Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
Well, 5 pulls on banner 4, and I got two of my chase items (Alph BSB and Eiko BSB). Amusingly, I missed out on all of the OSB's, but those were secondary to Alph's BSB, so I'm ok with it. Still have 115 mithril left over to chase Onion BSB in 2 weeks on his banner.

Veil of Wiyu x1 -- VICTORY!
Hamelin x2 -- 3rd healer bsb now, but good for phys teams
Eternal Staff x2 -- meh
Chaos Rod x2 (dupe, now 8*)
Evoker's Doublet x2 (dupe, now 8*)

So now that I have Alphinaud's BSB, I went ahead and crafted Bahamut to r3 (upgraded the gift from r1 to 3 that is). Should I go for rank 4? Not sure, but I think non-elemental 15x modifier summon is better than exclusively wind element Tiamat, even though it can go to 3 hits, especially with all of the incoming omni-resist content. Am I wrong?

How do most of you run Alphinaud with his BSB? I'm thinking Meltdown and Bahamut? Maybe Meltdown and Valigarmanda once I can rank 2 them both in I think 3-4 weeks?


Trakanon Raider
I did one pull. 2 / 11 with Ramza's gauntlets SSB and Eiko's Hamelin BSB. Hamelin was my grand prize so I'm done.

In a week I went from zero healers BSBs to two. I still wish I got Y'shtola's but I feel a lot better now.


<Bronze Donator>
So now that I have Alphinaud's BSB, I went ahead and crafted Bahamut to r3 (upgraded the gift from r1 to 3 that is). Should I go for rank 4? Not sure, but I think non-elemental 15x modifier summon is better than exclusively wind element Tiamat, even though it can go to 3 hits, especially with all of the incoming omni-resist content. Am I wrong?

I've got his BSB and typically run him with an R4 Bahamut and R1 Valigarmanda. Sometimes his SB gauge fills before he runs out, sometimes it doesn't, depends on how many hits he's gonna take for that fight. I don't regret getting Bahamut to R4, but you might be better off using those orbs on getting a second 5* summon to R3. I'm working on Ultimate Weapon now, since having a more accessible source of Dark damage sounded nice. If you run a lot of mage shout Tiamat might be the better choice.
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Trakanon Raider
Appreciate the input. Ultra sad I'm behind the curve by 4 black crystals due to missing the first 4 from events (was too noob at the time).

Can't wait until Torment dungeons come back around. I've not done any D250's yet because I had no healer bsb, no runic, and no ether BSB's. Anniversary has given me all of those, so I should have no issues clearing everything (except some torment CM's). Only thing I'm really missing from the meta tier relics is onion BSB, so I really hope I can pull it in 2-3 pulls next III event.

I've commited to Meltdown, Valigarmanda, and Affliction break for the 6* skills (none share crystal types). I'd like to also make Curada, but that shares Earth crystals with Meltdown, and I want to rank 2 Snowspell Strike, but that shares Ice crystals with Valigarmanda. I can get more of both shattering duplicate 6* skills from class motes, but I'm not too sure which motes I want to use for shattering. Probably Penalty Strike and Aegis Strike. Neither of those seem overly useful.

Now I see why everyone on reddit is constantly bitching about missing bard 6* class motes. If we had those, I could shatter a bunch and easily craft Curada r2 without eating into any of Meltdown's stock.

Aside from chasing OK BSB, the only thing I need in the next 6 months is a strong source of Water and Poison damage for the magicite dungeons (still a long ways off). I have very good options for all 6 other elements for those elemental themed dungeons. Probably going to be in savings mode again until the next festival in 3 months.
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Golden Squire
Damn 2 pulls and still waiting for a disco ball. Got all the Ssb, which is nice since I have the best 2/3 of the bssb already. Guess I will 99 Orlandu without any sb for his RM. Shame.
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Potato del Grande
6 pulls, got everything except the Orlandeau OSB I was chasing.

Got both Agrias items so she can replace Orlandeau as tank. Eiko BSB so I can be salty about her record dive. Onion SSB x2 giving me the BSB and both magic/physical SSB options. Ramza SSB x2 so it's 8* now. Yuna SSB x3 which is also 8*.

That's the stuff I either wanted or is useful in such quantities. Also got Ashe OSB and a duplicate Alphinaud SSB.

I have everything I could possibly want now. Time to save up for Cloud USB which apparently is game breaking.

Trying Omega on Monday, you get your name on the website if you beat it.


Trakanon Raider
From the stuff I read, Cloud USB is mostly utilized as a RW on a heavy hitter, but not something you actually want to run natively.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If I have the mythril I'll pull for it just because I've gotten everything else for Cloud other than his 2nd bsb so he already has +50 attack.

Banner 4 was/is the last of my anniversary pulls and I whiffed. Got dupes on the only two things I had on it, Alph's bsb and ssb.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Would be nice if we could just set a default rw at this point since you can get any one you want at any time; only you might have to refresh your list 50x looking for it. I'm using keeper's tome bsb rw now and very few ppl run it as their rw evidently.


