Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ill normally say sleep or cc, unless I'm playing wow and it's like multiple cc'ers, then I'll say something like sheep star, sap nipple. Using the spell name works, haven't seen cc called mesmerization outside of EQ.


FPS noob
info on server xfers (post is in japanese), supposed to come in early october but they said earlier late sept so who knows
Summary of Yoshi-P's post about server transfers

  • The transfer service will be available for free for the first five days after it's introduced. Price for transfers after that grace period is TBA.
  • If you transfer servers, there will be a restriction on how much gil you can bring with you (TBA). Free Companies will not transfer with their leaders. Remove all items from the market boards and log out before transferring.
  • Transfers to high-population servers will be allowed, with the condition that you are fully aware that increased congestion may cause logins to be restricted again.
  • If you transfer to a server where someone else already has your name, you'll be asked to change yours, no matter how old the other person's character is (contrary to how it was done for the 1.0 transfers).

so if you want to come to gilgamesh reserve your name now and hope a lot of people unsub, or queues will be asstastic again


Toe Sucker
Ill normally say sleep or cc, unless I'm playing wow and it's like multiple cc'ers, then I'll say something like sheep star, sap nipple. Using the spell name works,haven't seen cc called mesmerization outside of EQ.
It makes no sense to probably a LARGE majority of the FFXIV players have never played EQ.. so they'll have no idea wtf you're talking about lol


Golden Squire
I said CC in the first couple of days of FFXIV in a pug and people had no clue what I was referring to.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I was reading the Marvel Heroes forum the other day and a bunch of people were confused what "Point Blank Area Of Effect" meant. They thought basically any skill that had a short range and an AOE so you had to be "point blank" to use it. It is funny how much terminology you pick up playing games like this.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I may be done. Had some time to login and play today but could not face the prospect of more AK or CM runs. The 4K tomes you need for darklight + relic PER JOB just flat out sucks. Its repetitive. Its boring. Its not fun.


Yeah, game is pretty much dead in the water.

I mean, if you compare 14 to SWTOR, they are more similar than not. Even then, swtor had pvp and more endgame content (not much, mind you). 14 looks better and runs better, but has the same combat issues with animation locks and other similar issues, although swtor's combat is slightly better because you can at least move while attacking and being a caster doesn't suck. SWTOR's story was so much better, too.

Both games also considered leveling new characters "content". Really?

Seems like this is another case of could have been and should have been, but won't be.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Except SWTOR was expecting 10 millions subs and laid off all their staff and stopped making content when they weren't even within an order of magnitude close to that. Seems like SE has consistently low expectations, and might actually be able to put out content at a pace that casual Timmy's like myself (who just hit 50 last week) will be content with.


i don't see this game going f2p anytime soon.
Agreed, at this point( 40 days ish past early access) I was done with SWTOR or very close to it.

I'm very much enjoying ARR at this point, and plan on subbing for a while at least. I'm sure there will be a drop-off ,but I don't see this doing the immediate death spiral that SWTOR did that led to the F2P less that one year after launch.

Zombie Thorne_sl

Im sure they will never release budget figures for this game but it has to be staggering. Unless they had 10 ppl working on the game, payroll alone after all the time spent has to be insane.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sure, but XI has been a cash cow for a while, and 12, 13, and 13-2, all sold decently, I'm willing to bet they're doing just fine financially even if they aren't doing blizzard's numbers.