Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Potato del Grande
Got the FF2 D250 I missed now I have a healer BSB. Also did the entire FFT plus CM with Ramza/Agrias/Orlandeau blowing things up with Shout, BSB and OSB.

I think that I can take the FF7 CM but I need to pull more items for the FF2 and FF10 CMs.
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Golden Squire
Got the FF10 one thanks to Yuna's new SSB2 and Tidus BSB. Holy cow that was a nail biter, ended with everyone except Tidus dead and it was a race between his last BSB command and the bosses next action. Nasty nasty boss would not try again.

Next up is FF5, probably after the FF3 event. This realm is tough since I have no medica and only Bartz's burst... which is... not so great. I did pick up Exdeath's SSB (+mag +res), so i'll play around. Already level broke Krile and Lena for it, just gotta train them up.
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Trakanon Raider
Now that the orbfest dungeons closed, I went back and cleared all of the old D250 torments. Alphinaud was worth every speck of the 250 mithril I spent chasing his BSB during anniversary. He carried me through every one of the D250 torments along with Celes and Yshtola (more annivesary upgrades).

For the D250 FFV Piglets I brought Celes, Alphinaud, Papalymo, Tyro, Yshtola. I used a RW Raines on Papalymo and had him exclusively spam CMD2 (the aoe), Alphinaud alternated Valigarmanda and CMD2 Ether, Celes did Tornado Strike / Gaia's Cross with Runic (which totally breaks this fight). The D250 felt easier than my D200 clear, all thanks to Runic being just broken. I should mention I had zero synergy weapons for FFV, though I have a ton of FFV armor (go figure).

The D250 FFX Geosgaeno was by far the hardest of the torments for me to clear, even with huge FFX synergy. Went with Terra, Alphinaud, Tyro, Edward, Yshtola. For the RW I used Deployment Tactics for a stacking faith and some free reflection DPS. As for water damage, my only option was CMD2 on Terra's fairly weak BSB, so my damage was meh during this boss. Alphinaud chained CMD1 instant casts while the rest did breaks / support. Even with Yshtola's BSB and Tyro as an assist healer, the incoming damage was crazy. If I did it again, I'd bring a stacking break, or a 2nd BSB healer, though I managed to win with my first setup, so all is well. Sure would be nice to have Onions BSB instead of having to use Edward (who's stuck at lvl 80) as my support/mageshout character.

The D250 FF7 Gi Nattak was the easiest of the D250's by a long shot. Team was Celes, Alphinaud, Papalymo, Tyro, Yshtola, with an Alphinaud BSB RW (for Papalymo). This was another encounter that Runic from Celes just really trivializes, and weak to wind on top of that? Yeah this guy just melted to Alphinaud BSB x2 and Celes using infinite snowspell strikes. Easy boss was easy.

The D250 FF2 Gigas torment was what I thought would be the hardest since I have no FF2 synergy, but this one turned out pretty easy too. Team here was Terra, Alphinaud, Papalymo, Tyro, Yshtola, with Maria BSB RW. Once again, Alphinaud's BSB reigns supreme with being able to infinitely cast Valigarmanda to AoE these guys down (and all of his moves don't trigger counters). Terra used the Maria BSB to burst down the Thunder and Fire giants, while the Ice one got vaporized by a few of her OSB's.

All D250's now complete. Only torment CM I've completed was FFT, and I don't know if I can do the earlier CM's. After clearing the D250's though, I need a break for tonight, so maybe another time.


Trakanon Raider
Super pleased with this banner. First pull was 1/11 Desch's imperil + self faith sword, so that was kind of whatever. 2nd pull was 3/11 Onion BSB, Desch BSB, Arc SSB (dupe).

Main goal was Onion BSB, so I'm thrilled I got it in 2 pulls, but the side pulls were both Desch imperil + en-Lightning BSB combo, on a wrathable mage, so I think he's now my 2nd best mage along with Alphinaud.

The multiplayer boss was annoying. Not that he's hard or anything, but I had to join and leave groups for like 20+ minutes just to find one that didn't have any idiot physical attackers joining up. Once I got into a full mage party, he died without much issue.

