Funny, Strange, Random Pics




Silver Baronet of the Realm
but i still don't know how the fuck fedor gets those pics and gifs.does he have a "guy" who sends to him those things,he googles or he is the 1st person ever to reach the end of the internet? lol







Potato del Grande
Haha, I am not 'rustled'.... My 'jimmies' are just fine. Don't be an interwebber and put down those that speak up against things. If you disagree, feel free to speak out, but try and look at the content. Be an individual. They are not 'shitty' pics. They wouldn't last 3 minutes on reddit. They're plain wrong. But, you sure owned me and I'm totally put down! Well done.
So if Fedor is sick and depraved for going out and finding these gifs/pics, what does that make a shithead like you who clicks the spoilers knowing damn well what you're going to find?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So if Fedor is sick and depraved for going out and finding these gifs/pics, what does that make a shithead like you who clicks the spoilers knowing damn well what you're going to find?
I just want the animated gifs and other images separate. I don't care whose asshole is protruding or what hot bitch has a bigger shlong than I do; let me load this thread from my phone please!

I couldn't give a fuck less what shocking bs he throws around, and I think the people crying about seeing a penis while praising tits and ass are all sexually insecure... but unless I'm on a wifi and not running any other apps, and even then only if I'm lucky, these animated tranny gaysex shitting snuff whatevers wreck the thread for me on my phone. That's MY issue!



Bronze Squire
Let's be honest here though. Fedor's posts have crossed from slightly disturbing to utterly disgusting. Spoilering them doesn't change the fact that it takes a twisted odd person to go looking for that shit. I've been coming to fohguild and then this site for 10 years and have never been bothered by any posting until recently. The biggest problem I have is that the older fedor gets the more of a cretin he becomes. This site is 0.1% of my life and I come here to enjoy it. Seeing gifs of distended chick's anuses and women dropping a turd in lingerie are just not worth it. Every 'mod' who lets that happen is enabling it. I was surprised after that moron who kidnapped the 3 girls for 10 years got arrested that fedor kept posting because he's about the same level of depravity.I figured it was him. Enjoy. I'm about done with this place.
You must be new aropund here.



<Prior Amod>
I just want the animated gifs and other images separate. I don't care whose asshole is protruding or what hot bitch has a bigger shlong than I do; let me load this thread from my phone please!

I couldn't give a fuck less what shocking bs he throws around, and I think the people crying about seeing a penis while praising tits and ass are all sexually insecure... but unless I'm on a wifi and not running any other apps, and even then only if I'm lucky, these animated tranny gaysex shitting snuff whatevers wreck the thread for me on my phone. That's MY issue!

So if you hate .gifs being posted in here so much because they cause slow loading on your phone...then why did you just post a .gif of you own?
