though it is easier to justify combining a katana since not as many people can use them.


Golden Squire
The music for Gilgamesh on Big Bridge is so hype... absolutely love it. Was an irritating battle but fun in a way, got to use that new ninja skill + R1 Tornado Strike which made it interesting.

also pulled Ragnarok on the 11 pull + 2x3 pull. It's not platinum sword but won't say no to a BSSB.


<WoW Guild Officer>
The music for Gilgamesh on Big Bridge is so hype... absolutely love it. Was an irritating battle but fun in a way, got to use that new ninja skill + R1 Tornado Strike which made it interesting.

also pulled Ragnarok on the 11 pull + 2x3 pull. It's not platinum sword but won't say no to a BSSB.
Bartz is my main damage, and holy shit is his BSB absurd. The ONLY downfall is there isn't any AOE attacks. Just pure single target damage. I've got battleforge RM on him, along with life siphon and a utility slot (spellblade for medal conditions or even just armor/magic break). It's pretty great to watch him chew through everything.

The 5 star accessory from Gilgamesh-nemesis was pretty great

Did another 11pull hoping to get the platinum sword so I could drop jecht for ramza... edea headdress instead. Ok... I should have probably kept that for wall in P5 but whatever.

I tried the Odin-Rift fight, and doom killed me when he was at about 5%/10% life... not sure what else to do beyond "don't play so conservatively" or completely redoing abilities.
I think I need to get another skill for Yuffie (maybe ANOTHER life siphon?!).

Running this:
Bartz - Power Break/Life Siphon - BSB/SSB/SB/SB - Battleforged RM
Jecht - Magic Break/Life Siphon - Boostga - Mako Might RM
Aerith - Shellga/Curaja - Medica SB - Cetra's Destiny RM
Yuffie - Tempo Flurry/Dismissal - Medica SB - Dr. Mog RM
PCecil - Protectga/Banishing Strike - SSB - Hunger of the Qu (not sure what else to put in this RM slot)


Potato del Grande
Yuffie is your weak link, you don't need two medicas. Have a SB booster on Aerith like Knight's Charge so she can use her Medica more. Rest of the team looks excellent.

You need a support with Armor Breakdown and Full Break. This will boost your damage ALOT, like by 50% or something.

RMs should boost damage or attack other than your healer and booster. I think there's better than what you have but I'm not an encyclopedia, I'll dig a link out for you later.


Golden Squire
What's your RW? If it's wall then you are sorely sorely lacking Hastega... I'm not sure if you can stack more mitigation (Full Break + Power Breakdown) and run shout. With 2x Healing SB it may work out.

If you're going to use Jecht I like running Yuffie with Steal Power + Thief's Raid using Knight's Charge. It gives her a much higher damage boost, and free's Bartz to run armour break.. although if you don't have yuffie at level 73 with TR R3, Dismissal R4 or even Tempo flurry R5 would suffice. I am quite a fan of her since getting her relic but she is very squishy... another option is to run steal armour. You'll have to play around with her.


Potato del Grande
There'll be a greater DPS gain from double breaking armour and having everyone do more damage (including a BSB) than using Thief's Raid/Steal Power.


Golden Squire
Probably right - I personally don't run Armour Breaks for the most part but I do always have a full breaker. Steal Armour can double for Armour Breakdown but it does lack damage so pros and cons.

Edit: Also Yuffie can't run life siphon lol.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I have now used over 300 mithril between the two platinum sword banners and no luck. Feels bad man. Guess I am stuck with my Tifa + Porom combo to mimic one item.


Golden Squire
OK I tried and did it with this party using shout as RW.... I got master but I didn't realise that you need to have dismissal just in case for the last condition. The secret is Tauntaliate - it will convert his 3x attack into 3x counter attacks which hits him pretty hard. I got somewhat lucky with the AE RNG but it works.


I'm not sure Banishing Strike helps so maybe run dismissal on Rikku with Enveloping Etude (Dancer Protectga), or just put it on Bartz, run Shellga on Aerith and Power Breakdown on Ramza? I only used Bartz BSSB once, the retaliates were hitting him for 3.5k x 3 which is very nice.


Trakanon Raider
Banner 5:
1/11 -- Desch's Sword
2/11 -- Kaiser Shield and Grand Armor

I have 60 mythril left. The main thing I wanted from banner 5 was sentinel grimoire and agrias's shield. I got the shield, but no sentinel. I now have my own shout, and multiple medicas. Should I use my last 50 on this banner hoping for SG (which is about the only thing I really want from the banner) or should I save for another banner later with more possible pulls I need?