Trakanon Raider
I should have known better but I went for another pull on banner 4. Onion Knight Staff and dupe Ramza Gauntlets. OK Staff is one of those very good relics that suffers a major problem in that the Gauntlets BSB is so much better the Staff won't get used over the BSB.

I'll do two pulls on banner 5. It's considered one of the weaker ones but I'd really like Vanille's BSB. Now that I'm finally getting some healing BSBs I'm getting greedy but hers is SO good. Eiko's USB, Zidane's OSB or Luneth's BSB would be fine for me too.


Golden Squire
OK Staff is there for the +10 magic for when you use his commands :p.

Also IMO Vanille's BSB is probably the best healing BSB - instant cast on entry is really invaluable, and having the option to turn into a DPS machine (more a multiplayer thing) puts her ahead of a lot of the others, especially if you can hit weakness since it increases her SB gain for more BSB goodness. I've got pretty good luck on Healing BSB (Vanille, Y'shtola, Relm, Eiko, Selphie, Aerith) and Vanille is still top, even better than Y'shtola imo because the wall is actually detrimental to SB gauge gain.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
So I've finally got some awesome mage SSB/BSBs... how the fuck do you build gauges with them? I've been trying in the orbfest dungeons and it's just not happening. I've only got two of the "start with a bar" record materia, and I usually slot one on shout/mage-shout and the other on the healer so I can use the healer BSB as soon as necessary...


<Bronze Donator>
hitting weaknesses builds more gauge than the action would do against a non-weak enemy. some mages are lucky enough to be able to use Wrath. but yeah, that's the biggest issue with mage teams right now (i think there's going to be a mage version of Lifesiphon eventually? someone else probably knows more)


<Bronze Donator>
you can also use RMs like Ace Striker that increase SB gauge. typically the advice is that MAG+ or DMG+ RMs are more DPS than those, but if you have low hones on your magic abilities its probably better to go with SB+ ones.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Probably my last pull for the anniversary event, I was not disappointed :D



Trakanon Raider
So I've finally got some awesome mage SSB/BSBs... how the fuck do you build gauges with them?

Wrath if they have access, acestriker/battleforged + high tier skills otherwise. Most tier 5 skills give 60-70 SB points per use, so with +50% RM (or when hitting a weakness), it only takes about 5 uses to go into burst mode (less if you're taking damage). You can also run someone with wrath/entrust on the team, but that's mostly a strategy when you're feeding someone SB gauge to chain cast OSB's.

Now that all synergy is unlocked I worked on the final version of nemesis for about an hour. Best attempt was around 10% remaining, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to beat it with my relic lineup. Most of my nemesis tools are from FF14, so it's hard to fill out a party without doubling up on a realm. The issue I'm having is that in the last ~30% or so, my healers have to chain cast heals and literally can't spare a single turn to refresh shell/protect, and when those wear off, it's over. Only having 4 slow resist items is also making one unit on the team almost a wasted slot since they're perma slowed.

If I had Tyro's BSB, or Onions BSB (for more team dps), I'd have a win for sure. Going to try some more later with a new team setup though, see if I can make it work.
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Potato del Grande
Got it to about 20% first try, got wrecked last phase but I didn't know when his 99999 attack was coming so a few sneaked through. I can predict it better next time.

Onion BSB isn't needed, you just want any haste - I never used the commands and reflective shield did most of the damage. Tyro BSB was great though for refreshing buffs and MBlink.

Raijin was MVP, his SSB is seriously good.


Golden Squire
Boom got it! After multiple failed attempts @ 10% running pure turtle, got some advice from reddit and made a swap for Vaan and triple healer and worked out. I've uploaded the profile to (ignore the RW, I used Deployment Tactic)

1. Onion Knight - Full Break / Power Breakdown, BSB, Mako Might
2. Vaan - Life Siphon / Magic Breakdown, BSB, Ace Striker
3. Relm - Curada / Shellga, BSB, Lionheart
4. Vanille - Curaja / Protectga, BSB, Knight's Charge
5. Y'shtola - Wrath / Memento of Healing, Wall BSB, Dr. Mog's teachings

Starting is tricky because I couldn't spare a Mako Might on a healer, so I had to reset for S/L a few times for RNG to land Wall, Haste, Magic Breakdown, Pro/ Shell and then defend as many people as possible, slowly healing up until the BSB charges up. Saved deployment tactic till ~75% - 80% while applying breaks / Vaan dps. You don't take that much damage if you apply enough breaks for the counters to matter.

3rd Phase is frustrating, but with the SB gauge you stored just spam cures, guts and have vaan + OK just do DPS, after a few tries managed to pull through. Really needed to focus equipment on Def / Res due to all the armor ignoring attacks, so I augmented quite a few armor that helped a lot. Pretty sure it's doable with 2 healers but I needed Y'shtola for wall anyway so she doubled as a 3rd healer. Good luck guys!