Funny, Strange, Random Pics


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>



Trakanon Raider
Fuck Crusties in their mother fucking ass. They are as annoying here in Portland as they ever were when they banded together to occupy a park. They have taken over Waterfront Park and make it almost impossible to visit the food carts near Old Town Chinatown where I work. I never thought I would say this but fall and the rains it brings can not get here fast enough to see these dredges of society leave. The Indians didn't call the Willamette the valley of sickness for no reason.

Besides, these fuckers are not homeless, they are camping. True homeless are not wearing Danner boots , Goretex Jackets and using solar chargers to charge their Apple products.

So what I do now is hand out payout tickets from casinos in Vegas or Indian places from around Oregon. What else am I going to do with a .32 cent cash out slip.

/rant off. Sorry for no pics. But my jimmies get rustled when ever I think about it.
One might say your jimmies are rustled but mine are too about it. I go through waterfront about once a day and hang out at a bar near Voodoo so I deal with these fucks constantly.





Fuck Crusties in their mother fucking ass. They are as annoying here in Portland as they ever were when they banded together to occupy a park. They have taken over Waterfront Park and make it almost impossible to visit the food carts near Old Town Chinatown where I work. I never thought I would say this but fall and the rains it brings can not get here fast enough to see these dredges of society leave. The Indians didn't call the Willamette the valley of sickness for no reason.

Besides, these fuckers are not homeless, they are camping. True homeless are not wearing Danner boots , Goretex Jackets and using solar chargers to charge their Apple products.

So what I do now is hand out payout tickets from casinos in Vegas or Indian places from around Oregon. What else am I going to do with a .32 cent cash out slip.

/rant off. Sorry for no pics. But my jimmies get rustled when ever I think about it.
Hey man. It's the big businesses and wall streets fault that their degree in 13th century roman literature isnt getting them a job. be nice pls


Vyemm Raider
yes way
Non muscle-developing methods[edit source | editbeta]

Some bodybuilders, particularly at professional level, inject substances such as "site enhancement oil", commonly known as synthol, to mimic the appearance of developed muscle where it may otherwise be disproportionate or lagging. This is known as "fluffing".[38][39] Synthol is 85% oil, 7.5% lidocaine, and 7.5% alcohol.[38] It is not restricted, as it is ostensibly sold for topical use only, and many brands are available on the internet.[40] The use of injected oil to enhance muscle appearance in the late 19th century was abandoned[citation needed] due to health risks such as sclerosing lipogranuloma. Its use was revived more recently by bodybuilders.[41][42] Use can cause pulmonary embolisms, nerve damage, infections, stroke,[38] and the formation of oil-filled granulomas, cysts or ulcers in the muscle.[42][43][44] Sesame oil is often used, which can cause allergic reactions such as vasculitis.[45] An aesthetic issue is drooping of muscle under gravity.[40]

**edit: i feel gay following Fedor's pic w/ a dude