Trakanon Raider
Banner 5:
1/11 -- Desch's Sword
2/11 -- Kaiser Shield and Grand Armor

I have 60 mythril left. The main thing I wanted from banner 5 was sentinel grimoire and agrias's shield. I got the shield, but no sentinel. I now have my own shout, and multiple medicas. Should I use my last 50 on this banner hoping for SG (which is about the only thing I really want from the banner) or should I save for another banner later with more possible pulls I need?
My personal advice is to just save the Mythril and spend later. The IV banner in about 2 weeks is really good (Rydia Banner 1). Beyond that the format of banners changes with Gilgamesh's BSB (SSBs become much more common).

As for SG since you already have a Platinum Sword and Shout you can just take Ramza and load up on Wall RWs and you'll be fine 99% of the time. Some fights are getting long enough where 3 casts of Wall are nice to have but it's rarely necessary. It's also weird because we're entering a period where fights are actually getting easier than before. The real challenge comes from Cid's Missions so an A-Team can usually do really well on fights these days. There are a couple tough fights coming up but they are the exception and not the rule.


Trakanon Raider
Thanks for the advice, I'll save up for now. Overall I'm happy with what I got from this event, even though it feels like I was a little light on 5* pulls ( 6/77 all combined).

My team now, before adjusting to complete boss specific achievements, is:

Vaan -- Tempo Flurry r3, Magic Breakdown r2 -- RM: Battleforged -- SB: Windburst
Agrias -- Thundaga Strike r3, Protectga r2 -- RM: Unbreakable Spellblade -- SB: Cleansing Strike
Ramza -- Full Break r1, Power Breakdown r2 -- RM: Dr. Mog Teaching -- SB: Shout, Tailwind
Relm -- Curaga r3, Shellga r2 -- RM: Grandaughter's Love -- SB: Portrait of Lakshimi
Balthier -- Armor Break r3, Full Charge r1 -- RM: Wild Child -- SB: Element of Treachery

Not sure what I should focus on next for upgrades. Maybe try to make a life siphon since now I have some decent soulbreaks to actually go with it. Making that rank 1 fullbreak though wiped me out on ice orbs. I had to upconvert a ton just to get enough majors, and life siphon needs them too.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Wall is the correct choice to roll for. Having Shout and Lakshmi just reinforces to spend everything on banner 5. The biggest reason for it is that you already have Shout and a top tier medica, but what you're hurting on is physical soul breaks to go with Shout. Banner 5 is one of the best for those, as well, with Cloud's BSB and Balthier's SSB. Terra's BSB (great BSB and debatable best black mage in game) and Leon's Armour just splash the pot further. No other banner until the next break fest will be better for you to spend on. Rydia 1 offers you...Cecil BSB and Kain SSB. Pretty much equivalent to this banner's Cloud/Balthier without SG, Terra, Leon, and the rest. Rosa's medica comes with the magic blink but you already have one of the top 3 medicas in the game with Lakshmi. Native wall, instead, gives you the flexibility to bring in a magic blink RW if necessary but you wouldn't be stuck with redundant trinity.


Trakanon Raider
Well, you talked me into it. Did a final 11 pull on banner 5.... 0/11 again. Which of course frustrated me to use the last 17 mythril I had on a 3 pull and got... Clouds Fusion Sword. I missed the sentinel grimoire, but I can at least be happy about pulling a great dps weapon. Now to wait for another MCII for Cloud...


Golden Squire
For reference on why Rydia 1 is considered a very strong banner:
1. Cecil BSSB - Best BSSB to date until Vaan.
2. Kain SSB - Quasi-Power Chain that removes jump time, perfect with the new 5* Dragoon Ability introduced at the same time.
3. Rosa Medica - top tier Curaja + Magic Blink. Rosa can also use Wrath if you're inclined, and P.Cecil can use the bow and become a WHM from back row.
4. Edward Harp - Shout for Magic Parties w/ highest magic boost. Surprisingly decent attack (111) if you want to run Ramza back row.
5. D.Cecil Sword - Medium Boostga (35%), useful for Cid's Mission I guess.
6. Edge's SB - probably the least interesting, it does have 100% Interrupt and 100% Paralyse although Edge can't use Life Siphon.

Too bad I have 1 Mythril left from BSSB Banner 4... I didn't realise this event was coming so soon


Blackwing Lair Raider
Got my first hastega in edea's crown on banner 4 and sentinel's grimoire banner 5, that should help a lot.