Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Blackwing Lair Raider
Almost 30 minutes now re-rolling the roaming warrior list trying to find a goddamn quistis mighty guard RW. Why can't we just search them...

If there's a MP group forming for tonights Ultimate MP boss, I should be around for a few hours. I can bring most of the meta roles except healer BSB.

FFRK Friend Codes Tracker has helped me a lot
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Trakanon Raider
Apoc bart just wrecked my group.

The thing with Bart is that when he does his dispel, and then buffs himself with mystic barrier, it has to be dealt with immediately. Mystic barrier gives him haste and a magic buff (which removes any magic break on him). It's important to dispel his haste and re-break his magic after mystic barrier, which will cut down on his damage a lot (rebuffing is important too, but not as big a deal as breaking his magic, since one of his scripted attacks after dispel ignores resist).

I cleared the U200 Barthandelus using Agrias and Vaan. Agrias brought banishing strike to dispell buffs in phases 1&4, and her stacking magic debuff soulbreak. Vaan brought his BSB, which is another stacking magic debuff. Had to record dive Vaan to equip guns so he could do his thing from the backrow, but I don't mind since he's my best unit I own.

Still took me about 5 groups until I found one that was actually balanced instead of 7 dps and a healer, or something dumb. Once I got into a balanced party though, it was a flawless victory. I'd still be down to reclear it with some forum buddies if I'm home when/if a group forms up another day.

My Multiplayer Barthandelus Apocalypse Kill


Golden Squire
Bart Apoc is really irritating because of his ultimate dispel that removes wall and EVERY buff available around 50%... this coupled with lag really makes the last phase hit or miss. The smartest guy i partied brought Tyro with Power Chain just to make sure he insta-casts wall the moment ultimate dispel hits. But yea even in reddit you have people running double dps which is pretty bad since he honestly doesn't have a lot HP, and it bursts the life down so fast (especially with lag) that the wall caster doesn't have time to react.

I'm good to try the multiplayer at the same time, wouldn't mind trying some other combinations instead of being forced to bring Y'shtola/Vaan to reduce the chance of retardation.
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Trakanon Raider
Bart was annoying. The dispel mechanic is brutal in MP where lag is a factor. I had one heartbreaker where we killed him but with only one person alive which means missed Mastery. Got Mastery on my next attempt.

The XIII weren't too bad but I did wipe on Lightning with my CM team. Got her on the second attempt though. Mech was really easy for a ++.


Potato del Grande
Celes with Snowspell Strike/Banishing Strike and Indomitable Blade SB is great in this fight. P1 does zero damage and eats counters in P2.

Tyro with Powerchain/Lifesiphon and Sentinel Grimoire or his Burst is great too.


Trakanon Raider
I was planning on saving for Tactics, but all my mage luck got the better of me. Spent a lot of Mythril on FFXIII-2.

Got Raines' Burst! And my is it lovely! Superb addition to my team for Torment dungeons. Also got the rest of the banner. Hope OSB is a mighty fine Ninja weapon.


Potato del Grande
FML got the Torment CM down to a slither of health then got AoE spam to death :/



Golden Squire
Was considering pulling on FF13-2... but I already have Maria and Alphanaud's burst which are pretty strong along with Papalymo's SSB. Probably will save and pull on FFT-1 to get some physical and pray for Orlandau's OSB.


Potato del Grande
Raines is one of those overrated damage only BSBs. I like at least some utility like Alphinaud refreshing hones for Torment dungeons and boosting the element of a 6* skill it's also giving infinite uses to.


<Bronze Donator>
was going to save all my mythril for the FFT banners (mainly because of fanboyness, tho that TG Cid OSB is sweet)... but decided my FF13 synergy was weak enough i should do a pull on this latest banner. got Hope's OSB and Serah's +MAG/MND/Hastega. SSB. pretty satisfied. i've been pretty firmly in the "needs-damaging-mage-SBs" boat for awhile so a mage OSB is pretty awesome, and its Holy which is a great element to exploit. pretty satisfied.

i want FFT stuff bad enough that i might skip the Summoner banner tho... going to wait to decide til we see exactly what the gacha mechanics are for it.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not sure where I'm going to pull next. Definitely doing 1 on summoner nightmare, and the dungeon lucky draw coming up. Past that... it's between FFT and FF4.

TGCid's stuff is nice, but it's just pure dps, no utility, which I value less than a debuff or buffing relic (and my FFT synergy is decent already). For FF4, I like Rosa's BSB, since the command 1 gives healing + magic blink, which seems really powerful, and Golbez BSB seems unique and potentially useful in some setups?

