Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
Another Lucky Draw is coming up on Tuesday to coincide with the next Dungeon Update. This LD will include all relics that are from V, XII and XIII (the realms featured in the DU). DeNA is really doing their best to drain us of our Mythril before the next celebration (end of September) and Guaranteed 5 star (unknown but probably early October). My synergy for the 3 realms is decent but outdated. In particular my XIII synergy consists of a bunch of guns. I won't be skipping.

There is also another Buff banner coming up to. It sounds like it's full price but unlimited draws. The relics included are Platinum Sword, Wizard Rod (Garnet), a gun for Vincent, Sentinel Grimoire, Thyrus, and Apocalypse Shield (Basch). Easy pass for me since I have 2 relics already and Leon's armor which is the same SB as the Shield. But it's a great chance to get Shout or Wall if you're still lacking it.


Trakanon Raider
Platinum shield is the most desired item in the game for myself right now, since when combined with Excalibur, it lets a knight from any realm do massive damage just with saint's cross and banishing strike. The only item of that banner I already have is platinum sword, so I'll probably go for it.

The lucky draw I'm not sure about. FF12 is a realm that I have max synergy on already, but I have almost no synergy in 5 or 13. If it's a half priced banner, I'll likely do it, since even if I only get 1 relic, it's probably worth it for 25 mith.


Trakanon Raider
25 Myth Lucky Draws are instant pulls for me.

My V synergy is awful, and V, XII, and XIII feature some of the game's most powerful characters and soulbreaks.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Shit been trying that exdeath mission, bit he constantly getting raped off the start, and I replaced Lenna with him, so rest of party gradually crumbles. Meh maybe I'll switch him for Palom and be a mage instead.

No Tier 2 crystal for Exdeath either, pain in the ass.


Trakanon Raider
How is Hope's burst mode? I got it from my 100 gem pull.

It's very solid damage, especially if you have supporting relics to go with it. On it's own it gives him +50% holy damage while burst is active, and the BSB itself and one of the commands are holy elemental. If you also give Hope some +holy relics like Striking Staff and Platinum Shield, as well as something like Alexander summon, you can do insane damage to anything not immune to holy element.

The only downside is it's pure dps, no supporting buffs at all, but depending on your team lineup, that may not matter.

I really want his BSB myself, but didn't get anything from the 100 gem pull this round. I decided I'm going to pass on doing mithril pulls on this banner until after the ultimates come out to see if I need more synergy in 13 or not.


Trakanon Raider
I'm kind of frustrated at the design of the nightmare dungeons. I've beaten the blackmagic and combat nightmare dungeons, since they're just typical challenging fights, but the others I can't beat without basically throwing away a ton of orbs, which I'm not willing to do. White magic dungeon needs multiple copies of diaga, which is worthless everywhere else, so a huge orb waste. Summon dungeon needs multiple summon spells, which while not totally worthless, how often do you really need more than 2 summon spells in a fight, much less high hones on 6+ different summons...

Celerity dungeon I spent a lot of time trying, but it feels like I need multiple copies of dismissal to stunlock the final encounter, which is yet another massive waste of orbs everywhere except that one fight. The support dungeon I haven't even tried yet, because I don't want to craft and hone copies of armor and mental breakdown because..... yeah... worthless outside of that one encounter.

Eventually I'm going to have to just bite the bullet and toss tons of orbs into a black hole just to complete these fights, but like I said, it's stupid design.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Decided to try Rikku, I have her SB weapon, a more offensive sb attacks 4 times, reduces targets attack large amount, increases self attack large amount

Then i have the one from her sb armor which is HyperNullAll which ibcreases parties resistance and attack.

Just have steal power and time for now, broke on orbs. Have zack with powerxhain ect, worth it to give that to rikku, and replace zack with one of my good mages?


Potato del Grande
I did WHM nightmare with 1 Diaga (use Diara Alexander Curaja Curaga Curaise Raise). SUP needs one of each breakdown and the full break dance. Only copies I have ever used in these fights are Dismissal/Tempo Flurry and Lifesiphon.


