Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I ended up getting 2 more Saintly Excalibur and made it an 8*. Worth it to augment it to 30/30 at this point?


Trakanon Raider
My D200 multiplayer Kuja group was funny. 4 healers (2 Yshtola, 2 Vanille), 3 Vaan (all with BSB), and 1 Ramza (shout).

Feels good to get into a mp group right away with all important buffs/debuffs covered. Could have dropped a healer, or used some pure dps instead of 3 Vaan's, but whatever, boss died easily to that lineup.


Trakanon Raider
4 possible dupes on this banner but my 100 gem pull scored me Tin Armor! My first Steiner relic and now I can use team bromance with his SSB and Vivi's fiery BSB.

My Apoc run was pretty easy. We had plenty of heals and I used Beatrix and someone else ran Celes. Between his Runic and my Blinks we hardly took any damage.


Trakanon Raider
Cleared up the FF9 ultimates. My synergy in 9 is strong, so they weren't so bad.

For the cid mission mistodon gauntlet I used Beatrix to tank while Garnet did most of the damage with a Papalymo BSB RW. Zidane, Quina, and Eiko were mostly just support.

Tiamat died pretty quick to Refia's dps (she's a beast with her BSB and Lifebane). Overall it was an uneventful final boss between Vaan's debuffs, Yshtola's buffs/healing, and Celes tanking.

Teams I used:
Cid Mission Gauntlet with Papalymo BSB RW:
{td}Record Materia{/td}
{td}Saint's Cross{/td}
{td}Gaia's Cross{/td}
{td}Steal Power{/td}
{td}Shift Break{/td}
{td}Ace Striker{/td}
{td}Divine Guardian{/td}
{td}Mako Might{/td}
{td}Magic Breakdown{/td}
{td}+20% Def/Res{/td}
{td}Mog Teachings{/td}


Tiamat U++ with Wall RW:
{td}Record Materia{/td}
{td}Saint's Cross{/td}
{td}Gaia's Cross{/td}
{td}Indomitable Blade{/td}
{td}Knight's Charge{/td}
{td}Magic Breakdown{/td}
{td}Ace Striker{/td}
{td}+30% damage{/td}
{td}Power Breakdown{/td}
{td}Mako Might{/td}
{td}Aetherial Pulse, BSB{/td}
{td}Mog Teachings{/td}

Cid Mission Gauntlet
Tiamat U++


Trakanon Raider
My IX synergy is extremely strong so I had no real problems. But one of the Mistodons silenced my Vivi, despite silence resist accessory, and he spent the first two waves just standing there.


Trakanon Raider
This is probably old news that no one cares about anymore, but I just managed to clear the Mote Ifrit Cid Mission with really bad synergy. I think that fight's still one of the hardest I've done to date in this game.

Team I used with Serah BSB RW:
{td}Record Materia{/td}
{td}Chain Blizzaga{/td}
{td}+13% Mag{/td}
{td}Power Breakdown{/td}
{td}Mental Breakdown{/td}
{td}+20% Def/Res{/td}
{td}Doublecast White{/td}
{td}Magic Breakdown{/td}
{td}Mog Teachings{/td}

I have Rinoa's OSB, which is a huge mage stat stick for the realm, which is the only reason I was able to win. The only other relic was Selphie's trash tier BSB that doesn't actually heal....

Everyone backrow, double healer, full fire resist accessories, and a team of full support units. Rinoa called in the Serah RW then used the commands for 40k per round. The RW burst mode wore off when Ifrit was around 40% life remaining. Instead of recasting it, I used Rinoa's OSB, which brought Ifrit to about 8% remaining. By then, my team was mostly dead, but before wiping, Rinoa got off the single use of Valigarmanda, which did 30k for the killing blow. Cid mission complete!

Took a few reloads, and on my killing attempt RNG was on my side since I think I only saw one meteor the whole fight. A second meteor would have been auto game over without any group medica available.

Only mote dungeon cid mission I have left now is the FF2 mote boss. I have nothing for FF2 at all, so unsure if it's even possible, but I'm going to try out a few zero relic setups and see what happens.


Trakanon Raider
I guess power creep is a thing. Mastered the FF2 mote dungeon cid mission with 0 native relics. Used Maria and Leon (as a darkness mage) with Raines RW, Emperor and Minwu healing, and Gordon for breaks. It wasn't a total cakewalk or anything, but far easier than mote Ifrit CM at least.