Not too sure where to pull. I may just cave in and go with the hype and try FFT.


Golden Squire
Couldn't resist trying to pull for Zidane's enwind or osb.... which of course means I regretted it immediately after getting kuja's gloves ;(. Too weak!

I think FF8 is generally accepted as the next star banner, fujin's burst is basically a side grade of Vaan for mages and she's the only ninja/mage which means she can use stitch in time to self boost magic... oh and it's a magic throwing weapon that gives +wind for alphanaud. I think that FF4 banner may have edge's instant haste + guts ssb? Considered one of the best RW apparently.

I do want to try for Orlandau (my physical team is quite lacking) though with that moment of weakness may only get one chance.


Potato del Grande
Finally beat the Torment dungeon... had to pull out all the stops.
*Two paid pulls which got Exdeath's Runic and some 6-7* gear.
*MC3 and eggs to Krile, Gilgamesh and Lenna.
*RM farm with Devout for double cast white RM.
*Levelled Exdeath's SB so Krile could equip the weapon.
*Dived 3* Krile, Exdeath and Gilgamesh.
*Shattered 6* abilities to hone Demonsblood and made Curada.
*Farmed the RW list for Maria's BSB.

Thankfully I already had a maxed out Faris with Burst.




Trakanon Raider
Not so sure 2 orbs is worth all that effort, but impressive anyway. Congrats!

I'm thinking the FFX torment will be easier since it's a single target final boss, but we'll see soon.


Trakanon Raider
I forgot how much I hated the first Beatrix Ultimate fight. This CM was really hard. I don't think I could have beaten it without Eiko's ReRaise SSB. Everyone died multiple times and I ended the fight with two dead.


Golden Squire
Wow these fights.... holy cheese Batman. U boss did like 4K through standard non wall mitigation and U+ has the sap + 1 HP combo.


Trakanon Raider
Beat it all with the CM. Each fight initially was like WTF is this shit, but after some strat changes, all of them were doable without much issue. Phrase of the day is BURST DAMAGE!

The Ultimate gauntlet was raping me something fierce, but these mobs die in seconds to burst damage. So for the unicorn thing, Luneth's BSB (w/ mako might) tore him up and stunned him, so he died pretty quick. Second boss then died to Luneth's Sky High (en-wind still active) in like two turns, so he didn't get a chance to do his rapemode wind nuke. Third boss was harder, but Arc's blink medica took some of the pressure off when he went into counterattack mode.

The cid mission against the knights was giving me issues also at first, so I did what I usually do on cid missions when it's too much damage.... Load up the team with all healers/tanks and 1 dps, which worked flawlessly. Vivi brought Cid Raines BSB as a dpser, while Garnet and Kuja went full healer mode, with Quina in backrow breaking (with a shared medica equipped, but fight was over before she could use it) and Beatrix with her BSB for sentinel tanking. The fight was over pretty quick and the healing needed was minimal thanks to Vivi's dps w/ RW BSB pushing them into scripted attacks every round.

Zidane was a bit trickier, but it's just a matter of timing. Time your hastega to land right as his third steal goes off in round one. Then for his super nukes, the way I handled it was pushing him past 80% to trigger nuke #1, healing it with a physical blink medica (Arc), and hard pushing him with DPS so his very next turn was his 50% nuke, which missed entirely thanks to blink. Then it's just burning him down fast because he hurts in p3. Same as earlier. Cid Raines BSB on 2 mages were all of the dps, with Edward support/mageshout, and Agrias as a total heal/tank bot as a backrow w/ Drawfire, Curaja, and her stacking break SB. Zidane died in like 2 minutes without too much fuss, but it got dicey at the very end when Raines BSB wore off my dps.

Exact Zidane team comp (everyone backrow,no wall) :
Agrias -- Curaja, Draw Fire -- -50%atk/mag break SB
Ashe -- Cid Raines BSB RW
Terra -- Cid Raines BSB RW
Edward -- Power Break, Fullbreak -- Mageshout SB
Arc -- Curaga, Protectga -- Blink Medica SB
RW: Cid Raines BSB

Videos of my kills:
Terra Gauntlet Ultimate
Knights Cid Mission Ultimate+
Zidane Ultimate++


Potato del Grande
No time for CM or Zidane yet but holy fuck Beatrix... mastered after tweaking but only just.

Curaise, Regen and Vanilla RW needed? Dispel seemed to stop Holy. Raines RW must be rough with no instant AoE heal.

I think 1HP unlocks at a certain percentage so you can kill Steiner first? She didn't seem to cast it until 75% life?