Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


This is going to be epic when Traak's "Official" launch comes tomorrow and no one can create characters when they get home.
It's the FIRST FUCKING DAY of official launch. Quit your bitching you can't complain the first day of retail launch.

Did I get it close ?
if it is so bad then cancel your sub lol. make room for people who dont cry about everything that doesnt go there way.

in just dont see the point in spilling tears on a forum over some pixels.
btw has anyone been prompted to even pay for sub? generally sub based mmos have you sub before you are able to play or put some kind of heavy restrictions. was the 30 bucks for game and 1 month of sub? if so damn thats cheap as hell.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
I wonder how many days of you guys not being able to log in it will take before you pick another server. The server issues are horrid yes but you guys and everyone on the internet picked like 4 servers. It's odd that while some of you find the game fun you would rather cancel your order than move. Once you know what you are doing it takes maybe a day or 2 played to get level 35+. Just restart on a new server and you will have fun again. You get to play without ANY issues and if you really need to be on a full+ server you can switch when ever they put transfers in.

Staying on galg cause you are 30+ is SIIIILLLLYYYY. They aren't going to "fix" the servers so 25k people can play in one place.
It's got nothing to do with the server really. When there are login issues it affects everyone.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So, it's 12:30 on a week day, and people are already getting the server full message? Doesn't bode well for me getting off work in 2 hours.
i just dont see the point in all the whining and bitching. doesnt sound like you are venting really because all you seem to be doing is attacking anyone who is enjoying the pre launch. what do you want? for all of us to agree with you, cancel pre order, and sit on this forum all day bitching about a game we dont play? i dont hand hold and im not a shoulder for the internet tards to cry on. if you dont like the way things are going then i suggest you get your money back and move on. it really is quite simple.


well at least ill be playing and having fun
Fun? What are you, some kind of queer or sumtin? We don't like fun in our MMOs


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It's the FIRST FUCKING DAY of official launch. Quit your bitching you can't complain the first day of retail launch.

Did I get it close ?
Yep you nailed it

Oh God I forgot about "official" launch. Those pre-order early access keys are not the real keys. There is no way they have the keys situation fixed by tomorrow.

Anyone sticking around this mess after early access ends, I hope to God your credit cards aren't billed ten fold or some other ridiculous error happens. Like having NA game keys instead of EU, and vice versa.

This is going to get crazy.
right now im 18 conj and 6 bot. i was going to level BOT and alchemy because i assumed botany was like herbilist in wow but it doesnt seem like it. botany seems more like a logger or something.


i just dont see the point in all the whining and bitching. doesnt sound like you are venting really because all you seem to be doing is attacking anyone who is enjoying the pre launch. what do you want? for all of us to agree with you, cancel pre order, and sit on this forum all day bitching about a game we dont play? i dont hand hold and im not a shoulder for the internet tards to cry on. if you dont like the way things are going then i suggest you get your money back and move on. it really is quite simple.
You aren't just "enjoying the launch" , you're adding on to every post to "stop whining it's early access you can't bitch" etc. If you're not trolling you're a fucking idiot. You don't throw salt in the wound for the obvious major portions of folks who have had issues getting to play at all.

Stop acting like all you are doing is enjoying the game, you're trying to piss people off with the "I'm playing nah nah you can't and stop whining".

Like I said, decent troll or social idiot.

Or both.
im not trolling, i just dont cater to the needs of emotional internet trolls who have nothing better to do than make negative posts about a game that hasnt even launched. i dont even think some of you play the game but are just hopping in this tread to spread your negativity.
Half this thread is you multi-replying to yourself.

Shut the fuck up, you goddam troll. Do you really think this forums roots come from white-knighting shitty online game companies?
lol at people who think i am white knighting. not agreeing with idiots != white knighting.


I've been on Behemoth this entire time with my friends and we haven't had any issues other than a few hours of congestion yesterday. It's been mostly clear. IGN is Aurra Field if anyone else is playing there.

Has anyone found out how to unlock the battle-chocobo mode yet? I miss that from beta.


lol at people who think i am white knighting. not agreeing with idiots != white knighting.
You're an idiot. White-knighting is exactly what your dumb ass is doing.

Read these facts re-posted from the forums and then tell us again how you are not a white knight:

" law and consumer laws say thatanything advertised as what you call a "bonus" is in fact part of the purchased product.As an example if you buy a car that comes with a "free" xbox one and it doesn't work (the xbox) you can go back and demand a working one since it became part of the purchase when it was advertised with the product. As such since this was advertised and became a deciding factor in pre-purchasing the game, which is in essence an interest free loan which I won't get in to, it became part of the product purchase and is not simply a "bonus" as I submit it was not reasonably delivered/working."

Keep saying this, you fucking retard:

again you are commenting about a game that hasnt officially released. think about that for a minute.
Living in your own reality must be great fun:

I consider the real launch on the launch date (tomorrow.) People will have the right to play the product they payed for when it was promised to them. Early access is a privilage.