Funny, Strange, Random Pics


GIS for downward rectum.

that fingerbutt looks like a GTA map


can someone please science me?

how is the gas coming out of this dude such a different temperature than he is? For that matter, it seems the clothes and much of the environment is virtually the same temperature as the exposed skin of the people in the shot..

it would appear that white is hot.. so is he farting compressed CO2 or dry ice vapor or something?

sure this isn't some sort of other type of imaging? chemical filter or something?
It's more about radiant heat than actual temperature. The fart is pretty close to his internal body temperature when it comes out, but it doesn't radiate much heat hence the darker color. In the image you posted, the gun and magazines are warm due to being in contact with the person, but they don't radiate nearly as much heat as a person's body does, plus they actually block the view to the person's radiant heat, making them highly visible..




It's more about radiant heat than actual temperature. The fart is pretty close to his internal body temperature when it comes out, but it doesn't radiate much heat hence the darker color. In the image you posted, the gun and magazines are warm due to being in contact with the person, but they don't radiate nearly as much heat as a person's body does, plus they actually block the view to the person's radiant heat, making them highly visible..
thanks, I guess, though I still don't think it's a fart... at least not a thermal image of one... As Grumpus pointed out, your rectum does not rest at that angle.. and that's way too much gas (cold gas, in my opinion) to have come out of his butt...

your point about radiant heat makes sense, but I still have a hard time believing that the immediately expelled gas would register like that on a thermal scan.

my attached image of the scan of the chick with a gun had nothing to do with my question, other than that it was an imaging security measure used at an airport.. just an attachment to avoid posting without a pic.

this is what I picture a thermal image of a fart looking like:

*upon further inspection, that appears to be another analysis of the same video.. or maybe someone trying to replicate it, as I understand Mythbusters did in response to that video.. seems it's from 2006 or so.. we're late to the game