Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yes me. From Amazon.

Short answer - You're fucked.

Long Answer - SE's shitty account system does not allow you to enter a full purchase CE code into an existing service account so you either have to make a new account (which will not gain access to any of the CE items and characters do not transfer over and early access /preorder items do not cross over) or bend over and buy the 20$ digital CE upgrade for your existing account and sit on a useless non-refundable $50 CE code like I am doing right now.

Long ass thread about basically this issuehere
Sounds horrible, so that was the answer you got from NA support on the matter?

I can just sell the CE addition to a friend for 20 bucks when they go to buy the game. It was my backup plan.
Downloading the game now. Is there a Rerolled guild on any server? PM me details please.
see title of thread
main server is gilga but its full. secondary server seems to be marl but there are rerolled all over the damn place including the jap servers.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wow, their new account registration shit is way better. Put my code in the first try and it worked. Seamless page loading, and good page layout. Much improved over that playonline bullshit.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Now I know you're trolling. Barrens chat 6.x in any of the shrouds made me block shout starting on beta2. You'd have to be a masochist or an idiot to not have done that already.
Really? I haven't noticed it on Gilgamesh that much. In fact, I find that the GC ends up with more bullshit spamming than shout.


Trakanon Raider
I actually thought the game was quite boring for me until around level 10ish. However, now that I'm 15, things are starting to pick up and I'm really starting to enjoy it.
I think a lot had to do with the clusterfuck crowded areas and Pugilist is pretty much a very straightforward class to begin with. I felt like I was just facerolling everything along with 4 other random dudes next to me. Mobs would just die before even getting off a few skills - not so fun.

Like I said though, now that I'm away from all that......I'm REALLY starting to enjoy the game.
I'm shocked at how good the game runs for how good it looks. Some of the areas look great and the gameplay is very crisp and clean.
This.. I enjoyed the game initially with little expectations but don't judge the game until 15. I think at 10 it begins changing... I haven't made it that far on my new toon but throughout beta I thought this.. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised if you are wavering early game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Apparently once you get to the 30+ dungeons, they get pretty difficult too. Highest one I've done is Toto-Rak and we did wipe on one boss, but that's cause the tank sucked.


Apparently once you get to the 30+ dungeons, they get pretty difficult too. Highest one I've done is Toto-Rak and we did wipe on one boss, but that's cause the tank sucked.
Titan and Cutter's Cry definitely had some challenge in them. Boss of CC would be pretty hard for most PUGS I would think. Probably will not be true once people are geared and everyone running this dungeon is synced down with green+ gear. For a PUG group with random quest gear up tot that point ad below the sync cap it had some challenge.


Apparently once you get to the 30+ dungeons, they get pretty difficult too. Highest one I've done is Toto-Rak and we did wipe on one boss, but that's cause the tank sucked.
Yeah there's a large difficulty spike starting with Blayflox's Longstop (Lv32). Temple of Qarn (35) has quite a few of instakill retard checks that will continually wipe the party until everyone is paying attention. With the way these are ramping up I can see them being the spiritual successor to original TBC heroics, and these are only the normal mode dungeons.


15 is definitely the point I went from bitching about the game being boring quest hub hell to enjoying it more than I have any MMO in recent times. I think I just really hate quest hubs.


15 is definitely the point I went from bitching about the game being boring quest hub hell to enjoying it more than I have any MMO in recent times. I think I just really hate quest hubs.
I have noticed that I stopped getting bombarded with quests everywhere. Now I generally have anywhere from 1-4 quests in my Journal at any given time and 1 of those is the main story line quest.

I think that's pretty awesome.


That makes me very happy to hear that there are some challenging aspects to the game whilst leveling up.
The game's difficulty curve is spot on IMO. Stuff is insane easy early, but every subsequent dungeon ramps up the difficulty in terms of monsters per pull, mechanics for bosses, speed of execution needed, etc. I think people were scared off in P4 because those "dungeons" could not of been any easier. I wouldn't even say they had bosses, just that the mobs that had chests had more HP =p. The FATEs and level-up quests do not get any harder though, they are always super easy. However, there have been a couple fates with bosses that had insane levels of HP and gave out pets/achievements.


Golden Knight of the Realm
You must have not been on for the Behemoth spawn

The Giant in Coerthas also has a nice idiot killing cleave


My way of dealing with 1017 errors: Download Autohotkey -->

Run it, right click tray icon --> edit script --> Paste this:

SetTimer, Loop, 1


Loop {
if (BreakLoop = 1) ; While the F1 key is being held down physically.

Click, left, 961, 840
Click, left, 961, 840
Sleep 3000
Click, left, 1512, 190
Click, left, 1512, 190
sleep 1000
Click, left, 904, 553
Click, left, 904, 553
sleep 1000
Click, left, 962, 597
Click, left, 962, 597
sleep 1000

Ctrl + S to save
Go to Main menu of FFXIV (Where you click start)
Right click tray icon --> Reload script

This is for 1920x1080 resolution borderless. If you run a different resolution you may have to change the x,y coordinates. Do this by opening AutoHotkey Spy and finding them. If your latency sucks adjust the sleep timers.

Edit: This chooses the 2nd character on that server as that's my main, adjust the second set of Clicks to move it to the first or whatever number. Press F1 to stop F2 to start again. Fixed script.
Ha! Took me ~45 seconds to get in, hilarious (although EU server).


I've noticed tons of people are just afking all day now instead of logging out. It reminds me of the Rift launch when people did the exact same thing. How do you fuck something like that up


Is that really useful? I've found a couple things about logging in.
1. If you fail to connect to US/EU datacenter initially, you're not going to be able to period. You need to restart the client.
1b. If this happens while spamming to log into the world, you need to restart the client.
2. If you get "World is full" before getting to char selection screen, you cannot login without restarting the client.
3. If you get into queue, clicking again kicks you out of the queue.
4. 1 and 2 happen A LOT when you're spamming numpad 0 to try to login.