Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
I didn't beat it cid style either, but something I learned from watching other people doing it is that all of sephiroth's damage in the first 70% of his lifebar is short ranged physical, even things like shadow flare that you might have thought were magical. If you can build a team that is mostly or entirely backrow, you will take less damage. His only magical attack is his meteor in his last 30%, and it's random whether he even casts it or not. You could just ignore magical mitigation entirely and reload if he chooses to meteor you at a bad time.


Golden Squire
For FF7 I had Lunatic High so I ran SG + Full on Self Buff / Debuff. Had good synergy + 2/3 core relics so I didn't have a bad time:
- Sephiroth: Mirror of Equity + Dark Bargain
- Yuffie: Steal Power + Thief's Raid (Heal Relic)
- Zack: Power Chain + Full Charge
- Red 13: Full Break + Magic Breakdown (Haste Relic)
- Aeries: Curaja + Shellga (Shared Heal)

Some stuff I read from Reddit: Use Back row Characters where possible (E.g Cid with the dragoon jumps is great here), bring 2 healers for haste + Prot/Shell and definitely use Wall.

FF4's Cid Mission is the pits - the dispel mechanics is really shit and he uses it ALL THE TIME. I honestly don't think I coulda beaten it without the 2 Relics I drew for this event - Edge SSB did like 30k to Leviathan x 2. Like Angel, I had to egg my front line to 75 before they stopped getting their asses whooped prematurely.


Trakanon Raider
Beat Barbariccia's cid mission even though my FF4 team is still mostly around level 57. Wasn't too bad overall, but only had 3/5 alive at the end. Don't think a level 57 team can take Leviathan. As happy as I am that I managed to beat it, the realization that I've spend so much time and growth eggs getting a team ready, all so I could get.... 1 major orb... not worth it. Maybe if you're 100% complete on content and have nothing better to do in the game, cid missions are a nice diversion, but I think for where I'm currently at in the game, cid missions are a mistake to work on. There's just too many other characters that are more important to level for their record materias.


Trakanon Raider
I don't think you could beat Leviathan without a combination of synergy and levels as a Cid's Mission. There is simply too much damage output.

Cid's Missions are designed as the next level of challenge. I'd say your assessment of them are accurate for you. Once you get caught up they're worth doing but otherwise I'd focus on story dungeons and keeping up with events.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, Cid's Missions, especially the U+ ones, are more of a diversion and a treat for whales... I've got awesome FF7 synergy and still can't do the Sephiroth U+ Cid Mission. The only relic I can figure would help me beat it is Yuffie's medica... Just can't keep up on heals without a good medica, and I'm running Planet Protector on Aerith so even her medica wouldn't do it for me.

Non-+ Ultimate ones haven't been too difficult for me so far as a very long time player, but U+ seem to need really specific gear to be doable...


Trakanon Raider
For the most part Ultimates and U+ bosses are actually getting easier and not harder. This is to compensate for Cid's Missions being a thing now. So beating an Ultimate with your A-Team is the easy part and the challenge comes from doing a realm specific clear. There are a couple bastard bosses coming up but they're the exception and not the rule now.


Potato del Grande
Managed Sephrioth cid mission after much S/L thanks for the help guys. You need two healers and have either 2-3 SSB/BSB or 5* ability combos to spam after 50%.

Now on to FF4...


Trakanon Raider
Didn't go after FF7 CM, probably should have.

FF4 Cid Missions went as I'd expected - U wasn't difficult, U+ was a lot of S/L. For the U+ I took Edge (have his Lightning Katana for the weakness), Golbez darkness caster, Edward support, Pecil for Banishing Strike, and Tellah was my best WHM. Eventually got it, with Golbez the last man standing and winning on my last cast. Playing without Wall was difficult, but I didn't feel like I could give up Shout with needing to get the first mob down ASAP.


Trakanon Raider
I've got a question, how similar to FF Exvius is this game? Cause I'm loving it and if this is similar I'll probably download it too.


Potato del Grande
"Worse" (snes retro) graphics, better game play and you can collect all characters - equipment is the thing you roll on and you get loads free.

18 months of content where you play through 15 final fantasy games and weekly updates.


Trakanon Raider
I've got a question, how similar to FF Exvius is this game? Cause I'm loving it and if this is similar I'll probably download it too.
They're different. I enjoy FFRK, but couldn't get into FFBE.

FFRK gives you all the characters, and focuses on a more traditional turn-based JRPG gameplay.

Maybe one mobile game is already plenty for me (RIP my once-again-abandoned JP FFRK account), but BE didn't appeal to me in either the JP release or global.


Trakanon Raider
Record Keeper is the better game compared to Brave Evius in my opinion. But it's a bit older so it's a much different game than when it launched (not radically different but they've added enough quality of life improvements that it feels a lot different). BE's biggest issue is lack of content. It's still brand new so that's to be expected but after a month of official release there still isn't anything to do after finishing the main stuff up. They need to get content out faster.