Golden Squire
The only ability I have multiple copies of are double cut (for good old retaliate strats) and stop (omega). All the nightmare dungeons are all beatable with just 1 copy of each spell, though not always an easy fight.

That said I have curaise, diara, and used Saint cross to kill the minions at the end. There are some creative ways to do it... Though I personally feel nightmare is about the hones anyway - you get mostly 6* crystals as rewards so you can always come back later


Potato del Grande
Thats right, I really go out of my way to avoid duplicate abilities too.

While I did use 4 dismissal and a stun SB on the CEL nightmare, you can use any melee attack so try some of the high damage 5* combos if you have them like the dragoon or combat ones. Spamming the stop dance on P1 and P2 really helps too.

I think this was the hardest one for me though, you really do need high DPS or stuns in P3. White Mage one was second hardest. The others were pretty easy.


Lord Nagafen Raider
With the MC2 from the event trying to decide whether to use it on Bartz or Faris, both have their BSB's to.


Trakanon Raider
MC2's were discounted recently in the gyshal shop, and I'd say it's worth it to buy one if it's to promote a BSB user.


Potato del Grande
You'll only wait a week for another but I'd go Faris assuming her BSB supports the team with breakdowns?


Golden Squire
Decided to try Rikku, I have her SB weapon, a more offensive sb attacks 4 times, reduces targets attack large amount, increases self attack large amount

Then i have the one from her sb armor which is HyperNullAll which ibcreases parties resistance and attack.

Just have steal power and time for now, broke on orbs. Have zack with powerxhain ect, worth it to give that to rikku, and replace zack with one of my good mages?

Damn, I wouldn't have recommended Crafting Power Chain unless you have Full Charge, by itself the skill is fairly underwhelming and you'd rather use those precious wind orbs to hone Dismissal to R4/R5 - Steal Power + Dismissal is a very serviceable combo in-lieu of Thief's Raid. HyperNullAll is a strong sounding SB and I'd choose it over Zack, but note that it doesn't stack with other Boost Effects (E.g Shout). Rikku can't run Life Siphon so if you were planning on using her for pure damage... I personally wouldn't without Thief's Raid R3.

To the question - if your mages have good items and hones go ahead, but if you are running boostga (HyperNullAll) and only have moderate mage gear (Say <400), it'll probably be better to just run a full melee team who will all get benefits from it. This is for U and U+ fights, for the normal +++ I think it would be fine.


Trakanon Raider
I really wanted platinum shield, or maybe sentinel grimoire from the buff banner, so figured I'd do at least one 11x pull. I have no regrets.



Golden Squire
Nice pull. I just did a 3x and got Divine Guardian #2. Didn't really need another IX item but it's now my highest mage stat stick so not too bad.


Trakanon Raider
Pretty amazing pull. I'd say you're set for life now. The banner was a pass for me (though I did a 100 gemmer and struck out as always).

I was debating a pull on the XIII banner but they changed it. This is the first time that a non-fest banner has been changed between Japan and Global and it irritates me a bit. Banner two went from being a very solid banner for me to neither banner being great. I really hate XIII banners because they're like VIII banners. They tend to be very awkward with one or two big prizes and a lot of junk. As such my XIII synergy is decent but not great. Getting Peacekeeper from the Keeper Banner and taking Vanille's group heal really helped though. So I think I can, safely, pass on this banner.

Lucky Draw should be on Tuesday and I'm, reluctantly, planning a draw. LDs skew to being bad for me. I'm currently 12 Relics pulled on 13 LDs (143 pulls total). I skipped the Support one since there wasn't anything I needed. During the anniversary I blanked 3 times in a row. Of the relics I actually pulled most have been bad (with that said I did get Sephiroth's BSB during the SSB one a few weeks ago). I can't complain too much because the festival banners have been amazing for me but it still stings having really bad Lucky Draws over and over again.

Mostly I'm just saving my Mythril until Guaranteed 5 stars is a thing. I'm set for the time being and don't need anything (though there's plenty I'd like).