Kind of funny, I almost lost because I just threw whatever in the spell slots for the 2 dps, thinking the fight would be over before RW burst wore off, so they just had some rank 1 spells. Almost couldn't finish it as a result, but the final charge of my nukes finished the last enemy.

Team w/ Raines RW:
{td}Record Materia{/td}
{td}Morbid Countdown{/td}
{td}Memento Mori{/td}
{td}+15% Mag{/td}
{td}Chain Stonega{/td}
{td}+13% Mag{/td}
{td}+13% Res{/td}
{td}Magic Breakdown{/td}
{td}Doublecast White{/td}
Video: Red Soul Mote CM

That 100%'s all mote dungeon content for me now. Feels good.


<Bronze Donator>
Good job Sinzar. And don't feel bad, I actually just got around to a few Mote CMs myself... FF8 which was pretty easy now with Edea's BSB, FF2 which was really easy with the two good pulls I had on FF2 banners a few weeks ago, and FF3 which went well with my new Onion Knight BSB.

Power creep is real.


Golden Squire
Grats guys. Am waiting for Torment to reopen to try them with the new toys myself. Frustrating that Curada, Meltdown and Valiagarmanda each need 2 more main orbs for hones.


Potato del Grande
Yeah... 4 BSBs for the CM and Agrias critting the Ultimate++ for 99999... bye bye FF9.

Back to Omega, I'm getting better at phase 3, got it to 1% this morning :/


<Bronze Donator>
I'm pretty bummed that I'm just back to grinding daily dungeons every day. Currently still using them as a way to farm RM2s. I only have 12 more of those to get, tho, and then it's just the quest to 99/80 on everyone I suppose.


Potato del Grande
Beat Nemesis, oh my fucking god that boss... I had native everything (Eiko USB was only improvement I could have made) and it was still extremely difficult. It's definitely worthy of superbosses in other FF games. I can't wait for them to add other ones like Ruby/Emerald WEAPON.
I used the team below with the instant cast Vanille BSB RW. It's full 8* gear and slow resist accessories, I'm not a whale, looks like chashing items on banners paid off!

P1 cast Shell/Wall before the boss moves, then use RW with Alphinaud to heal up. Eiko rotated Haste SB and Medica BSB. Aeris spammed Medica BSB. Tyro rotated Wall SB and Shell/Protect/MBlink BSB. Raijin built SB gauge for Last Stand SSB. Alphinaud rotated Reflective Sheild SSB and Damage BSB, he's a healer via the RW until his BSB is online.

P2 is rough but the increased damage taken ends it quickly via Reflective Sheild. Keep Last Stand up and use Healing BSBs regularly.

P3 keep Reflective Sheild up, keep Raijin in reserve until you need to refresh Last Stand. He should have three SB bars at this point. Spam heals, the magic AoE is brutal. Highest HP character gets 99999 damage every other turn, so don't heal characters without Last Stand to full. You don't have enough time to react so characters will die, you need luck he casts spells you can deal with but he won't die unless he casts the brutal aoe a few times. Good luck!

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Golden Knight of the Realm
Wow, all the anniversary event stuff is back/extended. Every banner open, every spring dungeon open, all extended until the 13th. The only thing I see that wasn't reopened / extended is Shadow Lord, I still need to take out Apocalypse. Going to be hard to decide what to do again!

Edit: The special missions also still say they close on the 9th, and I don't see any mention of half stamina realm dungeons, so my guess is those will also end on the 9th.


Potato del Grande
Weird. Well got Onion OSB from banner 1, so now I have complete Onion Knight!
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Trakanon Raider
I ended up a few major summon orbs short of r4 Bahamut, so it's nice to have the orbfest dungeons open again. Gives us something to do for the next week also since this WoFF event is kind of meh.


Trakanon Raider
I finally got around to giving Nemesis some real attempts. I can consistently get him below 50% but then I start to fall apart. His speed is ridiculous. Not sure I'll get him but I'm glad I gave him some real effort instead of just passing on him.


Potato del Grande
I finally got around to giving Nemesis some real attempts. I can consistently get him below 50% but then I start to fall apart. His speed is ridiculous. Not sure I'll get him but I'm glad I gave him some real effort instead of just passing on him.

Your my rival, I remember flaming you over this game last year over something stupid, you gotta beat him!

If P2 is your problem, who is casting Last Stand for you? Do you have Reflective Sheild?