Fucked up Dreams Thread

When I was 4-5 years old I used to have a really strange recurring dream. I was like 3 inches tall running away from giant Benjamin Franklin and George Washington. What did they plan to do to me when they caught me? Put me inside these white and brown salt and pepper shakers. They usually caught me.

My cousins and brothers and parents ended up in there with me several times. The others were often scared and had to be consoled... I was a veteran and told them it would be ok, although no consideration was given to how I had escaped in the past. The rest of the dream I spent pondering my predicament, looking up out of the top of the shaker while they occasionally glanced down and talked about me. I wondered how I would turn into salt or pepper if they shook me out of there or how I could escape or why they did it. I couldn't understand what they said, but I remember feeling that they may not have been totally malicious.

Another dream during my heavy EQ days was "waking up" with the UI overlaying my vision in the bedroom. In order to wake up and get out of bed I needed to press the 4 button in my hotkey bank (sit/stand). I tried used my finger to press it but it didn't really work very well because I'd keep missing. Eventually I woke up but never hit the button successfully. Many of you can probably relate to that one.


JunkiesNetwork Donor
I don't have wild, crazy dreams about flying, sharks, falling off a cliff, whatever. I did have a couple EQ dreams when I was overdosing on that shit. All my dreams are completely random, mundane shit that makes no sense in the light of day. I also never, ever have nightmares. I probably haven't had a nightmare since I was a teenager. I would love to know wtf that means.


Shit Lord Supreme
I don't have wild, crazy dreams about flying, sharks, falling off a cliff, whatever. I did have a couple EQ dreams when I was overdosing on that shit. All my dreams are completely random, mundane shit that makes no sense in the light of day. I also never, ever have nightmares. I probably haven't had a nightmare since I was a teenager. I would love to know wtf that means.
Means you're not trying hard enough.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I have a decent archive of my dreams, though this one was the most coherent of the bunch.

Last night's involved waking up in some strange place, and pretending to stay asleep until whoever the local residents of wherever I was at woke me up so they could tell me where the heck I was.

Turns out I was lying next to some dude's daughter's bed (way too young to be that kind of creepy) and they kinna remembered me being belligerent at the bar downstairs. I played "drunk" still, stumbling, lost, not sure where I was. Kept asking for help on where I was. They couldn't really answer me. I found out later, exactly why.

The dude's wife kept flirting with me. Whispering in my ear to come back in 30 minutes when the dude had to leave for work or something. Apparently she wanted me to watch her masturbate or something. I, still pretending to be a bit drunk, suggested more. She seemed increasingly interested.

Turns out the other dude could kind of hear her and knew what kind of person she was, so things got interesting. He ended up chasing me around the hotel/flat with, like, spatulas and stuff. And I thought being drunk could be confusing. I'm apparently afraid of being hit with little rubber kitchen apparatuses.

He eventually upgraded and I found myself chased by a knife. I finally made it outside; the front door was incredibly conspicuous, or maybe I was still pretty trashed in my dream. There were women outside everywhere, looking at me like they knew I'd been involved in some crazy shit the night before.

I ran into one of my sisters, who looked at me concerned for how obliterated I was the night before, but also with a look of relief, surprise and shock that I was alive.

The "Resorts" or "Casinos" that people were staying in were actually "islands" in a jungle of sorts that had swim-up bars at the bottom. Everything was surrounded by water and jungle. They required little boats, or ferries to shuttle people to and from these remote locations.

After figuring out where I was, I waited. Sat at a bar or wandered around the tiny "island" I was on. After a while, I went back up to the room I'd come from. She had had a discussion with husband, and we couldn't fuck but said I was allowed to still watch while she diddled her fiddle. I convince her to let me "handle her stuff". We end up doing the naughty until she climaxed. Nervous and anxious about what had just happened, she goes to drag me out and we run into her friend.

The friend starts off, "Is that the guy?" "Yeah," "Well, what are you kicking him out for? I want to watch, too!" And proceeds to drag all three of us into a bedroom. Well, first she tried to kick me out but after seeing the other girl's completely flushed face, and realized something had already gone down.

The friend comes back with a baby, and I'm like, "That's not exactly going to dissuade me. I know how this works, that's why I don't have any of my own."

They harass me about prolific intercourse and I bring up the, "You mean you'd rather be in a deep, meaningful relationship?" To which I scoff and say, "Yeah, I've been there a couple times already."

Now, back in the room, after being drug by the girl's friend, things get back down to "business". In the middle of eating the first girl out, her friend comments, "It's going to be hot when you lift up and her cum juices are dripping from your face. I can't just sit back and watch." She drops her pants and sits on her friends face.

I eventually leave. Or, I may have been chased out by a gay brother or something. I remember jumping (more like Spider-Man leaping) across a section, and getting kicked out or "off the island" for my previous night's activities as well as acting "dangerous".

On the return boat trip, there was this large dude with rosy painted cheeks who kept calling me a dick. I was supposedly incredibly rude to him and his friends the prior night. I think it was part of his "act"; guy was totally a clown... The boat eventually submerged shortly before the end of the return trip. We all ended up walking across this platform to the regular area, or as my brain called it: the real world.

And then I woke up.


Gunnar Durden
Had a dream a recently deceased friend (Drug Overdose about a year ago) was somehow "Back for a Day" like he was Goku or some shit. Anywho, was like hanging with and talking to a dead friend, who knew he was dead, and discussed events after his death and how he felt about it (Long Story short, bunch of people tried to make off with his shit, like "to remember him by" but were really just looking to steal his MacBook from his parents).

Just was odd. It was like really talking to him, personality wise. Messed me up for a few days emotionally.