
If you think the venom is bad now, you should have seen it back in 2010 right before The9 bought them out on the verge of collapse! The contempt and scorn for Kern was quite thick. The development of the game from day 1 has always been a disaster, from the engine choice on up to the management.


Trump's Staff
I am just coming in to say that I have never seen a company where it's employees hate their management this much. Even Management hates upper management, and upper management hates everyone. Folks are talking about being berated in front of their peers, yelled at, etc. Game systems being about 80% fleshed out then some upper management producer pulls the plug and orders everyone to do a 180, for really, no reason at all. (This is coming from Protoss Link... but I did confirm this with one person that actually works there and is leaving soon)

The development cycle for this game is an absolute mess. Also, Kern sounds about as bad as some other folks I know in the industry. Christ, he may be worse than Jacobs. At least Jacobs was only full of shit to the customers (Bad enough), but as far as I know, didn't create an atmosphere where people were scared to breathe.

Have not been following the game much, but I would suggest anyone working for this company from a development perspective get out of this organization and go find a place you will be valued. As far as the content that is in the game currently from what I have read, I wouldn't expect it to change much with this type of working atmosphere.
Is Red5 abusive to its employees? I did not know that, and if this is the case I regret my support for the game.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Is Red5 abusive to its employees? I did not know that, and if this is the case I regret my support for the game.
I saw this and did a little poking around.

Hostile Work Environment: Because of the current development hierarchy/ structure, and a huge lack of management and leadership. the company environment/ atmosphere has literally become the wild west.
(Cliques often form, quite often employees are left to their own devices, there is widespread company politics/backstabbing and practically close to no accountability for poor performance or unprofessional behavior.)

Cliques/Favoritism/Politics: One case in which a particular group of employees went around on witch-hunts and singled out particular coworkers who didn't agree with their viewpoints.
They would proceeded to bully particular individuals through verbal confrontation/harassment, and belittling/slandering their reputation during work hours and off.
(Upper management often batting a blind eye to this because they viewed it as "motivation"/ an easier way to get results.)

No HR Department: Upper management are often negligent and apathetic to your needs if they are not considered helpful/constructive to them or the project.

Project Vision/ Direction constantly in flux: Even after 7 years of development, the project is still literally redesigned/ overhauled from scratch every few months.
Which then led me to people being outright yelled at by Kern. Pretty much everyone that works there thinks he suffers from a mental disorder.

I would not support anything this guy does.
I saw this and did a little poking around.

Which then led me to people being outright yelled at by Kern. Pretty much everyone that works there thinks he suffers from a mental disorder.

I would not support anything this guy does.
I'm pretty sure that if you pee with your pants completely on the ground, you do in fact have some sort of mental disorder.


Trump's Staff
Wow, no one anywhere, has to right to yell at a co-worker. That is deplorable, and for all of the poor working conditions I have been through no one has ever stooped to yelling or behavior as bad as you've described above. I very much wish I had known this before I gave them my money.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Wow, no one anywhere, has to right to yell at a co-worker. That is deplorable, and for all of the poor working conditions I have been through no one has ever stooped to yelling or behavior as bad as you've described above. I very much wish I had known this before I gave them my money.
I have not played the game or really know anything about it... Other than it looks like there isn't a lot of content.

But yeah, Mark Kern sounds terrible. I hope everyone that works for him (That isn't abusive) leaves immediately.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I saw this and did a little poking around.

Which then led me to people being outright yelled at by Kern. Pretty much everyone that works there thinks he suffers from a mental disorder.

I would not support anything this guy does.
Is just one person saying this? Or have multiple employees complained? It makes a difference. There are always one or two employees, even at the best companies, who say they are singled out. And yelling happens at every company occasionally also. It shouldn't but people are what they are. If it's an isolated incident then it's nothing. But if one person does it regularly, then that is serious, especially if they are top management.

And like it or not, sometimes bad companies make good products. It will be interesting to see what comes of this.


I desperately wanted this game to be good back when I saw the first video of it and I still want it to be but it just plain isn't.

Been playing an hour or two here and there last week. Not enough content in the slightest.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
^^^ Echoing the above.

Grim, Scroll back into the thread and you can find a link with many complaints. With that said, it's the internet so those can be easily faked if someone is pissed enough. After a little digging, it's true.

I know you like playing devil's advocate. It doesn't make sense here.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not at all, was just asking for more info. I haven't been following this game at all. Sounds serious, sucks for them.


Avatar of War Slayer
That is a bummer indeed.
The game really is nothing like anything else out there really. And has a pretty terrific art aesthetic.


They should have just released this game ages ago as some type of team arena pvp shooter and scrapped the pve mmo idea. These guys seem to have no direction for what they want to do with the pve side of the game and there's been very little content added since I was in alpha.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I desperately wanted this game to be good back when I saw the first video of it and I still want it to be but it just plain isn't.

Been playing an hour or two here and there last week. Not enough content in the slightest.
I was extremely excited for it when it was first announced. I think I was the person who started the Firefall thread on the old FoH boards. It looked like a Borderlands-esque MMO, which just sounded so obvious and amazing. I actually got into the first wave of beta and was disappointed that everything in the game at that point revolved around some sort of eSports PvP thing, not at all what I expected, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt since they were primarily focusing on balancing and stress testing the servers at that point. I jumped in a few times after that, but the PvP was just never terribly compelling to me. There wasn't really anything I could see that set it apart.

Then when the PvE content was added, I was once again excited to check it out. I completed the tutorial and couldn't figure out what to do next, and then learned there reallywasn'tanything to do next. I found the combat a little more fun for the PvE side of things, since it actually was reminiscent of Borderlands, but I'm never going to play a game where the only thing to do is grind. Consideringthe game was originally supposed a year-and-a-half ago(something I found laughable for them to claim at the time) and it's still basically in beta with no end in sight, I've basically given up on it ever being something I'll play. Sad, because, like I said, I was really looking forward to it.


Golden Squire
What the. They announced their plans (or lack thereof) for a trade system between players.

Direct player trading opens you up to massive amounts of credit card fraud, botters, and gold farmers. A controlled marketplace is the better solution until more anti-fraud tools can be put in place. We are building a player marketplace (not an auction house, there's no bidding), but we are not going to be implementing direct player trading for a while (with no guarantees either).
This is generally irrelevant because of all the other problems mentioned in the thread, but lets pretend that the game was doing well for a second in talking about this.

What the fuck? Whoever came up with that policy is absolutely brain damaged. Every MMO-style game that's ever been successful has had to deal with the RMT being a huge thing. It's a symptom of having a successful game. In general, people aren't going to quit your game because there's a gold farmer presence. But people will absolutely quit your game if they can't accomplish the bare minimum of trading with friends that they're playing with. Seriously. How you can try and design your game around a deep economy system (again, lets pretend that they got it right for a moment), and then not allow players access to simple P2P trading is beyond me.


When I saw no trade system I was hoping it'd be Phantasy Star Online v1-style "player a drops their item on the ground, player b drops their item on the ground and you pray that it's actually what you want." How disappointing.

Also don't see how this system prevents anything, at least from the little that's been said of it so far. A common RMT tactic in FFXI was to list a simple item for a huge amount of gil in a player bazaar, then the person selling gil would buy that item. Something similar was also done using FFXI's AH system.



Just started open beta and I'll say that the game has the best gathering system ever. Defending from assaults against waves of mobs and more powerful meaning equipment -> more resources -> more mobs is really a good idea.

Needs to be adapted by games with actual content, however.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Did they improve the game significantly in Open Beta? or is it the same?

Anyone that can summarize the improvements?