Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
She does the scripted 1 hp nuke at 80% and 40% life, and a weak aoe nuke at 60% life. Definitely focus down steiner first and ignore beatrix until he's dead. Thing about beatrix is that she's slow as hell, so there's a good amount of time to recover after her 1hp attack.

I did the CM with no medica at all (2 healers though).


Golden Squire
Wow Zidane... so irritating. Beat it with a CM team after a lot of tries, but everyone except my own Zidane died so didn't master it. Will probably just use a modified mage team when I have time later.


Trakanon Raider
Zidane was a bastard. I eventually got him by stacking as much physical mitigation as I could. I even busted out Beatrix's Rose of May SB for an extra layer of defense and that seemed to be the key.

These IX fights were the toughest we've had in awhile but the MP was a joke. Celes or Exdeath with Grand Cross trivialize the fight.

I remember the original Beatrix Ultimate back when Ultimate fights were new. The Steiner Beatrix fight wasn't quite that bad but still rough. Back then the trick was to time a regen to go off just after her sap landed so you didn't instantly die to her Seiken Stock Break. This time I had to abuse ReRaise for the CM on Eiko's SSB.

These fights keep reinforcing how badly I need a healer BSB but I am now zero for 9 on 11 pulls on banners with a healer BSB.


Potato del Grande
For the CM, Raines RW cast by Vivi and Garnet/Eiko at the same time can allow you to deal 50% damage+ in 1-2 turns with command 1 to skip the brutal weak phases. Took Beatrix from 80% to 0% on 1HP. Command 2 buffs damage but I only used it with 1 mage to avoid 80% health script.

You'll need a little luck but seemed fairly consistent, not sure it's possible any other way unless you have realm healer BSBs like Eiko's mentioned above.

In multiplayer Celes continues to break the game. Just spammed Tornado/Snowspell Strike the entire battle while soaking most damage. Alphinaud generating Meltdown charges with his BSB was pretty nuts too.


Trakanon Raider
Mastered the D200 FFX Torment without too much issue, but don't think the D250 is doable without a healer bsb. Beat 200 with:

Auron -- Lifesiphon, Draw Fire -- BSB
Vaan -- Lifesiphon, MagicBreakdown -- BSB
Agrias -- Waterga Strike, Shellga -- Cleansing Strike SB
Ramza -- PowerBreakdown, Fullbreak -- Shout
Vanille -- Curaja, Protectga -- Ether Medica
RW: Yshtola BSB


Golden Squire
Yea they really need to stop making things that are that cheesable with runic. I mean I don't mind it helping out a bit but not negating the majority of the fight.


Trakanon Raider
The 250 is just nuts. The amount of damage going out is ridiculous. I tried about 6 times and can consistently get him under 20% but then get overwhelmed. If I had a healer BSB he'd be dead for sure.


Trakanon Raider
Swapped to a mage team for D250, but same problem as Angel. After 50% when he does nothing but AoE spam, I die before the fish, usually around 30%. Maybe running two healers? Feels like you need a medica every other round, and even with a BSB healer, that might not be enough.

Giving up on the D250 for now though. May revisit if I pull a better healer relic later.


Potato del Grande
D200 was pretty easy with maximum turtle strategy. Tauntaliate soaks a lot of damage then I used all breaks, stoneskin II and tyro bsb mini breaks. Between magic blink and death resist, I took so little aoe damage that I couldn't keep up hastega. 2 Asylum RW too.

I can do very little of that for CM so I guess I need to pull on a FFX banner at some point.
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Golden Squire
Cracking my head on the CM - I have Tidus' burst, which is good, and Auron's attack down SB and Wakka's Magic Down SB, which are decent at best. Thinking if a maxed out Tidus can pump out enough DPS with Wakka wrath/entrusting him.... having his OSB woulda been really nice here. I'll probably give it a few tries before reverting back to a mixed team. 60 stamina is quite taxing with the green dungeon taking my attention away.

Edit: Damn just saw the mythril counter, I will only have 100 by the end of FFT which means I may not pull on the lucky banner.
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Golden Squire
Holy shit that D250 has a fuck ton of HP .... I actually ran out of hones for Tauntaliate and breakdowns and he did 9999 damage to Maria and 7k to Vaan. Thanks DeNA! That said it's nice to have content like this that's super tough and requires thought and patience... maybe a bit too much thought and patience.
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Trakanon Raider
I beat the 250. I actually one shot it once I adjusted my strategy.

First things first. You need KO resist accessories on everyone. This will help regurgitate since it's a gravity based attack. I never had more than one person hit by it. Second I abused hit and run. You go into the first wave of trash and get in an attack or two. Then you flee the battle. If you get hit before your attacks land you S/L. You don't lose stamina unless you actually beat the whole dungeon so you can get some free SB gauges.

