Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


<Silver Donator>
I use a normal shitty old mouse personally, and I don't even bind skills to it, M4 is autorun, alt+M4 is mount, M5 is self target(mostly use it on healer since there isn't much point otherwise).

I use a lot of modifiers though, got used to it over the years. Off the top of my head, normal 2 first 12 bars are 1 2 3 4 5 Q E R T F C V <(not sure what it is on QWERTY keyboard, but that's the key left of Z next to Shift), then other one is Alt+ the same stuff but X for the last button(not Alt X, just X). Then I have some side bar buttons like G, Z, Alt Z, Alt X. Generally that's enough, I think I have a few more for some classes that are probably Ctrl+ something or whatever but I usually don't like Ctrl keys it's just when I run out of keys on some classes like SCH.

Mostly after that's it's working the bars so they make sense to remember easier and so they're optimized depending on how often I want to press stuff. I also do thematic keys to keep class switching more simple, for example R tends to be AoEs(damage or heals), Q tends to be heals/self heals/defensive buffs, E short oGCDs, CVF long cooldowns, < is sprint on everyone, X is movement abilities, etc. I try to keep the main rotation buttons on the numbers if possible. There's obviously some exceptions but it's nice to keep things consistent when you switch to a new class to retain some of the muscle memory.

That said a mouse is probably better in some conditions during raiding so you can move and hit stuff at the same time. I often have to hit keys weird during raids, or hit autorun for like half a second and shit like that to make it work.


Trakanon Raider
I don't know why the thought of using ctrl + letters never occurred to me. Im alright at using ctrl, it's alt that really gets me.


<Silver Donator>
I don't know why the thought of using ctrl + letters never occurred to me. Im alright at using ctrl, it's alt that really gets me.
Also what you can do is configure your mouse to have a key that does Alt or Ctrl. This way you can hold a mouse button and press single keyboard keys still. I've been considering doing that myself to replace Alt and make it easier to move+hit keys, but I'm too lazy to relearn everything.


Swapping caps lock and ctrl is the biggest game changer. Shift+spacebar has been autorun for 10 years now; another pro tip to free up your scroll wheel is to bind zooming in/out to shift+scroll wheel. 3 buttons on a mouse's side is mandatory. Shift+W has been my universal MMO mount key for ... ever just as tilde key opens the map(why da fuk would I move my hand over to M?) in all my games.

a keyboard is one of the most customizable game controllers; just have to visualize it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I just put my most used skills on the standard hotbar for keyboard use and just click the other shit that isn't used as often (unless it is some fight where you have to use some ability ASAP or you die, in which case hotkey it). Easier than learning to play Dance Dance Revolution on a keyboard/mouse.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I've been using the Razor Naga for years now, it has 6 good size button on the side. I simply bind 1,2,3,4,5,6 to them and use shift, ctr and alt as modifiers so I have up 24 abilities bound to my mouse. After years of doing this it has become second nature to me, probably not for everyone but works for me. :)


Vyemm Raider
I use 1-5, R, Tilde, and 9 buttons on my mouse, then just click the rest. Have not had any problems as NIN, WAR, or DRK on savage content with only these keybinds.


Revolver Ocelot
<Bronze Donator>
I just use the keyboard to move and click everything with my mouse.

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Revolver Ocelot
<Bronze Donator>
Yo dawg, we heard you like Sleeve Draw, so we put Sleeve Draw in your Sleeve Draw so you can Sleeve Draw while you Sleeve Draw.

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Trakanon Raider
I've been enjoying savage unlock quite a lot. Able to consistently get 65%+ parses on FFLogs as a BLM.

Really looking forward to 4.4, and seeing some fresh content.



Trakanon Raider
Oh yeah for sure, I'm still working on slidecasting, and memorizing a few optimization things the BLMs in balance discord have talked about. I'm still really happy with it, considering my first savage raid was in the end of June.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
How necessary is crafting in this game? I've nearly got both Botanist and Miner to 50, but the thought of having to level 800 crafting classes alongside each other seems like something that makes me want to tear my hair out. Is it something that everybody has to do? Can I do just one?


Trakanon Raider
How necessary is crafting in this game? I've nearly got both Botanist and Miner to 50, but the thought of having to level 800 crafting classes alongside each other seems like something that makes me want to tear my hair out. Is it something that everybody has to do? Can I do just one?

Crafting is a good money-maker, but there's zero direct benefit for combat.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, crafting is completely optional. There are some nice items that are made via crafting for both glamour or in some cases combat, but those tend to fall on the highend of crafting. Also, as has been stated, it is a money maker. If you ever want to easily afford a nice house in the game, then being able to self-fund through gathering/crafting is a must unless you get super lucky with your retainer ventures.

Crafting isn't too hard to level. Leves are key. Not sure if you've been using them already for your botanist/miner, but they are basically repeatable quests that give lots of XP for crafting and gathering. You get like 3-5 leve credits every 12 hrs or something and it caps at 100 credits. For crafting, HQ items give you double XP. Where you go for level-appropriate leves changes and there are guides online. There are also 3 beast tribes that give crafting XP: The bird dudes in Fallgourd Float (up to 50), the Moogles in Churning Mists (up to 60), and the Namazu in Azim Steepes (up to 70). The moogles and Namazu give 3 quests per day, the bird dudes are uncapped beyond what your beast tribe allotment is for the day/how many quests you unlock. The bird dude quests are a cross of combat/crafting and kind of annoying (they were the vanilla version of crafting quests), but Moogle and Namazu are quick hits and MASSIVE xp for the level. And free more or less. I got all my crafters to 70 relatively easily using leves, spamming simple crafts for some "hell levels", and beast tribe quests. Oh ya, and Custom Deliveries. Don't think it was in ARR, but in HW you get them in Idylshire and in SB you get them in Rhager's Reach and the Underwater turtle city in Ruby Sea. Those give lots of XP and they give red/yellow crafting scrips (which you can use to buy nice crafting gear). Also, be sure to run Retainer missions, because they frequently bring back nice crafting/gathering armor or tools that can be helpful.

If you get serious into crafting, it is important to try to level the other crafters as well (at least to certain levels). All the crafting classes contain certain abilities you can share with all the other crafting classes. Some of these are considered all but required for any serious crafting, but even for casual crafting it makes shit 10x easier to make (especially the HQ items).

Only non-combat class I don't have at 70 is fishing because it's a pain lol


<Silver Donator>
Fishing actually levels pretty fast compared to normal gathering, cause you get like 10times the amount of xp per catch and it doesn't take that long to catch. Stormblood fishing was also easier than before with spearfishing shit, which works like normal nodes gathering, but still gives a shit ton of xp. Honestly I generally prefer doing fishing, especially past the HW shit where the other gathering are all about rotating nodes for collection which I find boring as all fuck. It's good if you don't want to play the game and watch something while afking next to a node until it respawns then run to the next but otherwise it sucks.