Funny, Strange, Random Pics


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>


Golden Knight of the Realm
That cap puts you squarely in the douche category.

Seriously, I don't know one person who wears a cap like that that isn't a blowrag or a homo. What's the thinking?

I wear that style hat from time to time, as a kind of respect for my grandpa. He wore them all the time.


Mr. Poopybutthole
172lbs and a borderline obese BMI would put you at 5'4"

This pic brings back good memories of dearly departed WizardHawk. First time i saw it was in referance to the Cam vs. WH fight fun back on foh as a prediction of Cam winning. RIP WizardHawk
Why do you even bother answering a question like that? I've been a spectator on this site for a pretty long time... long enough to know that you never need to bother answering the most profoundly stupid, mind-numbing, arrogant, condescending, holier-than-thou cheap shots that jerk-offs post just to get a reaction and feel all proud inside. Good job on getting in shape, bro.

an accordion_sl

Why do you even bother answering a question like that? I've been a spectator on this site for a pretty long time... long enough to know that you never need to bother answering the most profoundly stupid, mind-numbing, arrogant, condescending, holier-than-thou cheap shots that jerk-offs post just to get a reaction and feel all proud inside. Good job on getting in shape, bro.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
me before and after 235 172ish we do a yearly health assessment at my work. Even at the lower weight and 12% body fat , still my height and weight had me at borderline obese. The nurse was confused and told me it must not account for muscle. I just laughed and said, nope I am fat ass. So I believe his statement is possible. If you're 5'10" 220 and jacked that chart will still say your over weight and obese. That chart is faulty.
You think this is news to anyone? It's well known among intelligent people that the BMI chart only applies to regular people who do very little physical activity. It's for the 9 to 5 office guy who's logged into his WoW account an hour after he's off work until midnight.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Pic not related;

Why do you even bother answering a question like that? I've been a spectator on this site for a pretty long time... long enough to know that you never need to bother answering the most profoundly stupid, mind-numbing, arrogant, condescending, holier-than-thou cheap shots that jerk-offs post just to get a reaction and feel all proud inside. Good job on getting in shape, bro.
I agree. I was bored last night so figured, why not.
Also thanks.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Don't sweat it, ghetto. This forum seems to be largely populated by self-hating fat assholes. Guys in decent shape are faggots and no woman on Earth is ever hot enough. That kind of transformation is hard work. Props to you sir.
Fat asshole pic related:
yea I know everyone is a pimp and all girls are to low for them. Thanks on the props