Edit: Got the CM and U++ also. They felt harder than usual, but insane synergy from chasing OK BSB pays off I guess. Xande CM and Garuda U++
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Trakanon Raider
Sinzar, I think you were in one of my MP lobbies for a bit. I eventually had to disband it because everyone wanted to bring melee and when I finally got all casters there was no Multi Break or Heathen Magic Dancedown... The boss was easy with a proper group but it was such a pain dealing with people who didn't understand that physical was bad.
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Golden Squire
Finally got the FF5 Torment CM. Damn that fight was tough with only Faris having BSB, though the extra damage helped to equalilze their HPs. Ended up having to break the whole team's level cap AND equip RES gear + RM to reduce damage. Main DPS was Krile running Runic spamming R1 Valiagarmanda for ~6kx3 weakness where possible. I did bring a medica but couldn't use it because Exdeath had to use his +mag SSB, but I did run Memento of Prayer which helped a ton. Final team:

Gilgamesh: Retaliate / Draw Fire, Shared Shellga
Faris: Full Break / Magic Breakdown Dance, BSB
Exdeath: Curaise / Memento of Healing, +Mag SSB, Shared Medica (didn't use)
Krill: Valiagarmanda / Bahamut, +mag/blind RM
Lenna: Curaja / Protectga, Boost/Hastega SB
RW: Indomitable Blade


Golden Squire
Not sure if you guys have seen this but... the new Tyro USB that will be given out in japan has one heck of a bad ass animation



Trakanon Raider
100 gemmed Shantoto's burst. My lightning team now has Garnet's imperil, Shantoto's Burst, all of Ashe's stuff (so en-thunder and OSB), Lightning's en-thunder BSB and her old AOE SSB, TG Cid's OSB, and a few +Lightning armors to go with a +Lightning sword.

Happened across an element team I didn't even try for. Meanwhile my Holy Team, which I've put a lot of mythril into, sits only half-complete.


Trakanon Raider
These new D240 multiplayer battles were interesting. Ultros was pretty easy if someone brings Runic and you have the proper mitigations. The D240 Mandragora's were a handful though. I tried to bring Ramza's BSB, since it's a huge +Def buff for the team that stacks with Protect and Wall, but idiot pug group leads kept kicking me out. I guess they don't know how good Ramza's BSB is on pure physical fights, but whatever, I just swapped to Onion and Alphinaud instead and tried with a few groups.

Well, apparently most pug groups think the fight can be done without proper debuffs / buffs, so after a bunch of failure parties that didn't have mitigation or dances, I got fed up and joined as full team support with Tyro (wall, dances) and Yshtola (protect, heals, cures). Finished the D240 first group I joined with that setup. It's kind of annoying that I feel like I'm forced into a support role for almost every hard multiplayer battle, but that's what gets it done I guess.

The FFXI ultimates were a walk in the park after the multiplayer battles though. Shadow Lord was different with his immunity switching, but a team of Ramza, Onion, Desch, Vaan, Yshtola cleared it easily. The CM only needed Shanttoto, so that was just some free CM orbs.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Am I right that damage reflection is the new retaliate? My only available source is Cloud of Darkness, and that BSB is the only relic I have for him. Worth unlocking his lvl 99? Needing RW to do it sucks; I really like instaheal RW if I can for ohshit moments.

Meanwhile, I have OK's BSB and I think I have some +magic on someone else (ff12 maybe, one of the shitty ones). Debating really developing a mage squad. Do these tend to do well enough to justify the effort? My only USB would be Terra, versus 3 possible melee ones. Do these need debuffed resistances to shine?


Trakanon Raider
Damage reflection is nice, and it's probably a big dps boost for an undergeared team, but it's not something I'd go out of my way to include.

I've been using mage teams mostly for the past few months, and I've enjoyed it. I have Terra's OSB as well, and I used it in a few teams after I got it because it was new and all, but honestly I find I have better results sticking with typical mage BSB's instead of the OSB's (unless hitting a natural weakness).