- Record Keeper's battle system is far superior to BE's. But that's the main difference. BE tries to be a very shallow JRPG so they don a lot of things but nothing really well. Record Keeper focuses on the battle system so it does that one thing very well.

- Record Keeper's gacha system is much better in my opinion. DeNA is much more liberal with free currency than Gumi is. You can be totally F2P in Record Keeper and still have a strong gaming experience. Brave Evius gets a ton of free currency early but then it dries up and you're scraping just tiny amounts of it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I've got a question, how similar to FF Exvius is this game? Cause I'm loving it and if this is similar I'll probably download it too.
Content wise there is no comparison, as FFBE was released about a month ago. FFBE is much closer to Brave Frontier than FFRK.

BE is round based for turns.
BE you spend in game currency (that you can also purchase) to acquire characters and unlock/make all of your weapons/abilities (though they have specials where you can buy them).
RK is time-based for turns.
RK you get all of the characters, but use in game acquired currency or separately purchased currency for special weapons/armor/accessories and make the abilities you will use.

Personally, I prefer BE (and to be fair I prefer Brave Frontier over BE, but that's because it's got 2 years of content already and I'm heavily invested).

Also it's two different publishers... while both have had their own differences, I've not seen Gumi make changes to events but they do pull their own shenanigans.


Trakanon Raider
I think each has it's ups and downs. FFRK is more F2P friendly, but you're going to have to grind for a LONG time to start doing the endgame stuff (think I couldn't beat my first ultimate in FFRK until like month 4 or so). I prefer the battle system of FFBE way more, since the real time combat of FFRK is the worst part of the game (my personal opinion! I like turn based battles). FFBE is very new, so you will run out of content in about 1-2 weeks if you play it often, while FFRK has 2 years of content to work on.

Short answer: play both!


Got bored with BE really quickly. Still playing this casually because I've found it to have the most ethical f2p model of the games in this genre that I've played.


Trakanon Raider
I think each has it's ups and downs. FFRK is more F2P friendly, but you're going to have to grind for a LONG time to start doing the endgame stuff (think I couldn't beat my first ultimate in FFRK until like month 4 or so). I prefer the battle system of FFBE way more, since the real time combat of FFRK is the worst part of the game (my personal opinion! I like turn based battles). FFBE is very new, so you will run out of content in about 1-2 weeks if you play it often, while FFRK has 2 years of content to work on.

Short answer: play both!
Thanks for the information everyone, I'll download it and give it a shot. But the real time combat will kinda be a turn off since like phone games that I don't have to be on top of constantly in regards to combat and such.

Also I was part of the pre-reg apparently for FFBE so I got like 11 free summon tickets and got the two best mage characters in the game out of it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Thanks for the information everyone, I'll download it and give it a shot. But the real time combat will kinda be a turn off since like phone games that I don't have to be on top of constantly in regards to combat and such.

Also I was part of the pre-reg apparently for FFBE so I got like 11 free summon tickets and got the two best mage characters in the game out of it.
There's autocombat in FFRK too, you just can't use it when you're farming mildy-hard stuff.


Potato del Grande
Beat both FF7 and FF4 cid missions on their last available days at the last minute because pokemon. It's getting really rough now, very difficult fights.

I have no FF8 soul breaks so next one is going to be rough too, hopefully it's like the FF10 one with a specific character combo that wins it.


Trakanon Raider
This events Ultimates weren't too bad. The Propagators gave me a lot more trouble than Bahamut actually since it's a gauntlet fight. Luckily I was able to line up the mastery conditions on my Cid's Mission run for the 60 stamina fight. The Bahamut fight I had to do twice since I couldn't fit Slow onto my VIII team.

My VIII physical synergy is terrible but my Mage synergy is phenomenal so I went full Mage Meta. My team for Bahamut:

Irvine: Full Break and Magic Breakdown. I have his Ulysses at 6 star so he did decent damage.

Selphie: Curaja and Protectga. I have her first AOE heal and that makes things easier.

Rinoa, Edea and Quistis: I have haste + magic up on Edea and haste + Shellga + heavy regen on Quistis. RW Wall and I had the trinity for CM. I should have finally crafted Mental Breakdown for Quistis but everyone was hitting for 8k plus. I couldn't get Mastery without slow but I was never in danger of losing either.

Coming up is V where my synergy is decent but not great and then IX where my synergy is phenomenal


Trakanon Raider
I thought the propagators were way harder than Bahamut also. Bahamut felt like the easiest ultimate yet. He spends like a third of his turns casting stop which either misses entirely or only lasts a few seconds. My white mage spent half of the fight casting diaga for dps since healing needed was minimal.

I've been sitting on all the orbs I've been getting recently since I haven't needed to craft anything for a while. Not sure if I should bump some of my 3* and 4* skills up to rank 4, or if I should craft some rank 1 5* skills like Saint's Cross. I also kind of want to start working on making summons, since they seem to be universally powerful, especially on any fight with more than one target. Not sure if I should craft maduin and rank it up some, or not "waste" the orbs on a lower tier summon and go straight to Bahamut summon, even though it will take a lot longer to get it to a decent rank.