Here was my team:

Gilgamesh: Armor Break and Lifesiphon. Used his innate Draw Fire and retaliate from his BSB to clear trash and eat the boss's single target attacks.

Lenna: Curaja and Protectga. My level 99 healer with a group Curaga level SSB.

Tyro: Full Break and Power Breakdown. SG and Keeper's Tome. With hit and run I could use both on the boss.

Onion Knight: Waterja and Chain Firaga. Command 2 on his BSB followed by instant Waterja on the boss.

Tidus: Magic Break and Lifesiphon. I basically spammed his OSB which was hitting for 45k a shot. It still took a ton of uses to kill him.

RW: Vanille's BSB which is an instant Group Curaga and a weaker group heal on command 2.

I'll give the CM a try a bit later. My C synergy is solid so I think I can pull it off with what I learned.


Golden Squire
Sorry gents, much spamming today... Finally beat D250 but didn't bring any Power Break! Damnit.... Anyway went with Dual Healer setup:

Vanille: Curaja / Protectga: BSSB - Lionheart
Gilgamesh: Tauntaliate: Shared Shellga SB - Rebel's Might
Maria: Chain Blizzaja / Meteor: BSSB - Devotion
Alphanaud: Bahamut / Leviathan: SSB + BSSB - Knight's Charge
Y'shtola: Wrath / Magic Breakdown: SS2 / BSSB - Ace Striker

RW: Sheep Song (Major regen is amazing here)

Radiant Shield helped a lot and Maria could hit 4k x 6 for the most part. Really tough fight, I'll probably try to master it replacing Greg with Auron since he has an attack down SB for mastery condition... urk didn't even notice it. I'm convinced that Vanille's BSB is way more clutch than Y'shtola, the resist down also helped a ton for mage team.

Edit: Got it by replacing Greg with Auron using his old SB... guess it was good for something.

Think I'll skip CM again... can't figure it out with my crappy FFX synergy.
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Trakanon Raider
I got the CM. So all X torments are done. This CM was easier for me than the V one. I learned a lot from the 250 run and that helped. Also my X synergy is very good from chasing Yuna relics.

My setup:

Auron: Retaliate and draw fire. SSB power and defense Break.

Yuna: Curaja and Protectga. Hymn of the Fayth SB (one of my oldest relics and it's still putting in work).

Rikku: Multi Break and Exhausting Polka. BSB

Paine: Lifesiphon and Watera Strike. SSB haste.

Tidus: Magic Break and Lifesiphon. OSB

RW was wall

Again everyone had KO resist accessories. I used hit and run to build up SB gauges. The actual boss took about 3 S/Ls to get everything lined up properly.


<Bronze Donator>
i hate cheesing with stuff like hit and run... might have to wait on the 250 til next time around.


Trakanon Raider
2/11 on the lucky draw. Rinoa's OSB and Ovelia's magic blink medica. Not bad I guess, but was hoping for a healer bsb...


Molten Core Raider
1/11 but at least my first mage burst, Vivi. I am going to have just enough to do 1 pull on summoner draw and 1 on Orlandu. May the RNG bless me.


Trakanon Raider
I hate Lucky Draws. 2 / 11. Both were Laguna's Machine Gun. I now have all 3 of his SSBs and I will never use him outside of an VIII dungeon.


<Bronze Donator>
i got a dupe Platinum Sword and Vivi's BSB. super excited about Vivi's BSB, i've been needing a good mage damage BSB, was hoping for any of them, let alone one for one of my favorite characters. :) i also got lucky on the last 100 gem draw (first time in awhile) and got Steiner's imperil fire SSB... which will pair nicely with Vivi's en-fire and its pure damage fire commands.

my girlfriend got Quistis' short charge whip and freakin' Y'shtola's BSB. her crazy good luck continues to astound me haha, and i don't think she even realizes how lucky she has been.

her current party uses Y'shtola's Protectga/Shellga/Regen SSB and Eiko's BSB. when she realized she'd have to figure out a different way to bring Protectga and Shellga if she switched to using Y'shtola's BSB, she decided she probably just wouldn't use it because she wants to keep Eiko and doesn't want to have to use up ability slots.

SMH lol.

she's actually a pretty good gamer, but isn't used to JRPG style strategy which focuses on defense. she got SG within a few weeks of starting, and i had to really talk her into using it.

i suppose she's not much of a min/maxer tho, she's currently trying to just assemble the cutest FFRK party possible. she's bummed there haven't been any Mog relics since she started.


Golden Squire
i hate cheesing with stuff like hit and run... might have to wait on the 250 til next time around.

You don't need to (I'm not a fan of the H&R too), I built SB using normal hits / wrath / LS + a lot of SB increasing RM... but my comp had 2 healers and I nearly ran out of Tauntaliate.

Also caved in to Lucky Draw @ 2/11 Dreamstage and Laguna SSB. Meh.