Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Vyemm Raider
As a tank I would see mobs with me on their TOT walk all the way over to a healer, hit it once then walk back to me. Like the mob doesn't actually switch its target until it finishes its "walk to target and attack it" routine. It's really, really awful to see once you pick up on it.

In fact I'm willing to bet the healer could kite the mob indefinitely even if the TOT says it should be attacking the tank, because the mob will continue to chase the healer until it gets in range before it will change targets.

EDIT: Another place you can see this: Guy is running off with a mob you want. You dps the shit out of the mob and you are on its target. Mob keeps fucking following him until it leashes and slowly walks back to its spawn evading the whole way. God dammit.

This needs more testing but it seems like if you draw aggro, you MUST eat the hit because otherwise the mob is never going back on the tank and will just fucking follow you around. That or it's just really lagged, I could be wrong.

Game is ghetto as fuck, heh.


<Gold Donor>
There is no hate on the uber bros. Play the way you want when you want. I just take offense to Seans shitty attitude thats all. Lets not forget what we are doing here, playing fucking games in our spare time.


I just want parses/rotations backing up his claims on monk dps. I don't doubt them since I "appear" to shit on every DPS except for blm but I suspect that's more due to incompetence than any advantage the monk class has. The only parser I'm aware of cannot account for dot damage however so afaik all parses are fucked from the get go.


Vyemm Raider
Well, the hell I described, I only saw bits and pieces of. He was there for the whole ride. And he's like me in that he really doesn't want to move to a guild full of strangers and start all over. I get that. But if I was as miserable as what he describes I would have left the game or changed guilds. (I chose #1 almost every time. The times I tried a guild switch were disasters.)

The trick is that at some point, you have to learn on your own that it's pretty much the same everywhere. There's no magic guild where everyone plays at the same level and learns encounters at the same pace and everyone is happy and fun and gets along all the time. If you find that shit, let me know because you have won the goddamn lottery. Otherwise, the term I have for that is "singleplayer."


Toe Sucker
I'm not a fan of some of the pugs in this game, the last group I was in, the healer was bitching about me marking CC shit, causing him to be "bored."
So I stop, and die 3 times because the faggot can't heal for shit afterwards.

WoW really did give these 12 year olds some sort of false sense of entitlement or something because a lot of awful players think they're gods gift to man.

I still hate the 2.5 second GCD, it's fucking AWFUL when you want to try and stun something from casting, they need to take those skills off GCD or something, because honestly.. who really cares about pvp, this game looks like it would be terrible in terms of pvp anyway.


I have a silence off GCD but even then it still takes awhile to actually fire, and my stun is on GCD so if i need to interrupt something really important i basically just stand there and wait for it, otherwise the GCD is longer than most cast times.


<Gold Donor>
Ive only done the story dungeons up to this point (39 ATM), some I ran a few times and I have not ran into too many bads. I guess Ive been lucky but Im also the tank so I control the shit as much as I can. I cant imagine how these dungeons could be with a shitty tank. Not saying im the best or anything but I do OK. The only thing I saw was some stupid DPS not going after the marked targets and shitty casters/healers which are too lazy to sleep. Which BTW is like the most powerful spell in dungeons IMO.


Vyemm Raider
As I tank I only used 1 mark. I'd switch to the next target and mark it before the first dies so I'd have plenty of threat (especially if by some miracle it was slept), because I cannot stand it as dps when I have to wait for the tank to slowly target the next mob and start up his rotation. Which of course I'm running into in every dungeon as dps. That shit goes all the way back to everquest and training the MA to pick the next target ahead of time so there's no delay. MMO 101.

But the funny thing was, I'd switch to the next mob at like 10% health, switch the mark.. and the dps would follow me, leaving the first mob at 10%. What the actual fuck? I quickly learned to wait for it to die before switching the mark.


I gave up on Paladin until i'm on PC, PS3 does alright in 4 mans but i can only see it being a severe hindrance in binding coil, so i'm working on dragoon, and maybe bard.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
At some point i think black mages are going to need more than quelling strikes for encounters due to threat issues.

That is to say, while we're fine in AK, 10+ minute fights become problematic with no actual drops.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've had really good luck with groups and haven't had any issues with other players. If anything I've been having a lot of fun and the dungeons give me a really good feel. I also play as a tank, and I guess some aren't very good because I usually get a lot of "thank you!"s after we complete and people are happy/surprised we had no wipes. I'm only 36, but I'm really enjoying it from a casual perspective.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just want parses/rotations backing up his claims on monk dps. I don't doubt them since I "appear" to shit on every DPS except for blm but I suspect that's more due to incompetence than any advantage the monk class has. The only parser I'm aware of cannot account for dot damage however so afaik all parses are fucked from the get go.
I can back up those claims that the order almost always goes something like BLM (with bard or w/o) > Monk = Dragoon > Bard > Summoner. There is always an outlier with people who are just amazing at dps and that order can change but that?s what I've seen from AK through titans and turn 2 in BC. I really don?t see a reason to even bring a melee other than for the limit break and my choice even as a DRG would be a monk (silence). The movement for dodging so many AE?s + frontals + backwards AE?s makes melee a poor choice when you can have a BLM being buffed by the bard and doing considerably more dps with much less movement.


Mr. Poopybutthole
In FF14 though, yeah, don't try to finish your cast, just move. Your position on the server is wack, there's no finessing this shit.
This is pretty much it comes down to. Just stop whatever it is you were doing and move. Otherwise you'll eat it.

I will say that aggro is a pain in the ass in this game, especially if what you're saying about bards being lower DPS is true. I have the garuda bow at the moment, and if the tank has anything less than that, I have to switch targets midway through the fight or I'll draw aggro every time. So basically I lay a bunch of shit on the mob until about 80%, switch targets to throw a few on the #2 target, switch back to #1, repeat. Once 1 is dead, I go to 3 and then back to 2.


I can back up those claims that the order almost always goes something like BLM (with bard or w/o) > Monk = Dragoon > Bard > Summoner. There is always an outlier with people who are just amazing at dps and that order can change but that's what I've seen from AK through titans and turn 2 in BC. I really don't see a reason to even bring a melee other than for the limit break and my choice even as a DRG would be a monk (silence). The movement for dodging so many AE's + frontals + backwards AE's makes melee a poor choice when you can have a BLM being buffed by the bard and doing considerably more dps with much less movement.
If monk can maintain 100% greased lightning in a fight, it will win on damage, even over BLM. BLM is always the safer choice to bring because their damage isn't nearly as fight dependent. Pure damage fights like turn 4 are really good for monk, if you maintain your greased lightning during every transition and maximize your TP efficiency. The disadvantage is that, while I can out damage everyone (Taxt and I rotated #1 and #2 on my parser all night long), mantra/stuns is only marginally useful compared to bard songs, bard silence, and full time ranged capabilities. With the game engine handling updating mob position terribly and every fight having melee-only dodge mechanics, it's always easier to bring ranged. I've yet to see melee being bad to damage output, it's always a utility and unavoidable damage issue instead.


Vyemm Raider
I'm not even running a parser because FF14-APP is the least usable parser I've ever seen. Is it still the only option?


Just got the ilvl60 tank chest from AK and it's a fucking red dress. A red motherfucking sundress with a pleated skirt. What is wrong with these Japanese developers?