Using imperil or resistance breaks helps mages about the same as it helps physicals (with defense breaks). It helps your damage, but isn't a requirement.

I'd say one of the best perks of a mage team is the ability to run the entire team in the backrow for -50% physical damage taken. The physical damage bosses deal has been steadily going up by a lot, like with the recent Garuda U++, and while you can do a backrow physical team, it's a lot harder to pull off.

You have Onions BSB, so you can pretty easily run a mixed team. Something I've been doing recently is going with mostly mages, with Onion as my support (with BSB), and Vaan on the team as a breaker using Steal Power. Steal Power stacks with Onion's BSB, and gives the full atk breakdown, so even though Vaan's on a pure mage team, he still has capped out ATK in the backrow with a non-synergy gun. It's worked really well.


Potato del Grande
Yeah its the new retaliate, you can turtle up with it and let the reflection kill the boss. Really after using it on Omega (with Last Stand), I can deploy that on any boss if shit hits the fan. Never needed to yet, it's best in multiplayer.
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Golden Squire
Is it me or are the multiplayer servers/connection more unstable than ever? I got booted 4 times while fighting Ultros, and i think 2 times were when he was already at his last legs (pun snicker). Frustrating cause that's a LONG ass fight (~15 - 20 minuets?). Ended up just soloing him. Hope the Mandra's have a better connection when I try them later.

I managed to do the FFXI CM using a realm team with all the SSBs I pulled. It's the FF that's closest to my heart (spent like nearly 10 years total in the game, including private servers), so I really wanted to make it work. The cast is surprisingly diverse and has access to lots of skill sets, except a proper WHM and Support unfortunately... Still their SSBs have a surprisingly good variety of buffs / debuffs and insta-haste so it ended up working. Used Prishe as my main WHM (thanks Beatrix Sword for the MND) with Ayame and Shantoto doing bulk of the damage. Hailstorm is an amazing ability that stacks with nearly all buffs, and her access to combat 6, spellblade 5/6 and samurai 5/6 definitely puts her on top of the DPS charts. Definitely going to look out for her Burst in the future.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yes, MP has been extremely frustrating lately. Had a similar experience with the mandragoras, only 2 left both with a sliver and...crash. Not cool.


Golden Squire
Really tried to make A++ Mandra work but between the crazy lag, long wait times, horrible team mates etc just decided to solo it. If you're gonna solo it, the best advice is the bring at least sleep (Phantasm is the best), blind shot and confuse shot. The status' are a pain in the ass if you don't control at least 3 of them. Final party that made it:

Mustiado: Blind Shell / Confuse Shell, SSB (Penta break)
Faris: Full Break / Power Breakdown dance, BSB
Alphinaud: Valiagarmanda / Alexander, BSB
Onion Knight: Faith / Phantasm, BSB
Y'shtola: Ultra Cure / Protectga, Wall + BSB

RW: Wall

Pain in the ass fight. Thank goodness it's over!


Golden Knight of the Realm
The Orthros fight has been particularly painful because it's so very long. With the lag it's just incredibly long. Twice we had Apoc almost down when it crashed out. Finally got it down, but haven't tried A++ yet. Don't really want to.


Trakanon Raider
Todays patch finally added the last ATK cap raise, which brings the ATK softcap up to 805. Physical parties should now finally be back on the same level as mages, maybe even superior once again.

Reaching 805 atk will probably require stacking atk buffs unless you have some heavy realm synergy. Not sure what my new physical teams will look like. Almost certainly will still use Onion BSB as one of the atk buffs, and for a stacking buff I'm not sure who to go with it. My options are Ramza (50% atk + haste), Minfilia (50% atk + Last Stand) or Sazh (50% atk + magic blink). I may just go with Ramza even though his haste part is redundant with Onions BSB, but I don't really need Last Stand, Sazh sucks, and I have a lot of Ramza relics for passive +10 atk's, and he's already fully 3* dived.

I'm tempted to pull on tonights banner for Ramza's USB, which would be an amazing addition (30% atk/mag/def + party instant cast). Probably won't though, my FFT synergy is way too strong already to justify more FFT pulls.